Questions tagged [abstract-algebra]

For questions about monoids, groups, rings, modules, fields, vector spaces, algebras over fields, various types of lattices, and other such algebraic objects. Associate with related tags like [group-theory], [ring-theory], [modules], etc as necessary. To clarify which topic of abstract algebra is most related to your question and help other users when searching.

Abstract algebra is the study of algebraic objects, i.e. sets endowed with one or more operations on the elements of those sets. In particular, the study of abstract algebra considers the algebraic structures and properties of which such operations induce. It can be considered as the generalization of the study of the algebraic structure of the integers and real numbers (arithmetic), or the study of matrices and vector spaces (linear algebra).

Some algebraic objects are monoids, groups, rings, fields, vector spaces, modules, algebras, and categories, among many other less prominent objects.


  1. The set of non-negative integers $\mathbb{N} = \{0,1,2,3,\dotsc\}$ is a monoid under the operation $+$.

  2. The integers $\mathbb{Z} = \{\dotsc,-1,0,1,\dotsc\}$ under the binary operation of $+$ form a group.

  3. Furthermore, $\mathbb{Z}$ has the structure of a ring when you consider it as being equipped with both addition and multiplication.

  4. The real numbers $\mathbb{R}$ with their usual addition and multiplication form a field.

  5. The set of $n\times n$ matrices with entries in $\mathbb{R}$ with matrix addition and multiplication form a ring.

  6. The set of $1\times n$ vectors over the real numbers, with vector addition, and multiplication by elements of the $n\times n$ real matrices on the right are an example of a module for the ring of matrices.

In addition to studying the objects themselves, abstract algebra considers homomorphisms between the objects and various constructions and tools, which are useful for studying the objects.

78557 questions
2 answers

Ring homomorphism with $\phi(1_R) \neq1_S$

Let $R$ and $S$ be rings with unity $1_R$ and $1_S$ respectively. Let $\phi\colon R\to S$ be a ring homomorphism. Give an example of a non-zero $\phi$ such that $\phi(1_R)\neq 1_S$ In trying to find a non-zero $\phi$ I've done the following…
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A group of order $120$ cannot be simple

We know that: Theorem: If a simple group $G$ has a proper subgroup $H$ such that $[G:H]=n$ then $G\hookrightarrow A_n$. This fact can help us to prove that any group $G$ of order $120$ is not simple. In fact, since $n_5(G)=6$ then $[G:N_G(P)]=6$…
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Algebra defined by $a^2=a,b^2=b,c^2=c,(a+b+c)^2=a+b+c$

Let $\cal A$ be the (noncommutative) unitary $\mathbb Z$-algebra defined by three generators $a,b,c$ and four relations $a^2=a,b^2=b,c^2=c,(a+b+c)^2=a+b+c$. Is it true that $ab\neq 0$ in $A$ ? This question is natural in the context of an older…
4 answers

Spectrum of a field

Let's $F$ be a field. What is $\operatorname{Spec}(F)$? I know that $\operatorname{Spec}(R)$ for ring $R$ is the set of prime ideals of $R$. But field doesn't have any non-trivial ideals. Thanks a lot!
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Simple group of order $660$ is isomorphic to a subgroup of $A_{12}$

Prove that the simple group of order $660$ is isomorphic to a subgroup of the alternating group of degree $12$. I have managed to show that it must be isomorphic to a subgroup of $S_{12}$ (through a group action on the set of Sylow…
10 answers

$p = x^2 + xy + y^2$ if and only if $p \equiv 1 \text{ mod }3$?

For a prime number $p \neq 3$, do we have that$$p = x^2 + xy + y^2$$for some $x$, $y \in \mathbb{Z}$ if and only if$$p \equiv 1 \text{ mod }3?$$I suspect this is true from looking at the example$$7 = 2^2 + 2 \times 1 + 1^2.$$Here is a thought I…
3 answers

Unique factorization domain that is not a Principal ideal domain

Let $c$ be an integer, not necessarily positive and not a square. Let $R=\mathbb{Z}[\sqrt{c}]$ denote the set of numbers of the form $$a+b\sqrt{c}, a,b \in \mathbb{Z}.$$ Then $R$ is a subring of $\mathbb{C}$ under the usual addition and…
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5 answers

Applications of graph theory to algebra?

Seeing as graphs model relations and algebra is essentially entirely based on relations, one would think that the two fields would inform each other. I know that algebra has many applications to graph theory, but what about applications of graph…
2 answers

Maximal Ideals in Ring of Continuous Functions

Dummit and Foote, 7.4.33(a): Let $R$ be the ring of all continuous functions $[0,1] \to \mathbb{R}$ and let $M_c$ be the kernel of evaluation at $c \in [0,1]$, i.e. all $f$ such that $f(c) = 0$. Show that if $M$ is a maximal ideal in $R$ then $M =…
4 answers

Distributive Law and how it works

Quick question, which seems to irritate some people as it apparently strikes them as a nonsensical question: Why does the distributive law only work in one direction (in $(ℝ,+,*)$)? Why does it work this way: $$ a * (b + c) = (a * b) + (a * c)…
John Smith
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5 answers

Is $\mathbb{Z}[\sqrt{15}]$ a UFD?

Let $R=\mathbb{Z}[\sqrt{15}]=\{a+b\sqrt{15}:a,b\in\mathbb{Z}\}$. How do I show that $(3,\sqrt{15})$ is a maximal ideal but not a principal ideal? How do I show that $(3,\sqrt{15})^2$ is a principal ideal? How do I show that $R$ is (not) a…
1 answer

Example of a ring such that $R^2\simeq R^3$, but $R\not\simeq R^2$ (as $R$-modules)

The usual example of unitary ring without the IBN property is the ring of column finite matrices, and in this case we have $R\simeq R^2$ as (left) $R$-modules. (See also here.) In particular, we have $R^2\simeq R^3$. I wonder if there is an…
1 answer

Is there a distributive law for ideals?

I'm curious if there is some sort of distributive law for ideals. If $I,J,K$ are ideals in an arbitrary ring, does $I(J+K)=IJ+IK$? The containment "$\subset$" is pretty clear I think. But the opposite ontainment doesn't feel like it should work.…
chelsea cain
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5 answers

Irreducibility of $f(x)=x^4+3x^3-9x^2+7x+27$

Question at hand is: Is $x^4+3x^3-9x^2+7x+27$ irreducible in $\Bbb Q$ and/or $\Bbb Z$. This is for an exam, reasoning is trivial, but no calculators in hand. Clearly, if there is a rational root, they are integers by Rational Root theorem and…
1 answer

Can we always find a primitive element that is a square?

Let $L/\mathbb Q$ be a finite field extension. The Primitive Element Theorem says that there is an element $\alpha \in L$ so that $L=\mathbb Q(\alpha)$. Can I always find an element $\beta \in L$ so that $L=\mathbb Q(\beta^2)$ ?
Lisa Mainhard
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