With the advent of Docker 20.10, host-gateway is supposed to be available on Linux platforms (as detailed in this wonderful answer). As such, it should be possible to create a docker-compose script which is platform agnostic. (I myself am on Debian.)

Here are some links to some questions and answers that were helpful in getting me this far: here, here, and here (along with some of the other answers and comments)

I'm trying to create a script for running The Graph, which involves having ipfs and postgres running inside a Docker container, and connecting to an instance of a blockchain outside of Docker (on port 8545). Here is the script:

 version: '3'
      - "host.docker.internal:host-gateway"
    image: graphprotocol/graph-node
      - '8000:8000'
      - '8001:8001'
      - '8020:8020'
      - '8030:8030'
      - '8040:8040'
      - ipfs
      - postgres
      postgres_host: postgres
      postgres_user: graph-node
      postgres_pass: let-me-in
      postgres_db: graph-node
      ipfs: 'ipfs:5001'
      ethereum: 'localhost:http://host.docker.internal:8545'
      RUST_LOG: info
    image: ipfs/go-ipfs:v0.4.23
      - '5001:5001'
      - ./data/ipfs:/data/ipfs
    image: postgres
      - '5432:5432'
    command: ["postgres", "-cshared_preload_libraries=pg_stat_statements"]
      POSTGRES_USER: graph-node
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: let-me-in
      POSTGRES_DB: graph-node
      - ./data/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data

Docker starts just fine, and the instances of ipfs, postgres, and the graph-node all start up fine, but then the graph-node's RPC calls (to the blockchain) all fail with errors similar to the following:

WARN Trying again after eth_getBlockByNumber(0, false) RPC call failed (attempt #18) with result Err(Transport error: Error(Connect, Os { code: 111, kind: ConnectionRefused, message: "Connection refused" }))

Am I using extra-hosts wrong? What might I be able to do to make this script work both on my Linux machine, but also for Mac and Windows users?


The Renaissance
  • 261
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  • Did you figure out a solution for that problem? I have the same issue.. – Ndrslmpk Feb 02 '21 at 14:06
  • @Twixx unfortunately not – The Renaissance Feb 02 '21 at 14:26
  • 1
    I am running into this issue now. it just randomly started happening. When I ssh into the graph-node docker, I can ping into the host no problem, but as soon as I add the port 8545 to connect to chain I get connection refused. I am using --hostname option on the hardhat node, so not sure what can be going on here.... – Naz May 19 '21 at 22:51
  • 1
    hmm and now it randomly works... seems like it was this --hostname option on the hardhat node that fixed it. – Naz May 19 '21 at 22:53

1 Answers1


It is possible that the application running on your host is bound to a different interface than the one used by Docker.

You can check with netstat:

$ netstat -pan | grep 8545
tcp6       0      0          :::*                    LISTEN      496150/java

If it is listening on, like in this example, this means it can only be accessed via the loopback interface.

The solution is to find out what IP address host-gateway points to and make sure the service binds to that IP address instead of

If it's no problem when the service is available on all interfaces (including for example your wifi network), you can bind to to make it available on all interfaces.

Arnout Engelen
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