Questions tagged [.nettiers]

.netTiers is a set of open source code generation templates that simplify the tasks of creating customized Application Tiers for your Microsoft.Net applications in just a few minutes.

The official product page can be found here and official community support should be logged here.

58 questions
5 answers

ORM Tool - Crossroads?

Hi I seem to be at an ORM Tool crossroad and would like some advice of people who have faced a similar challenge. In the past I have been using CodeSmith with NetTiers Templates to generate my DAL all has been quite good, however I have decided to…
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1 answer

How to call SQL Function directly from CodeSmith generated service dlls

In a project we are using CodeSmith to generate database layer, Codesmith seperate creates service classes for each SQL View and SQL Table, using these service classes we can call StoredProcedures that has prefix "ViewOrTableName". My problem is…
Imran Rizvi
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2 answers

How to mock or stub a .netTiers generated DataRepository object

I am using Rhino mocks for unit test mocking of objects. Our DAL uses codesmith to generate code from .netTiers templates, which creates these DataRepository classes that contain all the methods for CRUD type transaction to the datasource. In unit…
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1 answer

.nettiers Changing connections at run time

Are there any .netTiers ninjas out there that know how to change the database connection at run time? I've found the following article on their documentation: Towards the end, it has a code snippet…
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1 answer

nettiers data class library not recognized

I needed to make a console application using nettiers class libraries. I created a new Console Application project, added references to all the libraries from NetTiers and created an app.config file with all the necessary configurations. I get…
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0 answers

Using Machine.Config and Global Assembly Cache for ActiveX controls - Recommended or not?

I'm currently working with an intranet site which requires the use of an ActiveX control to do some Client side functions. However the app normally reads some settings from the Web.Config (We are using the .netTiers framework). I've found I can get…
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1 answer

How to create nettiers templates from compiled code that was generated in nettiers

I have recently inherited a web site application that incorporates layers generated in nettiers. I need to continue to use these layers, but as I develop and update my database design, I need to regenerate these layers. I do not have the templates…
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2 answers

.netTiers vs SubSonic

I had some time this afternoon to run a head to head comparison between netTiers and SubSonic. I used code generated using SubStage (part of the SubSonic 2.1 release) and I used RepositoryRecord as my base class. I ran the same test against the same…
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1 answer

Can the .netTiers framework be used with windows forms

Does nettiers available for windows form? it is very good template for codesmith code generator. asked because of : this if yes give me link for more information,
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1 answer

StackOverflowException serializing a .netTiers entity

I have a simple WCF service: public Order[] GetOrdersByStatus(int statusid) { OrderService os = new OrderService(); TList orders = os.GetByOrderStateID(statusid); return orders.ToArray(); } when this returns it throws a…
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1 answer

Stick with NetTiers or move to Entity Framework

I have been using NetTiers for a long time in my projects and I have not have issues. But now I am considering taking my development to Visual Studio 2013 and NetTiers doesn't support the platform. I have read a couple stuff on Entity Framework and…
Kacey Ezerioha
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1 answer

Data not refreshing in netTier DAL- possibly caching issue?

We're having a strange issue with one entity/data-source seemingly caching data in Data Access layer. Basically the tables are a standard SQL Server table (SQL server 2008 R2). The code is generated the same way using the same template(NetTier…
4 answers

Visual Studio solution structure using Codesmith frameworks (NetTiers / Plinqo)

I have been using the Codesmith framework NetTiers to generate a DAL etc., into a folder called, say, 'NetTiers', outside my main project's folder, and referencing the DLLs within that folder from my main project. I've started using the Plinqo…
Ralph Lavelle
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2 answers

Want a Strongly Typed Result from a JOIN in .netTiers

Given a query like: SELECT table1.field1 FirstField, table2.field2 SecondField FROM table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON table1.FK = table2.PK WHERE table1.somefield = 'somevalue'; My objective is to return a strongly typed result set using…
Bob Kaufman
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1 answer

NetTiers 2.3 generation failing

I have a .nettiers 2.3 template that I have been generating from a SQL Server 2008 database which has been working for some time. In the last few days, however, the generation has been failing with the output saying there is 1 Error/Warning, but I…
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