Questions tagged [addressbookui]

The Address Book UI framework for iOS provides controllers that facilitate displaying, editing, selecting, and creating records in the Address Book database.

The Address Book UI framework is a framework for iOS () that provides controllers that facilitate displaying, editing, selecting, and creating records in the Address Book database.

External resources:

81 questions
3 answers

How to select a contact with ABPeoplePickerNavigationController in Swift?

I have added the ABPeoplePickerNavigationController into my first view controller. I want that when I select a contact show the info to show in other view controller, but I'm trying use my code and this not show never when I click in a contact. This…
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3 answers

Assign ringtone to contact or group of contacts in iphone

I checked the documentation but could not find anywhere regarding assigning ringtone to a group of contacts programmatically. I was wondering is it even possible without using Private API and app store safe ? My question is the duplicate of this and…
Janak Nirmal
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1 answer

How whatsapp get updated contacts from addressbook faster in iOS?

My findings I am designing a logic to sync contact with my Backend. I gone through some apps that doing same thing in IOS. I will take the example of WhatsApp, I found that When I update any contact in Native Addressbook, it reflect that change into…
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2 answers

Address Book UI Framework deprecated methods

I am working on an existing objective c project , While reading Address Book UI Framework Reference for iOS i found the below classes have deprecated in iOS 9 . ( ABUnknownPersonViewController , ABPersonViewController ,…
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1 answer

Adding and Saving New Contact to AddressBook

I have a problem that I can't quite seem to solve even though I've used resources I've found on Google and on here. I've only started being taught Swift and how to use Xcode about a month ago, hence, I'm very new, and the problem I have is probably…
Gee Storey
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4 answers

Cannot select contact on iOS 8

I have a subclass of ABPeoplePickerNavigationController to handle selecting a contact phone number in my app. Everything works great on iOS 7 and below. On iOS 8, however, my ABPeoplePickerNavigationControllerDelegate does not get hit when…
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Detecting contacts in address book that use the app - Swift

I'm currently building an app in Swift and I'm having some trouble implementing a feature. When a user signs up, he enters his phone number which is then stored in the database. Right after the sign up process, I want to display a list of all the…
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0 answers

Retrieving ABRecordRef in Swift

I'm having a problem while save the RecordID into NSUserDefault and than retrieving it and list on a table view. in the method: func peoplePickerNavigationController( peoplePicker: ABPeoplePickerNavigationController!, didSelectPerson person:…
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2 answers

Is it possible to Pick Multiple Users from AddressBook

I am trying to select Multiple Users from AddressBook.Is it possible ? As far as i checked. In ABPeoplePickerNavigationController it is possible to select 1 user at a time from AddressBook.Likewise is it possible to pick Multiple Users from…
Grey Code
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2 answers

ABPeoplePickerNavigationController shouldContinueAfterSelectingPerson return to search result

- (BOOL)peoplePickerNavigationController: (ABPeoplePickerNavigationController *)peoplePicker shouldContinueAfterSelectingPerson:(ABRecordRef)person { DefaultContactSelectViewController *view = [[self storyboard]…
Ricky Gu
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0 answers

iOS 9 unable to access camera from addressbookui/contactsui while adding a new contact

Since iOS 9 while adding a new contact in my app using addressbookui framework I am unable to add photo from camera although I can add a photo from photo library. This works as expected in iOS 8 and below versions. I have used even contactsUI API…
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3 answers

iOS 6 Create new contact via ABPeoplePickerNavigationController

I am trying to follow Apple's Address book programming guide, and have question about peoplePickerController. The example photo from Apple tutorial has 'plus' button on the top-right which seems to be able to allow user to add new contact via…
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1 answer

ABPeoplePickerNavigationController auto dismiss without showing addressbook book

I am using ABPeoplePickerNavigationController for selection of address book contact by user. With this code behind action of a button: ABPeoplePickerNavigationController *picker = [[ABPeoplePickerNavigationController alloc]…
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1 answer

How to pass string object to name field of ABNewPersonViewController.h?

I am working on a business card reader apps. When I read a card, I get a string object from OCR output. I separate string as different other string as like as name, address, phone no, email and web address. But my problem is here that I can't send…
2 answers

Address Book and Map Kit

I am writing an app for iPhone iOS 3.0, where I want to use Map Kit and Address Book together. I have a database of places (restaurants, for example) with name, location, phone, address and some other data. I list them in a table view and when I…
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