Questions tagged [alarm]

Anything related to the design and implementation of alarms. An alarm is a form of man-machine interaction where the attention of the user of an application or a system is attracted using an audible, a visual or some other kind of signal (or a combination thereof) in order to make the user aware that some event has happened.

Anything related to the design and implementation of alarms. An alarm is a form of man-machine interaction where the attention of the user of an application or a system is attracted using an audible, a visual or some other kind of signal (or a combination thereof) in order to make the user aware that some event has happened.

1448 questions
2 answers

Android: How to repeat a service with AlarmManager every 15 minutes, but only run from 8:00AM to 18:00PM?

I need to check data update periodly, but the data is only updating during the daytime, so I want this repeating action run only in that time section for saving battery and bandwidth. What should I do?
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3 answers

How to set alarm when mobile has been idle using android?

Hi I want to set alarm when the phone hasn't been touched. If the screen hasn't been touched for nearly 2 minutes, the alarm sound would be raised. How can I do this? Can anybody help me? Thanks in advance.
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1 answer

AlarmClock for Beginners - Android

I'm quite new to Android but already have some experience with Java itself. Now I'd like to set up an App that asks for time and date and then sets up an alarm clock. I already looked through the google apis and lots of other stuff, but either I…
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iOs 8, start playing sound when in the background, alarm clock app

I know there are many questions on SOF, but this is the "newest" one. The thing is, I'm trying to create and alarm app, and I know for a fact that there are alarm apps out there that works perfectly ( somehow ), even if the app is not running and is…
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Alarm Functionality In ReactNative For Android And iOS

I want to make app that play music every day at specific time (for example : 07:00) even if the app in background or turned off I had done it in android with Java & Android SDK using Alarm Manager , i'm looking for something like that for…
Ali Faris
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3 answers

How to schedule my android app to do something every hour

I want my app to access database every hour and read next record from the table then update desctop widget and send notification. I know that there is AlarmManager which I can use to register my Intents but they are deleted when the phone is turned…
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3 answers

How should I clean up hung grandchild processes when an alarm trips in Perl?

I have a parallelized automation script which needs to call many other scripts, some of which hang because they (incorrectly) wait for standard input or wait around for various other things that aren't going to happen. That's not a big deal because…
brian d foy
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3 answers

Where can I find the time picker view of the native alarm clock app of android?

I am looking for the circle shaped view, which allows you to pick the hour and after that the minutes for the alarm. Both, the possible numbers are distributed in a circle. I couldnt find that view in the native API, is there a chance to use this…
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5 answers

which permissions an android application need in order to use the Alarm Manager Service?

If an android application wants to use the Alarm Manager Service, then which permissions the application needs to have? I have tested that it seems that application does not need to have any permission to use the Alarm Manager Service. Is that true?
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4 answers

Android Alarm What is the difference between four types of Alarm that AlarmManager provides and when to use what?

I want to know the difference between RTC, RTC_WAKEUP, ELAPSED_REALTIME, ELAPSED_REALTIME_WAKEUP. I want to write an alarm application where I will set alarm and close my application and expect for alarm for the time set. There will be multiple…
Shaista Naaz
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1 answer

signal.alarm function with resolution greater than 1 second?

I'm trying to build a python timeout exception that runs in milliseconds. The python signal.alarm function has a 1 second resolution. How would one get an equivalent function that requests a SIGALRM signal to a given process in, say milliseconds, as…
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7 answers

How can we play sound alarm after command is done on Mac terminal?

When we run a command that takes a while such as source compile or brew upgrade, we usually do other things such as web searching rather than watching the command running the whole time. Is there any possible way that I can get notified once the…
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1 answer

Android AlarmManager problem with setting & resetting an alarm

I use an Alarm to fetch data from server. I like to give user the option to start and stop the alarm. This means I have to check and see if alarm is already set. I found some code that tells me if the alarm is already set: Intent I = new…
2 answers

Custom alarm notifications IOS keep application running

I am trying to create an alarm clock app which plays either downloaded or streamed video and audio as a local notification. For Android this is doable but for IOS I know that apple has restrictions. I have noticed that Rise and The Rock Clock…
Nicholas Muir
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1 answer

Lollipop API for controlling the Alarm icon in status bar

This is a Lollipop-specific question, since the API has changed. To find out how to do this on earlier versions, see related question: Controlling the Alarm icon in status bar I would like to know how to turn on / off the system Alarm icon in the…
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