Questions tagged [matrix-equations]

This tag is for questions related to equations, with matrices as coefficients and unknowns. A matrix equation is an equation in which a variable stands for a matrix .

Definition: Let $~v_1,~v_2,~\cdots~,v_n~ $ and $~b~$ be vectors in $~\mathbb{R^n}~$. Consider the vector equation $$x_1~v_1+x_2~v_2+~\cdots~+x_n~v_n=b~$$This is equivalent to the matrix equation$$~Ax=b~$$

where $~~A=\begin{pmatrix} \cdot & \cdot & \cdots & \cdot \\ v_1 & v_2 & \cdots & v_n \\ \cdot & \cdot & \cdots & \cdot \\ \end{pmatrix};~~ x=\begin{pmatrix} x_1 \\ x_2\\ \cdots\\ x_n \end{pmatrix} ~~\text{and}~~ b=\begin{pmatrix} b_1 \\ b_2\\ \cdots\\ b_n \end{pmatrix}$

Since a matrix equation $ ~AX=B~$ (where $ ~X~$ is a column vector of variables) is equivalent to a system of linear equations, we can use the same methods we have used on systems of linear equations to solve matrix equations. Namely:

$(1.)~~$ Write down the augmented matrix $ ~A \vdots B$.

$(2.)~~$ Row-reduce to a new augmented matrix $~ \overline A \vdots \overline B~$ in row echelon form.

$(3.)~~$ Use this new matrix to write a matrix equation equivalent to the original one.

$(4.)~~$ Use this new, equivalent matrix equation to find the solutions to the original equation.

In mathematics, matrix equation (which is a system of linear equations) is the basis and a fundamental part of linear algebra, a subject which is used in most parts of modern mathematics. Computational algorithms for finding the solutions are an important part of numerical linear algebra, and play a prominent role in engineering, physics, chemistry, computer science, and economics. A system of non-linear equations can often be approximated by a linear system (see linearization), a helpful technique when making a mathematical model or computer simulation of a relatively complex system.

Very often, the coefficients of the equations are real or complex numbers and the solutions are searched in the same set of numbers, but the theory and the algorithms apply for coefficients and solutions in any field. For solutions in an integral domain like the ring of the integers, or in other algebraic structures, other theories have been developed, see Linear equation over a ring. Integer linear programming is a collection of methods for finding the "best" integer solution (when there are many). Gröbner basis theory provides algorithms when coefficients and unknowns are polynomials. Also tropical geometry is an example of linear algebra in a more exotic structure.

3973 questions
4 answers

Solutions to the matrix equation $\mathbf{AB-BA=I}$ over general fields

Some days ago, I was thinking on a problem, which states that $$AB-BA=I$$ does not have a solution in $M_{n\times n}(\mathbb R)$ and $M_{n\times n}(\mathbb C)$. (Here $M_{n\times n}(\mathbb F)$ denotes the set of all $n\times n$ matrices with…
Goodarz Mehr
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7 answers

Product of inverse matrices $ (AB)^{-1}$

I am unsure how to go about doing this inverse product problem: The question says to find the value of each matrix expression where A and B are the invertible 3 x 3 matrices such that $$A^{-1} = \left(\begin{array}{ccc}1& 2& 3\\ 2& 0& 1\\ 1& 1&…
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1 answer

A System of Matrix Equations (2 Riccati, 1 Lyapunov)

Setup: Let $\gamma \in(0,1)$, ${\bf F},{\bf Q} \in \mathbb R^{n\times n}$, ${\bf H}\in \mathbb R^{n\times r}$, and ${\bf R}\in \mathbb R^{r\times r}$ be given and suppose that ${\bf P}$,${\bf W}$,${\bf X}\in \mathbb R^{n\times n}$, and ${\bf…
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6 answers

$AB-BA=I$ having no solutions

The following question is from Artin's Algebra. If $A$ and $B$ are two square matrices with real entries, show that $AB-BA=I$ has no solutions. I have no idea on how to tackle this question. I tried block multiplication, but it didn't appear to…
Ishan Banerjee
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3 answers

If $\,A^k=0$ and $AB=BA$, then $\,\det(A+B)=\det B$

Assume that the matrices $A,\: B\in \mathbb{R}^{n\times n}$ satisfy $$ A^k=0,\,\, \text{for some $\,k\in \mathbb{Z^+}$}\quad\text{and}\quad AB=BA. $$ Prove that $$\det(A+B)=\det B.$$
3 answers

$AB=BA$ implies $AB^T=B^TA$ when $A$ is normal

I am looking for an elementary proof (if such exists) of the following: $$ AB=BA \quad\Longrightarrow\quad AB^T=B^TA, $$ where $A$ and $B$ are $n\times n$ real matrices, and $A$ is a normal matrix, i.e., $AA^T=A^TA$ - it is true for complex…
Yiorgos S. Smyrlis
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3 answers

For every matrix $A\in M_{2}( \mathbb{C}) $ there's $X\in M_{2}( \mathbb{C})$ such that $X^2=A$?

True\False? For every matrix $A\in M_{2}( \mathbb{C}) $ there's $X\in M_{2}( \mathbb{C})$ such that $X^2=A$. I know that every complexed matrix has a Jordan form matrix $J$ such that $P^{-1}CP=J$, But it's not diagonalizable for sure. Thanks
4 answers

Why use Gauss Jordan Elimination instead of Gaussian Elimination, Differences

Why use Gaussian Elimination instead of Gauss Jordan Elimination and vice versa for solving systems of linear equations? What are the differences, benefits of each, etc.? I've just been solving linear equation systems, of the form Ax = B, by…
1 answer

Matrix algebra: The "magical inverse" trick

In relation to my Master' Thesis, I made an observation that has bothered me for some time now, and I come here hoping that some of you guys can shed some light on it. In my project I work with a complex block matrix on the form $$\begin{equation} B…
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5 answers

Do row operations change the column space of a matrix?

I know that (i) row operations do not change the row space (ii) column operations do not change the column space and (iii) row rank = column rank (but this is sort of unrelated, I think). But, is it true that row operations do not change both the…
4 answers

Conversion of rotation matrix to quaternion

We use unit length Quaternion to represent rotations. Following is a general rotation matrix obtained ${\begin{bmatrix}m_{00} & m_{01}&m_{02} \\ m_{10} & m_{11}&m_{12}\\ m_{20} & m_{21}&m_{22}\end{bmatrix}}_{3\times 3}\tag 1 $. How do I accurately…
3 answers

Must a matrix of which all conjugates have zero diagonal be zero?

Let $A$ be an $n \times n$ real matrix with the following property: All the conjugates of $A$ have only zeros on the diagonal. Does $A=0$? (By conjugates, I mean all the matrices similar to it, over $\mathbb{R}$, that is I require the conjugating…
Asaf Shachar
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3 answers

pi approximation with Newton's method to an arbitrary rate of convergence

If $a_1$ to $a_3$ is the solution of this linear system of equations $$\left(\begin{array}{rrr|r} -1&2&-3& -1\\ 1&-8&27&0 \\ -1 & 32 & -243 & 0 \end{array}\right)$$ then $f_3(x) = a_1\sin(x)+ a_2 \sin(2x) + a_3 \sin(3x)$ defines a function with…
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4 answers

What is the dimension of $\{X\in M_{n,n}(F); AX=XA=0\}$?

Let $A$ be a fixed $n\times n$ matrix over a field $F$. We can look at the subspace $$W=\{X\in M_{n,n}(F); AX=XA=0\}$$ of the matrices which fulfill both $AX=0$ and $XA=0$. Looking a these equations we get that all columns of $X$ have to fulfill the…
5 answers

How to follow matrix operations in proofs?

I'm a software engineer trying to learn linear algebra and feel like I'm having a hard time following matrix computations. For example, this is a part of the least squared method for linear model: $$\sum\limits_{i=1}^n ||\mathbf\theta^T\mathbf…
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