Questions tagged [activity-indicator]

195 questions
12 answers

How to set the activity indicator in the navigation bar?

I am new to iphone development. I want to set an activity indicator in the navigation bar. I see my activity indicator below the navigation bar. My code is here - (IBAction) gomethod : (id) sender { xxMapSubviewcontroller =…
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7 answers

Android view pager with page indicator

I need to get page indicator in the view pager file with images. Here is my code. public class IndicatorActivity extends Activity { /** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle…
6 answers

ReactNative ActivityIndicator not displaying

Packages that am using: "@react-native-community/datetimepicker": "^2.6.0", "@react-native-community/masked-view": "^0.1.10", "@react-native-firebase/app": "^8.2.0", "@react-native-firebase/auth": "^8.2.0", "@react-navigation/drawer":…
Vpp Man
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2 answers

Indicate that processor-heavy JS function is running (GIF spinners don't animate)

Showing then hiding animated indicator / spinner gifs are a good way to show a user that their action has worked and that something is happening while they wait for their action to complete - for example, if the action requires loading some data…
3 answers

How do I place my activityIndicator programmatically?

I want to place my activityIndicator where I want it programmatically, but I don´t know how. I know how to put it in the center of the screen: = But I want something like…
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3 answers

Animating Activity Indicator on iOS launch screen

Is it possible to use UIActivityIndicator on the iOS launch screen? I tried, but it's not animating. Has anyone tried this or know whether it's possible?
Zoeb S
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How implement a UIActivityIndicatorView when the UIWebView is Loading? (iPhone ObjC)

I want to know how to implement an activityIndicator in a WebView based app, I wrote the following code but the indicator does not appear. The webview load file locally, so it load very fast, but when it load an external page it load slow and I need…
4 answers

Activity Indicator not appearing

I have some heavy code that runs for around 0.2 seconds. I set up the activity indicator like this; however, it doesn't show up, but rather the whole screen freezes for around 0.2seconds until the code finishes. func heavyWork() { …
Joon. P
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1 answer

How to set an activity indicator on Custom button in iphone

I am new to iPhone development. I want to set an activity indicator which is loaded on my custom button. Please guide me. (Example: App store --> Search --> Show 25 more (on click)).
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React-Native ActivityIndicator doesn't hide after animation finish

I have an ActivityIndicator that shows while fetch is loading and the wheel disappears when componentDidMount is fired, but keeps and empty block space in the layout. I'm guessing how to unmount this component but anything worked for me. I'm…
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1 answer

How do I round the corners of my Activity Indicator Background

I am BRAND NEW to coding. With that said, I have figured out how to put a grey background behind my white activity indicator spinner. Now I want the corners of the background to be rounded. I have searched and searched but I'm not having…
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7 answers

iPhone: When should the network activity indicator be used

I have just started including networking functionality into my apps. I know that you should use the network activity indicator when the user is actively waiting for something, but what about if it was just a subtle background communication with the…
Alex Coplan
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2 answers

how to hide and show loading spinner - Activity Indicator react native, managing props and state

I have created a custom Activity Indicator class and I want to control the hide/show of it from where I use it. Here is what I have done. CustomActivityIndicator.js import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { ActivityIndicator, View,…
0 answers

React Native ActivityIndicator causing high CPU load and overheating

I'm using React Native component ActivityIndicator to display a preloading state. However, if this state persists for a few moments longer than expected (or app get stuck in the preloading state) my CPU starts to rapidly overload. You might think…
2 answers

Disable Xamarin Form and Show Activity Indicator

I have a Xamarin Form which is using Scroll View. I am trying to show a Activity Indicator at the top as I have a ListView in the middle. But when the user scrolls down the loading is not shown. So, I need help in disabling the page and showing…
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