Questions tagged [zendesk-api]

For questions related to Zendesk's REST API.

See also:

132 questions
1 answer

Zendesk API From Client Code

I have set up JWT based authentication so that my iOS and Android clients can submit tickets for a given user. I see that the widgets are hitting: My question is, is this API documented? I would…
Alex Rothberg
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1 answer

Changing an object properties then calling a function inside a custom function with javascript

Title is probably a little messy. Basically what I'm trying to do is to create a custom function that will modify an object properties, then return that object, and then call a function. A little background on what I'm doing : Trying my best with…
2 answers

How to add all urls starting with some url to zendesk api client

I'm making oauth with Zendesk and I need to add redirect urls to api client on Zendesk. What I want to do is to accept all urls that starts with For example: Is it possible to do and if yes how?
Nikola Klipa
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1 answer

How can I import asciidoc files from gitHub files into Zendesk as articles?

I have a handful of asciidoc/README type files associated with some of my project repositories in gitHub. I am using Zendesk as a support portal and knowledge base. I would like to build an app that will push these doc files into Zendesk as…
Gus Reiber
  • 41
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1 answer

Getting a 429 HTTP response in the network tab

Is there something wrong with this code? Getting a 429 response and being rate limited by API. Is my loop to blame for this? function getCat(from_locat){ var art_count = 0, section_to_display = ''; if (!from_local) { …
Timoor Kurdi
  • 65
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1 answer

Zendesk: How to get count of tickets under each priority related to a specific view?

So in my rails app, I am trying to use an api to retrieve the count of all tickets related to specific view. But I want the count related to each priority. An example scenario: There are 25 tickets in View A. 19 of them are normal priority and 4 of…
  • 141
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0 answers

Eclipse : Add zendesk sdk into android project

Hi Everyone, Iam trying to add zendesk contact us and help functionality in my android project which i create using eclipse, they are giving sdk for Android studio but there is no any stand alone sdk which i can add in eclipse, can any one guide me…
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1 answer

how to pull Zendesk tickets data using python?

I want to export all Zendesk Tickets data using Python. The data should be in csv format, and should include all fields related to tickets. Is there any way we can do that?
  • 41
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1 answer

Rust: Thread panics when run inside an iframe but not in a regular browser tab

I'm playing around with building an app on Zendesk using Rust. Below is a server-side rust function that gets called in a route pub fn oktaredirectprocessor(mut cookies: Cookies, code: String, state: String) -> bool { let cookie_state_string =…
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1 answer

Trying to call simple POST API from console App in VS2019

I am trying to call simple POST API to create a Zendesk Ticket from Console App. I create C# core console app in VS2019 and pasted simple code which should create New Ticket. code work in other app but in console app, app just log out from…
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1 answer

How to reopen a closed ticket using the Zendesk API

My objective is to reopen a closed Zendesk ticket through the Zendesk API. I tried to update the field "open" through and got the response: { "error" => "RecordInvalid", …
Navid EMAD
  • 342
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  • 14
1 answer

Zendesk Chat widget status check

I am using the Zendesk chat widget on my web portal. My requirement is whenever the widget goes down from server "Zendesk site" check the status and send notification to site owner. On the research I found the…
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