Questions tagged [amazon-kinesis-firehose]

Amazon Kinesis Firehose is a fully managed service for delivering real-time streaming data to destinations

Amazon Kinesis Firehose is a fully managed service for delivering real-time streaming data to destinations such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and Amazon Redshift.

Firehose is part of the Amazon Kinesis streaming data family, along with Amazon Kinesis Streams. With Firehose, you do not need to write any applications or manage any resources.

You configure your data producers to send data to Firehose and it automatically delivers the data to the destination that you specified.


  1. Amazon Kinesis - Site

  2. Amazon Kinesis - Documentation

464 questions
7 answers

Append data to an S3 object

Let's say that I have a machine that I want to be able to write to a certain log file stored on an S3 bucket. So, the machine needs to have writing abilities to that bucket, but, I don't want it to have the ability to overwrite or delete any files…
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3 answers

Write parquet from AWS Kinesis firehose to AWS S3

I would like to ingest data into s3 from kinesis firehose formatted as parquet. So far I have just find a solution that implies creating an EMR, but I am looking for something cheaper and faster like store the received json as parquet directly from…
9 answers

Reading the data written to s3 by Amazon Kinesis Firehose stream

I am writing record to Kinesis Firehose stream that is eventually written to a S3 file by Amazon Kinesis Firehose. My record object looks like ItemPurchase { String personId, String itemId } The data is written to S3 looks…
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3 answers

Can I automatically append newlines to AWS Firehose records?

I am trying to configure a Kinesis Analytics application with the following settings: Input stream is a Kinesis Firehose which is taking stringified JSON values The SQL is a simple passthrough (it needs to be more complicated later but for testing,…
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4 answers

AWS Kinesis Firehose not inserting data in Redshift

I try to have a Kinesis Firehose pushing data in a Redshift table. The firehose stream is working and putting data in S3. But nothing arrive in the destination table in Redshift. In the metrics DeliveryToRedshift Success is 0 (DeliveryToRedshift…
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1 answer

Is there a way to manually set an ElasticSearch document id when inserting via AWS Kinesis Firehose?

I have an AWS Kinesis Firehose Stream set up to feed data into an AWS ElasticSearch cluster, and I can successfully insert documents by sending them to the Firehose Stream, which loads them into ElasticSearch. But I would like to be able to manually…
1 answer

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.amazonaws.ClientConfigurationFactory

I am using aws since last 6 months and I developed application that puts batch request to firehose. It was working fine till today but when I redeployed in my local system it is saying java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:…
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1 answer

cannot copy json - Dynamo db Streams to redshift

Following is the use case i am working on: I have configured enable Streams when creating DynamoDB with new and old Image.I have created a Kinesis Firehose delivery stream with Destination as Redshift(Intermediate s3). From Dynamodb my stream…
3 answers

Partition Kinesis firehose S3 records by event time

Firehose->S3 uses the current date as a prefix for creating keys in S3. So this partitions the data by the time the record is written. My firehose stream contains events which have a specific event time. Is there a way to create S3 keys containing…
3 answers

Concatenate s3 files when using AWS Firehose

I have an AWS Kinesis Firehose stream putting data in s3 with the following config: S3 buffer size (MB)* 2 S3 buffer interval (sec)* 60 Everything works fine. The only problem is that Firehose creates one s3 file for every chunk of data. (In…
3 answers

Kinesis Firehose putting JSON objects in S3 without seperator comma

Before sending the data I am using JSON.stringify to the data and it looks like this {"data": [{"key1": value1, "key2": value2}, {"key1": value1, "key2": value2}]} But once it passes through AWS API Gateway and Kinesis Firehose puts it to S3 it…
0 answers

Will PrivateLink allow firehose to access my private Redshift cluster?

I am trying to set up firehose to send data from a kinesis stream to a redshift cluster. Firehose successfully inserts the data to my s3 bucket, but I am receiving the following error when firehose attempts to execute the s3->Redshift copy…
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3 answers

Write to a specific folder in S3 bucket using AWS Kinesis Firehose

I would like to be able to send data sent to kinesis firehose based on the content inside the data. For example if I sent this JSON data: { "name": "John", "id": 345 } I would like to filter the data based on id and send it to a subfolder of…
2 answers

Storing Firehose transfered files in S3 under custom directory names

We primarily do bulk transfer of incoming click stream data through Kinesis Firehose service. Our system is a multi tenant SaaS platform. The incoming click stream data are stored S3 through Firehose. By default, all the files are stored under…
Sriram V
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2 answers

How to do Real-time loading into Amazon Redshift?

We are evaluating Amazon Redshift for real time data warehousing. Data will be streamed and processed through a Java service and it should be stored in the database. We process row by row (real time) and we will only insert one row per…
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