Questions tagged [pattern-recognition]

1. From a samples of a small samples of mathematical objects, conjecture a common pattern to all of them. This includes "guess the next terms in the sequence" question (consider checking OEIS first). Please provide as much context as possible. 2. Mathematical ideas related to pattern recognition, subfields of AI and statistics. Please check first if StackOverflow, Computer Science Stack Exchange, or Cross Validated is more appropriate.

Generally the term "pattern recognition" would refer to one of the two following type of question:

  • The question involve seeing a samples of a small number of mathematical objects, and attempt to figure out what are the rest of the objects are, and what properties would they have, and the properties of the class of objects as a whole.

One frequently seen type of question in this category is "guess the next number in sequence." If there is no explicit mathematical context given, such a question will, typically, be rapidly closed. For such a question that does have an explicit mathematical context, the first few terms of a sequence of numbers is given, and the answer would need to explain the pattern (for example, a recurrence formulas) that describes the sequence, and the next term or the next few terms in the sequence. If your question is of this type, consider checking OEIS (On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences) first to see if your sequences have appeared before.

Other types in this category exist too. For example, a formula might be given that produce a group based on some parameters. After plugging in some small values, one get certain groups, and trying to find a common properties among all those small sample might hint at a theorem about all groups given by that formulas.

Note that by nature, questions in this category do not have any standard for correct answer, as the answer is required to extrapolate a small samples to a general pattern. This is frequently the case with "guess the next terms in the sequence" question as usually seen in school. However, many questions do have such a standard, as long as it is put in a suitable context. Before posting the question, consider adding as much context as possible.

Questions in this category might not have a single answer, as it is not unusual for there to be many correct patterns (perhaps they are logically equivalence, or perhaps there are other reasons).

  • The question is about mathematical ideas related to the fields referred to as "pattern recognition", subfields of artificial intelligence as well as statistics.

The various subfields grouped under the term "pattern recognition" concerns with the task of making computer recognize patterns from a large amount of data. Given a large sets of data, the computer is expected to be able to classify them, figure out relationships between variables, extrapolate or interpolate to new data points, figure out global properties to the set of data, etc. A specific subfield, computer vision, is where the term came from, so "pattern recognition" might refer to just that subfield. Before posting a question of this category, consider whether it would be more appropriate to post in StackOverflow, Computer Science Stack Exchange, or Cross Validated.

604 questions
14 answers

Help with a prime number spiral which turns 90 degrees at each prime

I awoke with the following puzzle that I would like to investigate, but the answer may require some programming (it may not either). I have asked on the meta site and believe the question to be suitable and hopefully interesting for the…
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4 answers

Eyebrow-raising pattern of number of primes between terms of the Fibonacci number sequence?

So, $$1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21...$$ Any connection to primes? appears not. However, in between the Fibonacci numbers are how much primes? Let's see: $1$ and $1$: $0$ $1$ and $2$: $0$ $2$ and $3$: $0$ $2$ and $3$: $0$ $5$ and $8$: $1$ $8$ and $13$:…
18 answers

Getting the sequence $\{1, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, \ldots\}$ without trig?

What's the simplest way to write a function that outputs the sequence: {1, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, ...} ... without using any trig functions? I was able to come up with a very complex sequence involving -1 to some complicated formula, but I was…
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6 answers

If a prime number is reversed, and then appended to itself, why is the result always a composite number?

$2 \Rightarrow 22$ which is a composite number. $37 \Rightarrow 3773$ which is a composite number. $523 \Rightarrow 523325$ which is a composite number. $8123 \Rightarrow 81233218$ which is a composite number. If you take any prime, reverse it,…
8 answers

Are Mersenne prime exponents always odd?

I have been researching Mersenne primes so I can write a program that finds them. A Mersenne prime looks like $2^n-1$. When calculating them, I have noticed that the $n$ value always appears to be odd. Is there confirmation or proof of this being…
1 answer

A random walk on a finite square with prime numbers

This question is following two similar questions that you can find here and here. The idea is to walk on a square of length $n\times n$, following some rules. We will identify the opposite sides. Formally, the square with the opposite sides…
E. Joseph
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3 answers

A prime number random walk

This question came to my mind thanks to this question which I found really interesting (and beautiful! Like the mathematician Philippe Caldero said in his book Histoires Hédonistes de Groupes et de Géométries (roughly translated) "Let us stop for a…
E. Joseph
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2 answers

Prime Number Rows in a Pascal's Triangle

Most of you know what is a Pascal's Triangle. You add the two numbers above the number you are making to make the new number below. I've figured that for every prime number row, all numbers on the row (except for the first and last numbers, which…
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2 answers

What is this pattern found in the first occurrence of each $k \in \{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9\}$ in the values of $f(n)=\sqrt{n}-\lfloor \sqrt{n} \rfloor$?

Learning how to generate the Mandelbrot set, I came across the definition of the "escape condition" which is the one that decides the color that is applied to each point of the plane where the Mandelbrot set is being calculated. I tried to use that…
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2 answers

Closed form for $ S(m) = \sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{2^n \cdot n^m}{\binom{2n}n} $ for integer $m$?

What is the (simple) closed form for $\large \displaystyle S(m) = \sum_{n=1}^\infty \dfrac{2^n \cdot n^m}{\binom{2n}n} $ for integer $m$? Notation: $ \dbinom{2n}n $ denotes the central binomial coefficient, $ \dfrac{(2n)!}{(n!)^2} $. We have the…
6 answers

How is this a number sequence $58, 26, 16, 14, 10$

I recently had a IQ Test taken and we all got stuck on the same question. The question was: What comes next in the following sequence? $$58, 26, 16, 14,\_\_$$ The answer given in the answer sheet was $10$. My question is why? What pattern exists in…
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2 answers

Understanding this pattern behind the Fibonacci sequence

To be honest, I'm pretty awful at mathematics however, when up till 6AM I do like to do random things throughout the night to keep me occupied. Tonight, I began playing with the Fibonacci sequence in the Python programming language. I understand…
8 answers

General formula for nth element of the sequence 0, 1, 0, 1, ...

The sequence is $f = 0, 1, 0, 1, \ldots$ I want to find a general formula for the $n$th element. The sequence starts at $n = 0$ (the $0$ here is not the first element $0$ but rather denotes the $0$th position). One easy and obvious solution is:…
4 answers

How to solve this sequence $165,195,255,285,345,x$

This is a question appeared in a competitive exam. The question is: Find the unknown term in $165,195,255,285,345,x$ 1)375 $\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ $ 2)420 3)435 $\ \ \ \ \ \ \ $ 4)390 My Research Effort $$a_n…
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7 answers

Pattern to last three digits of power of $3$?

I'm wondering if there is a pattern to the last three digits of a a power of $3$? I need to find out the last three digits of $3^{27}$, without a calculator. I've tried to find a pattern but can not see one? Am I missing something? Thanks for your…
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