Questions tagged [alarm]

Anything related to the design and implementation of alarms. An alarm is a form of man-machine interaction where the attention of the user of an application or a system is attracted using an audible, a visual or some other kind of signal (or a combination thereof) in order to make the user aware that some event has happened.

Anything related to the design and implementation of alarms. An alarm is a form of man-machine interaction where the attention of the user of an application or a system is attracted using an audible, a visual or some other kind of signal (or a combination thereof) in order to make the user aware that some event has happened.

1448 questions
11 answers

Sound alarm when code finishes

I am in a situation where my code takes extremely long to run and I don't want to be staring at it all the time but want to know when it is done. How can I make the (Python) code sort of sound an "alarm" when it is done? I was contemplating making…
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10 answers

How to automatically restart a service even if user force close it?

I want a service to run all the time in my application. So I want to restart it even if it is force closed by user. There is definitely a way to do it as apps like facebook are doing it.(Its not done using push notification, facebook restarts its…
Vipul J
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4 answers

Delete alarm from AlarmManager using cancel() - Android

I'm trying to create and delete an alarm in two different methods which are both called at different moments in the application logic. However when I call AlarmManager's cancel() method, the alarm isn't deleted. Here's my addAlarm() Method…
Mike Bryant
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5 answers

getExtra from Intent launched from a pendingIntent

I am trying to make some alarms after the user selects something with a time from a list and create a notification for it at the given time. My problem is that the "showname" that a putExtra on my Intent cant be received at the broadcast receiver.…
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3 answers

How to cancel this repeating alarm?

I'm writing something like a reminder for users. Users will set reminders for their events, when the time comes, a repeating alarm will be set to trigger a status bar notification. But the alarm seems non-stop after I selected the notification or…
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6 answers

Android get list of active alarms

Is there any way to get a list of all the active alarms in the android device programmatically in our application programmatically.Just point me out to some links that can be of help I am basically trying to give the user the facility of viewing all…
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6 answers

Using Alarmmanager to start a service at specific time

I have searched a lot of places but couldnt find a clean sequential explanation of how to start a service (or if thats not possible then an activity) at a specific time daily using the AlarmManager?? I want to register several such alarms and…
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3 answers

How to detect if a notification has been dismissed?

Is there any way in Android to detect when a user swipes a notification to the left and deletes it? I'm using an alarmmanager to set a repeating alert and I need my repeating alert to stop when the notification is cancelled by the user. Here's my…
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3 answers

How to repeat notification daily on specific time in android through background service

Hi I am working on application where I have set the notification on user entered date and time through background service. Now I want to set notification/alarm daily at 6 pm to ask user does he want to add another entry? How can I achieve this?…
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3 answers

Start app at a specific time

I was wondering if it's possible (and if it is how) to start up my app at a specific time, something like an alarmclock which goes off at a specific time. Let's say I want my app to start up at 8 in the morning, is that feasable ?
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1 answer

Identify and cancel an alarm send to an AlarmManager

If I use the AlarmManager to schedule an alarm (a PendintIntent which should be send), how can I identify that alarm later to cancel it? Can I cancel all alarms scheduled by my app?
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3 answers

Android - how to set an alarm to a specific date

I have seen a lot of tutorials and been trying for 2 hours now , though something is still wrong. I am very nervous now :) I want to set an alarm e.g. to 16:25 to go off, but nothing happens. I have this code: Calendar cur_cal = new…
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4 answers

signal.alarm replacement in Windows [Python]

I have a function that occasionally hangs. Normally I would set an alarm, but I'm in Windows and it's unavailable. Is there a simple way around this, or should I just create a thread that calls time.sleep()?
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2 answers

python: windows equivalent of SIGALRM

I have this decorator: def timed_out(timeout): def decorate(f): if not hasattr(signal, "SIGALRM"): return f def handler(signum, frame): raise TimedOutExc() @functools.wraps(f) def…
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3 answers

Create an (repetitive high pitch) Alarm on a remote trigger when App is not running (iphone/android) just like Find My iPhone

I would like to cause an alarm on a remote iphone/android device when the app is running or not running. How do I achieve it ? I can only think of Whatsapp/Skype when there is incoming call, its ringing. Or would it be possible to cause the phone to…
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