Questions tagged [agile-processes]

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Agile Software Development Wikipedia link

Agile Manifesto reads, in its entirety, as follows:

We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:

  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan

That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.

55 questions
2 answers

How do I delete a Discipline in EPF Composer 1.5?

I'm making a method combining Scrum with the OpenUP lifecycle and deliverables. I also want to keep the OpenUP disciplines apart from "Project Management". I can "hide" it so that it's not immediately obvious in my generated method site. But when…
Andrew Harmel-Law
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6 answers

Agile development; on-line free tools!

We have been looking to implement Agile methodology within our geographically distributed development team, so i need suggestions on any free on-line application that you have used and find useful. Right now we are using paper cards and wall to…
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11 answers

Kanban/Scrum Boards

I'm curious as to what other people use for physical Kanban/Scrum boards in their companies. I appreciate that because of sensitive business information you may not be able to provide a photo of the board. I"m looking at to find out what does your…
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2 answers

Does ITIL fit into an Agile world?

Our IT manager is pushing for ITIL, I'm only loosely familiar with it and wanted to know if ITIL fits into an Agile work-cycle well? From my initial impression I would assume no, mainly because what our manager is proposing is to put timelines…
Brett Ryan
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5 answers

Agile manifesto principle not understood

what is the intention of this: Simplicity--the art of maximizing the amount of work not done--is essential.
Sajad Bahmani
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8 answers

Functional Spec & Agile Processes

In traditional Waterfall, requirements were gathered - typically in a MS-Word document - following an esoteric template. In a "strict" waterfall model, this document is frozen after the requirement phase and a Change Control / Change Management…
Vyas Bharghava
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6 answers

When is an agile iteration considered complete?

I am working on a team that is exploring the possibility of adopting agile development practices. One question that we are running up against is deciding when an iteration (sprint) should complete. Let's say we've defined our feature backlog, and…
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2 answers

How do I determine if svn:mergeinfo is corrupt and how would I fix it?

I suspect I have corrupt mergeinfo but I'm not sure. Does anyone know how I'd make a determination and what resources are out there to help fix problems? Here’s the issue. My team recently moved to agile and uses feature branches (story branches…
Peter Kahn
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5 answers

Cruise Control .NET time build spends in failed state

My team has a goal to minimize the amount of time that our build is broken. We use CruiseControl.NET for continuous integration. What I'd like to find out is how best to approach answering the following question: "In the last {timespan}, how much…
6 answers

What is the best way to handle multiple projects when you have a single development team?

Is Agile/Scrum the answer? How does Scrum handle this? One Product Owner, One PRoduct Backlog vs Multiple Product Owners and Product Backlogs? How is it working for you? Please share your success failure stories? I am trying to put a process…
Srikar Doddi
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10 answers

Software tool for agile project management

We user JIRA for bug tracking and release management and we have started using greenhopper for project management inside of JIRA but one thing that it lacks is the idea of user stories versus tasks in those users stories. Does anyone recommend…
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5 answers

Is it wise to generate stories for defects when using Scrum and there is no story already created?

Let's say you are working on a piece of legacy code that was written before your company started using an Agile methodology like Scrum. Now let's say you discover a bug in the field that needs to be fixed and there was never a story for that feature…
Brian T Hannan
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1 answer

difference between agile model and spiral model

Can anyone explain me the differences between the spiral and agile models in simple terms as I am beginner?? Can you give me some real world egs. where spiral is more useful than agile and vice-versa... I know there are so many links available on…
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1 answer

Developers and DevOps?

Hearing a lot about DevOps (agile technique in operations) these days. Can someone shed some light on the level of involvement by the actual developers in this process ??
Mahi Satyanarayana
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5 answers

How to deal with clients and iterations in Agile team?

This thread is a follow up to my previous one. It's in fact 2 questions, so I hope no one minds, as they are dependent on each other. We are starting a new project at work and we consider it as a great opportunity to try Agile techniques in action.…
Ondrej Slinták
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