Questions tagged [user-stories]

is a way of software requirements documentation focused on user-centered design

176 questions
5 answers

What is the difference between a User Story and a Feature in Agile terminology?

I guess a feature could be something like "credit card authorization", while a user story may be "authorize credit card for paypal". So, is a user story a subset of a feature?
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Breaking a project's first User Story in to tasks

I'm starting a new project from scratch and have written User Stores to describe how a given user will interact with the system. But, I'm having trouble understanding how to break the first user story in to tasks without the first one becoming an…
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3 answers

How to write stories / scenarios in BDD ( Behavior Driven Design )

I am about to use BDD (Behavior Driven Design) for the first time and am trying to get used to this different way of approaching a problem. Can you give some stories / scenarios that you would write for say a simple login application using BDD?…
Lill Lansey
6 answers

Given When Then Testing - Do I NEED a "When"?

I am implementing some smoke tests to our website. I'm using a Given/When/Then format for existing automated acceptance tests/User stories. But now I want to do an initial smoke test of: Given I'm on the homepage Then I should see "Welcome To The…
Dan Black
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Writing user stories for internal technical tasks

I am attempting to manage my projects a little better so I am looking at attempting to apply some of (eventually all) the features of scrum. Looking at user stories specifically the high level format seems to be: As a User I can Feature Description…
Johnno Nolan
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3 answers

Is there a way to delete a comment from a user story in VSTS?

I can delete user stories and tasks, no problem, but I can't figure out how to delete a comment from the discussion in a VSTS user story.
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12 answers

Are there any web apps that do user stories cards?

We do distributed agile development and could really us a solution like story cards on a wall/board, only on a webpage where you could easily drag and drop them. Any suggestions? Thanks.
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Must an actor of a user story be a human being?

User stories are traditionally written as expression "As a [User Type] I want [feature] so that [some benefit]". In the books and online resources [User Type] typically correspond to a role of a human being. However, when describing features of…
Vagif Abilov
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6 answers

User stories vs use cases

Are use cases just multiple user stories?? What are the benefits of using user stories over use cases.. and vice-versa... When to use one over other... Does all agile methodologies uses user stories??
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5 answers

Should we use personas in user stories?

The book User Stories Applied contains single page discussing Personas. The definition of persona from the book is: A persona is imaginary representation of a user role. It futher discuss definition of the persona: Creating personas requires…
Ladislav Mrnka
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4 answers

Scrum stories and behind the scenes features

As I understand things, the Scrum backlog is composed of a series of Stories that represent something for the end user and this is further decomposed into Features. If this is the case, where does all the behind the scenes features go that aren't…
James P.
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7 answers

Managing user stories for a large project

We are just starting on a pretty big project with lots of sub projects. we don't currently use any kind of named process but I am hoping to get some kind of agile/scrumlike process in by the back door. The area I will be focusing on most is having a…
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3 answers

Agile: User Stories for Machine Learning Project?

I've just finished up with a prototype implementation of a supervised learning algorithm, automatically assigning categorical tags to all the items in our company database (roughly 5 million items). The results look good, and I've been given the…
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6 answers

Agile - User Story Definitions

I'm writing a small app for my friend's business, and thought I'd take the opportunity to brush up on some Agile Project Management training I did at the start of the year. I (and I think, my current organisation!) have always struggled with…
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4 answers

Specific examples of Agile documentation?

In an answer to the question Documents for a project?, Chris Ballance replied that "User Stories" and a "burndown chart" are the two most useful types of project documentation for a developer. My question is, do you know of any good example[s],…
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