Questions tagged [inverse]

Inverses include: multiplicative inverse of a number (reciprocal), inverse function, matrix inverse, etc. A subject tag such as (linear-algebra), (algebra-precalculus) or (arithmetic) should be added to clarify in which sense "inverse" is used. This tag should never be the only tag on a question.

An inverse is an operation that reverses the effect of another operation. This is a broad concept that arises in many areas of mathematics.

  • Multiplicative inverse: $2^{-1} = 1/2$
  • Inverse function: $\sin^{-1}x$ is the inverse of sine
  • Inverse matrix $A^{-1}$
  • Left and right inverses of group elements, of operators between linear spaces, etc.
4149 questions
33 answers

If $AB = I$ then $BA = I$

If $A$ and $B$ are square matrices such that $AB = I$, where $I$ is the identity matrix, show that $BA = I$. I do not understand anything more than the following. Elementary row operations. Linear dependence. Row reduced forms and their…
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12 answers

Inverse of the sum of matrices

I have two square matrices: $A$ and $B$. $A^{-1}$ is known and I want to calculate $(A+B)^{-1}$. Are there theorems that help with calculating the inverse of the sum of matrices? In general case $B^{-1}$ is not known, but if it is necessary then it…
Tomek Tarczynski
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7 answers

Transpose of inverse vs inverse of transpose

I can't seem to find the answer to this using Google. Is the transpose of the inverse of a square matrix the same as the inverse of the transpose of that same matrix?
Void Star
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1 answer

Is the following matrix invertible?

$$\begin{bmatrix} 1235 &2344 &1234 &1990\\ 2124 & 4123& 1990& 3026 \\ 1230 &1234 &9095 &1230\\ 1262 &2312& 2324 &3907 \end{bmatrix}$$ Clearly, its determinant is not zero and, hence, the matrix is invertible. Is there a more elegant way to do…
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9 answers

Is the inverse of a symmetric matrix also symmetric?

Let $A$ be a symmetric invertible matrix, $A^T=A$, $A^{-1}A = A A^{-1} = I$ Can it be shown that $A^{-1}$ is also symmetric? I seem to remember a proof similar to this from my linear algebra class, but it has been a long time, and I can't find it in…
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8 answers

How to find the inverse modulo $m$?

For example: $$7x \equiv 1 \pmod{31} $$ In this example, the modular inverse of $7$ with respect to $31$ is $9$. How can we find out that $9$? What are the steps that I need to do? Update If I have a general modulo equation: $$5x + 1 \equiv 2…
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8 answers

Why does this "miracle method" for matrix inversion work?

Recently, I answered this question about matrix invertibility using a solution technique I called a "miracle method." The question and answer are reproduced below: Problem: Let $A$ be a matrix satisfying $A^3 = 2I$. Show that $B = A^2 - 2A + 2I$ is…
David Zhang
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7 answers

Functions that are their own inverse.

What are the functions that are their own inverse? (thus functions where $ f(f(x)) = x $ for a large domain) I always thought there were only 4: $f(x) = x , f(x) = -x , f(x) = \frac {1}{x} $ and $ f(x) = \frac {-1}{x} $ Later I heard about a fifth…
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4 answers

Derivative of the inverse of a matrix

In a scientific paper, I've seen the following $$\frac{\delta K^{-1}}{\delta p} = -K^{-1}\frac{\delta K}{\delta p}K^{-1}$$ where $K$ is a $n \times n$ matrix that depends on $p$. In my calculations I would have done the following $$\frac{\delta…
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2 answers

Why aren't integration and differentiation inverses of each other?

Integration is supposed to be the inverse of differentiation, but the integral of the derivative is not equal to the derivative of the integral: $$\dfrac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}x}\left(\int f(x)\mathrm{d}x\right) = f(x) \neq…
Frank Vel
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6 answers

What's the inverse operation of exponents?

You know, like addition is the inverse operation of subtraction, vice versa, multiplication is the inverse of division, vice versa , square is the inverse of square root, vice versa. What's the inverse operation of exponents (exponents: 3^5)
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7 answers

Inverse of an invertible triangular matrix (either upper or lower) is triangular of the same kind

How can we prove that the inverse of an upper (lower) triangular matrix is upper (lower) triangular?
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1 answer

Why is that if every row of a matrix sums to 1, then the rows of the inverse matrix sums to 1 too?

Why is that if every row of a matrix sums to $1$ then the rows of its inverse matrix sum to $1$ too? For example, consider $$A=\begin{pmatrix} 1/3 & 2/3 \\ 3/4 & 1/4 \end{pmatrix}$$ then its inverse is $$A^{-1}=\begin{pmatrix} -3/5 & 8/5 \\ 9/5 &…
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2 answers

Given $g(x)$ and $f(g(x))$, solve for $f(x)$.

I've hit a wall on the above question and was unable to find any online examples that also contain trig in $f(g(x))$. I'm sure I am missing something blatantly obvious but I can't quite get it. $$ g(x)=3x+4 , \quad f(g(x)) =…
5 answers

Is there a matrix of every size with all its submatrices invertible?

Let's call a real matrix of size $m \times n$ totally invertible if for every $k$ rows and $k$ columns that we choose, we get an invertible matrix. I am curious about the following: Is there a totally invertible matrix for all sizes $m \times…
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