On Mac and Windows it is possible to use docker.for.mac.host.internal (replaces docker.for.mac.localhost) and docker.for.win.host.internal (replaces docker.for.win.localhost) host.docker.internal (Docker 18.03+) inside container.

Is there one for Linux that will work out of the box without passing env variables or extracting it using various CLI commands?

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    In 18.03 there is a docker.host.internal, but it didn't work for me. – James O'Brien Apr 05 '18 at 03:40
  • Possible duplicate of [From inside of a Docker container, how do I connect to the localhost of the machine?](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24319662/from-inside-of-a-docker-container-how-do-i-connect-to-the-localhost-of-the-mach) – Siyu Nov 11 '18 at 01:01
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    There is open [PR](https://github.com/docker/libnetwork/pull/2348) which add "host.docker.internal" feature to Linux. Wait until it will be accepted, and now as a workaround, you can use [special container](https://github.com/qoomon/docker-host) which add unified "dockerhost" host and you can use this from docker. – Serhii Popov Jul 05 '19 at 16:20

11 Answers11


Depends what you're trying to do. If you're running with --net=host, localhost should work fine. If you're using default networking, use the static IP I suspect neither will behave quite the same as those domains.

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    Wow! `` actually works! I found this nowhere in the documentation or any of the forums complaining about `host.docker.internal` not working. Is this IP guaranteed to always link to the host machine? – Jules Colle May 30 '20 at 14:00
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    You can edit your /etc/hosts and add docker.host.internal – PHZ.fi-Pharazon Jul 02 '20 at 06:16
  • I can attest the ``-trick this works with GitHub Actions! – Alex Sep 03 '20 at 11:00
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    I disagree that it "depends what you're trying to do". It does not depend what we are trying to do. We are trying to do only one thing that is connect to the host machine from inside the container. I already know it is discouraged and that's why we can't. But I have a task to solve. PHP-code needs to connect from inside Docker to my code editor. – Gherman Dec 09 '20 at 13:07
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    @JulesColle It is "guaranteed" as long as you are on the default network. `` is no magic trick, but simply the gateway of the network `bridge`, which happens to be the host. All containers will be connected to `bridge` unless specified otherwise. [See here](https://docs.docker.com/engine/tutorials/networkingcontainers/) – FirefoxMetzger Mar 02 '21 at 14:52

For linux systems, you can – starting from major version 20.04 of the docker engine – now also communicate with the host via host.docker.internal. This won't work automatically, but you need to provide the following run flag:


See the answer here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/61424570/3757139

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    Is there a way to enable this in daemon.json or something? I'm thinking about test environments of Rancher and Kubernetes, where I don't want to take care of every single one of the many containers. – qräbnö Nov 26 '20 at 18:20
  • When running`--add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway` on CentOS I received the error `invalid argument "host.docker.internal:host-gateway" for "--add-host" flag: invalid IP address in add-host: "host-gateway"` Are you expecting to need to replace `host-gateway` with the actual host IP? – mummybot Dec 03 '20 at 16:08
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    The magical IP number worked: `--add-host=host.docker.internal: \` – mummybot Dec 03 '20 at 16:36
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    this works for me too. is bridge network's gateway address in my case. if anyone has different network settings , they can get this by doing docker inspect. – Aniket Chopade Dec 08 '20 at 13:52
  • Only newer docker versions have the magical string `host-gateway`, that converts to the docker default bridge network ip (or host's virtual IP when using docker desktop). You can test running: `docker run --rm --add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway ubuntu:18.04 cat /etc/hosts`, then see if it works and show the ip in the hosts file (there should be a line like ` host.docker.internal` in it). – Lucas Basquerotto Apr 20 '21 at 19:47

One solution is to use a special container which redirects traffic to the host. You can find such a container here: https://github.com/qoomon/docker-host. The idea is to grab the default route from within the container and install that as a NAT gateway for incoming connections.

An imaginary example usage:

  image: qoomon/docker-host
  cap_add: [ 'NET_ADMIN', 'NET_RAW' ]
  restart: on-failure
    - PORTS=999

  image: ...
    SERVER_URL: "http://docker-host:999"
  command: ...
    - docker-host
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Jonas Chapuis
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This is my solution:

IP_ADDRESS=$(ip addr show | grep "\binet\b.*\bdocker0\b" | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d '/' -f 1)

then in docker-compose:

  docker.host: ${IP_ADDRESS}
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Antonio Petricca
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For linux there isn't a default DNS name for the host machine. This can be verified by running the command:

docker run -it alpine cat /etc/hosts

This feature has been requested, however wasn't implemented. You can check this issue. As discussed you can use the following command to find the IP of the host from the container.

netstat -nr | grep '^0\.0\.0\.0' | awk '{print $2}'

Alternatively, you can provide the host ip to the run command via docker run --add-host dockerHost:<ip-address> ...

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    That's not equivalent by any means. Having something that will resolve with dns gives you the ability to put it in config files without evaluating or sed'ing, or other funky stuff. – James O'Brien Apr 05 '18 at 03:38
  • More often than not `grep | awk` can be just awk: `awk '/^0\.0\.0\.0/{print $2}'` :) – cviejo Jun 05 '19 at 10:38

Using the docker0 interface ip, say, could be a good workaround.

Just be sure that the service you need to reach listens to external connections. A typical example is Mysql who binds to by default, resulting unreachable until you allow external connections (es. binding to

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IP=$(ip -4 route list match 0/0 | awk '{print $3}')
echo "Host ip is $IP"
echo "$IP   host.docker.internal" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts

It will add host.docker.internal to your hosts. Then you can use it in xdebug config.

Here is example of env variable in docker-compose.yml

XDEBUG_CONFIG: remote_host=host.docker.internal remote_autostart=On remote_enable=On idekey=XDEBUG remote_log=/tmp/xdebug.log remote_port=9999

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If you are using Docker Compose + Linux, you have to add it manually (at least for now). Use extra_hosts on your docker-compose.yaml file:

version: '3.7'


      context: .
      - "host.docker.internal:host-gateway"

Do not forget to update Docker since this only works with Docker v20.10+.

Source : https://github.com/docker/for-linux/issues/264#issuecomment-784985736

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  • For allowing internal HTTP requests in Linux, use the static IP

  • Run the following command to get the static IP

$(ip addr show | grep "\binet\b.*\bdocker0\b" | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d '/' -f 1)

  • Add the new IP to allowed hosts

  • Now change the request URL with this IP

req = requests.get('')

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host.docker.internal exists only in Windows WSL because Docker Desktop for Windows runs Docker daemon inside the special WSL VM Docker-Desktop. It has its own localhost and its own WSL2 interface to communicate with Windows. This VM has no static IP. The IP is generated every time when VM is created and passed via host.docker.internal in the generated /etc/hosts to every distro. Although there is no bridge or real v-switch all ports opened on eth0 of VM internal network are mapped on the host Local network, BUT NOT ON THE ETH0 OF THE HOST. There is no real bridge and port mapping - nothing to configure. Inside WSL VM its Localhost is the same as the localhost of the Linux machine. 2 processes inside WSL VM can communicate via localhost. Cross-distro IPC must use host.docker.internal. It is possible to create bridge inside WSL VM -Docker does it.


For linux, I was able to use the service name I was trying to connect to, e.g. one of my containers (php-fpm) was trying to connect to mysql, so I used mysql as the host name, since that's the service name in my docker-compose

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  • This question is about connecting to the host system, not another service inside the same docker-compose environment. – burny May 07 '21 at 12:30