Questions tagged [abmultivalue]

An opaque type property that can have multiple values. All the contained values must be of the same type. Each value has a unique identifier and a non-unique label, which may be one of the provided labels or one defined by the user.

14 questions
1 answer

How do I pull the Country field out of an ABAddressBookRef?

I'm having trouble understanding how to access the properties of an address in a an ABAddressBookRef. I've done it okay with telephone numbers: ABMultiValueRef phoneNumberProperty = ABRecordCopyValue(person, kABPersonPhoneProperty); NSArray*…
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0 answers

ABMultiValueCopyLabelAtIndex returns null, but the label is visible in the address book

I'm trying to read the label of a particular instant message service in the address book. In this case I'm testing with the Facebook Messenger service, on my phone. The contact has linked contacts, but only one recorded instant message service. I…
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1 answer

ABMultilValueGetIndexForIdentifier returns incorrect Index when Contact has LinkedContacts

I've noticed a bug in the logic we use to handle the selection of a specific email for a contact presented by an ABPeoplePickerNavigationController. The bug occurs specifically when we the contact has Linked Contacts, from Twitter or Facebook. I've…
Ben M.
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Primary / Default ABMultiValue property?

I need a user to enter their name, phone number, and email address. To help them out, if they enter any one of the three, I want to look up that value in their Address book and populate the remaining fields. For example, if they enter their name,…
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How to update: (COCOA/OSX) ABPerson / ABMultiValue (phonenumbers)?

II trying to change the value of ABPerson / ABMultiValue (the phone numbers). Anyway to update these? ABAddressBook *ab = [ABAddressBook sharedAddressBook]; NSArray *persons = [ab people]; int j=[persons count]; for (int i=0; i
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1 answer

Swift: Set Address Property of ABRecord

I took a look at the SE question here [Avinash's answer] and the Apple resource here [bottom of page 18 and top of page 19] in my attempt to set an address for an ABRecord. I did my best to translate them from Objective-C, but apparently I made an…
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What is ABMultiValueAddValueAndLabel outIdentifier?

I've been working around with this AddressBook method and I don't get to understand what is the outIdentifier used for: bool ABMultiValueAddValueAndLabel ( ABMutableMultiValueRef multiValue, CFTypeRef value, CFStringRef label, …
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1 answer

Sigsegv crash when using AddressBookUI framework

Hi i have an error in a crash log that i cannot understand: Incident Identifier: A0DFD1F1-8CB5-4D97-B19C-F73438F50136 CrashReporter Key: [TODO] Hardware Model: iPhone4,1 Process: Rubrica4146 [1163] Path: …
2 answers

I am retrieving contact's multiple addresses but only want Home address

Does anyone know how to retrieve the Home address from multiaddress in iOS? I have got permission from user and everything else but the problem is, I only want the Home address. ABAddressBookRef addressBook = ABAddressBookCreate(); __block BOOL…
Ramiz Girach
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1 answer

Sort ABMultiValueRef(kABPersonPhoneProperty)

Well, to get phones property with ABAddressBook, I use a loop. EDIT : code I've tried : ABMultiValueRef phones = ABRecordCopyValue(contactPerson, kABPersonPhoneProperty); for (NSUInteger j = 0; j <…
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1 answer

"Binary operator '<' cannot be applied to two CFIndex operands" - choosing a phone number from ABMultiValue (Address Book)

I'm trying to use AddressBook and AddressBookUI to show a view of the address book, where a user can then tap on a contact and then the phone number, and the app receives the phone number. I'm having an issue when I iterate through the ABMultiValue…
Sam Heather
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1 answer

Monotoch GetPhones ABMultiValue Inconsistent

I am using the following code to get phones numbers from the address book. ABAddressBook mybook = new ABAddressBook(); ABPerson[] allPeople = mybook.GetPeople(); foreach(ABPerson thisPerson in allPeople){ if(thisPerson.GetPhones() != null) …
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1 answer

Read kABPersonHomePageLabel from contact

I'm trying to access the homepages/websites from the users contacts on a iPad. I'm actually trying to modify an existing script that is used as a Native Extension for Adobe Air -…
1 answer

Default Phone Number for Texting in ABPerson

I am trying to get the default phone number for sending a text message for an iPhone Address Book contact using ABPerson. I understand that ABMultiValue is to be used. But I cannot find out if there is a way to determine the default text message…
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