Questions tagged [bundle]

Bundles are a group of resources.

A bundle is a directory that has a well-defined structure and can host anything from classes to controllers and web resources. Even if bundles are very flexible, you should follow some best practices if you want to distribute them.

In ASP Net MVC, bundles are used to combine multiple javascript and CSS files into one, improving the download speed of a website.

In Android bundles are, "A mapping from String values to various Parcelable types." -- Bundles are used to save the state of activities and/or fragments as well as passing data between classes.

5102 questions
16 answers

MVC4 StyleBundle not resolving images

My question is similar to this: ASP.NET MVC 4 Minification & Background Images Except that I want to stick with MVC's own bundling if I can. I'm having a brain crash trying to figure out what the correct pattern is for specifying style bundles…
Tom W Hall
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12 answers

What is a "bundle" in an Android application

What is a bundle in an Android application? When to use it?
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15 answers

find_spec_for_exe': can't find gem bundler (>= 0.a) (Gem::GemNotFoundException)

I used sudo bundle install and that might be the cause of the issue? Now I have: gem -v 2.6.14 ruby -v ruby 2.3.5p376 (2017-09-14 revision 59905) [x86_64-darwin15] jekyll -v jekyll 3.6.2 bundle -vBundler version 1.16.0.pre.3 I'm getting the…
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13 answers

How to send parameters from a notification-click to an activity?

I can find a way to send parameters to my activity from my notification. I have a service that creates a notification. When the user clicks on the notification I want to open my main activity with some special parameters. E.g an item id, so my…
Vidar Vestnes
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6 answers

Should everything really be a bundle in Symfony 2.x?

I'm aware of questions like this, where people tend to discuss the general Symfony 2 concept of bundle. The thing is, in a specific application, like, for instance, a twitter-like application, should everything really be inside a generic bundle,…
Daniel Ribeiro
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14 answers

ASP.NET Bundles how to disable minification

I have debug="true" in both my web.config(s), and I just don't want my bundles minified, but nothing I do seems to disable it. I've tried enableoptimisations=false, here is my code: //Javascript bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/MainJS") …
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5 answers

Passing a Bundle on startActivity()?

What's the correct way to pass a bundle to the activity that is being launched from the current one? Shared properties?
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6 answers

What's onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

Can anyone help me to know about the Bundle savedInstanceState in onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) I am newbie in Android. I try to understand it from But I am not able to understand. Can anyone simplify it?
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11 answers

How to send objects through bundle

I need to pass a reference to the class that does the majority of my processing through a bundle. The problem is it has nothing to do with intents or contexts and has a large amount of non-primitive objects. How do I package the class into a…
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11 answers

bundle install returns "Could not locate Gemfile"

I'm new to Rails and am currently working through a guide. The guide states: Use a text editor to update the Gemfile needed by Bundler with the contents of Listing 2.1. source '' gem 'rails', '3.2.3' group :development do …
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9 answers

Benefit of using Parcelable instead of serializing object

As I understand, Bundle and Parcelable belongs to the way Android performs serialization in. It is used for example in passing data between activities. But I wonder, if there are any benefits in using Parcelable instead of classic serialization in…
Vladimir Ivanov
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7 answers

Android HashMap in Bundle?

The android.os.Message uses a Bundle to send with it's sendMessage-method. Therefore, is it possible to put a HashMap inside a Bundle?
Marcus Toepper
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7 answers

How can I specify an explicit ScriptBundle include order?

I'm trying out the MVC4 System.Web.Optimization 1.0 ScriptBundle feature. I have the following configuration: public class BundleConfig { public static void RegisterBundles(BundleCollection bundles) { // shared scripts …
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11 answers

Bundler: can't find gem bundler (>= 0.a) with executable bundle (Gem::GemNotFoundException) during bundle install with gem

I'm executing the following script: gem install rdoc --no-document gem install bundle bundle output: + gem install rdoc --no-document Successfully installed rdoc-6.1.1 1 gem installed + gem install bundle Successfully installed bundle-0.0.1 Parsing…
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1 answer

Can someone explain Webpack's CommonsChunkPlugin

I get the general gist that the CommonsChunkPlugin looks at all the entry points, checks to see if there are common packages/dependencies between them and separates them into their own bundle. So, let's assume I have the following…
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