Questions tagged [ring-theory]

This tag is for questions about rings, which are a type of algebraic structure studied in abstract algebra and algebraic number theory.

A ring $R$ is a triple $(R,+,\cdot)$ where $R$ is a nonempty set such that $(R,+)$ forms an abelian group, $(R,\cdot)$ forms a semigroup, and the two operations are related by the distributive laws: $a\cdot(b+c)=a\cdot b+a\cdot c$ and $(b+c)\cdot a=b\cdot a+c\cdot a$.

Important examples of rings include domains (such as the integers), fields (such as the real numbers), square matrix rings, polynomial rings, and rings of functions. Rings are studied in their own right in abstract algebra, but they are also prominently used in number theory, geometry, algebraic geometry, and logic.

Many authors require the semigroup $(R,\cdot)$ to have an identity, often denoted $1_R$ or $1$. Many other authors do not make that requirement. This difference is something that students and posters should be aware of. Scholars of the former school call the structures not necessarily having a unit element . Scholars of the latter school call $R$ a ring with identity, when $1_R$ exists. This difference of opinions has an impact on the definition of a ring homomorphism. The scholars who include the presence of $1_R$ as an axiom assume that it is preserved under ring homomorphisms. The scholars who don't insist on the existence of $1_R$ obviously cannot make this requirement.

The operation $\cdot$ does not have to be commutative, but when it is, $R$ is called a commutative ring.

There are numerous types of rings studied in different ways. An ideal in a ring is the ring-theoretic analogue of a normal subgroup of a group. The study of ideals is an important component of ring theory.

This tag often goes along with the and/or tags.

19658 questions
4 answers

What is the difference between a Ring and an Algebra?

In mathematics, I want to know what is indeed the difference between a ring and an algebra?
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2 answers

Why is $\mathbb{Z}[\sqrt{-n}], n\ge 3$ not a UFD?

I'm considering the ring $\mathbb{Z}[\sqrt{-n}]$, where $n\ge 3$ and square free. I want to see why it's not a UFD. I defined a norm for the ring by $|a+b\sqrt{-n}|=a^2+nb^2$. Using this I was able to show that $2$, $\sqrt{-n}$ and $1+\sqrt{-n}$…
3 answers

What is difference between a ring and a field?

The ring axioms require that addition is commutative, addition and multiplication are associative, multiplication distributes over addition. A field can be thought of as two groups with extra distributivity law. A ring is more complex: with…
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5 answers

Every nonzero element in a finite ring is either a unit or a zero divisor

Let $R$ be a finite ring with unity. Prove that every nonzero element of $R$ is either a unit or a zero-divisor.
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4 answers

Why are the only division algebras over the real numbers the real numbers, the complex numbers, and the quaternions?

Why are the only (associative) division algebras over the real numbers the real numbers, the complex numbers, and the quaternions? Here a division algebra is an associative algebra where every nonzero number is invertible (like a field, but without…
Noah Snyder
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2 answers

What kind of work do modern day algebraists do?

Often times in my studies I get the impression that algebra is just a tool to help with other branches of mathematics, like algebraic geometry, algebraic number theory, algebraic topology, etc. How true this is, I am not sure. So I suppose I want to…
13 answers

How to show that every Boolean ring is commutative?

A ring $R$ is a Boolean ring provided that $a^2=a$ for every $a \in R$. How can we show that every Boolean ring is commutative?
7 answers

If $a^3 =a$ for all $a$ in a ring $R$, then $R$ is commutative.

Let $R$ be a ring, where $a^{3} = a$ for all $a\in R$. Prove that $R$ must be a commutative ring.
Aj I
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3 answers

Why is the localization at a prime ideal a local ring?

I would like to know, why $ \mathfrak{p} A_{\mathfrak{p}} $ is the maximal ideal of the local ring $ A_{\mathfrak{p}} $, where $ \mathfrak{p} $ is a prime ideal of $ A $ and $ A_{\mathfrak{p}} $ is the localization of the ring $ A $ with respect to…
6 answers

Why is ring addition commutative?

What is the motivation behind axiomatically forcing the underpinning group of a ring to be abelian? Noncommutative rings are vastly more complex than commutative ones, so I am assuming that allowing the additive operation to be noncommuting would…
Nick Thomas
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1 answer

An example of a division ring $D$ that is **not** isomorphic to its opposite ring

I recall reading in an abstract algebra text two years ago (when I had the pleasure to learn this beautiful subject) that there exists a division ring $D$ that is not isomorphic to its opposite ring. However, the author noted that the construction…
8 answers

Show that $\langle 2,x \rangle$ is not a principal ideal in $\mathbb Z [x]$

Hi I don't know how to show that $\langle 2,x \rangle$ is not principal and the definition of a principal ideal is unclear to me. I need help on this, please. The ring that I am talking about is $\mathbb{Z}[x]$ so $\langle 2,x \rangle$ refers to…
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3 answers

Ideals of $\mathbb{Z}[X]$

Is it possible to classify all ideals of $\mathbb{Z}[X]$? By this I mean a preferably short enumerable list which contains every ideal exactly once, preferably specified by generators. The prime ideals are well-known, but I'm interested in all the…
Martin Brandenburg
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6 answers

Is there a non-commutative ring with a trivial automorphism group?

This question is related to this one. In that question, it is stated that nilpotent elements of a non-commutative ring with no non-trivial ring automorphisms form an ideal. Ted asks in the comment for examples of such rings but there are no answers.…
2 answers

The Chinese Remainder Theorem for Rings.

The Chinese Remainder Theorem for Rings. Let $R$ be a ring and $I$ and $J$ be ideals in $R$ such that $I+J = R$. (a) Show that for any $r$ and $s$ in $R$, the system of equations \begin{align*} x & \equiv r \pmod{I} \\ x & \equiv s…