Questions tagged [yolo]

You Only Look Once (YOLO) is a real-time object detection system written in C. Use this tag for questions about YOLO compilation and installation, usage, and its features and functionality.

You Only Look Once (YOLO) is a real-time object detection system developed for high speed object detection within images.

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1200 questions
2 answers

How can I download a specific part of Coco Dataset?

I am developing an object detection model to detect ships using YOLO. I want to use the COCO dataset. Is there a way to download only the images that have ships with the annotations?
Shobhit Kumar
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Tiny yolo v4 dnn module opencv no detection

I'have trained yolo-tiny-v4 on colab and the detection works well on colab. Then I've tried to load the yolo-tiny-v4 in this way on visual studio integrated with Gazebo/ROS: No error appears, but the detection fails (no object detected, the output…
1 answer

How Yolo 3 is implemented in Yolo 4?

I try to understand the architecture of Yolo4. It is composed of a backbone, neck, dense prediction and sparse prediction. Knowing that Yolo 3 has already a backbone, Is Yolo 4 taking all the architecture of Yolo 3 including its backbone or just…
1 answer

Calculating YOLO mAP against test dataset

AFAIK YOLO calculates mAP against validation dataset during training. Now is it possible to calculate the same against unseen test dataset ? Command: ./darknet detector map yolo-obj.cfg yolo-obj_best.weights classes = 1 train =…
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what does mean by rewritten box during yolo training on custom dataset?

I am training my custom dataset on Yolo network and during training, I am getting info of rewritten box (as shown in the figure). for example: total_bbox = 29159, rewritten_bbox = 0.006859 % what does that mean? Is my training proceeding right?…
1 answer

batch and subdivisions in YOLOv3

I'm using YOLOv3 and YOLOv3-Tiny from AlexeyAB's fork of Darknet. I understand that the image size must be a multiple of 32. And that batch divided by subdivisions determines the number of images that will be processed in parallel. For example,…
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How number of classes impact thespeed FPS in a YOLO network

I am a newbie about Computer Vision and Neural Networks. I trained a network using Yolo-tiny, using a subset of the COCO dataset because I wanted to train my network only with one class (Person). The training worked successfully, the accuracy not so…
1 answer

Convert YoloV3 output to coordinates of bounding box, label and confidence

I run YoloV3 model and get detections - dictionary of 3 entries: "detector/yolo-v3/Conv_22/BiasAdd/YoloRegion" : numpy.ndarray with shape (1,255,52,52), "detector/yolo-v3/Conv_6/BiasAdd/YoloRegion" : numpy.ndarray with shape…
gal leshem
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2 answers

What is the working and output of getLayerNames() and getUnconnecteddOutLayers() functions?

I almost searched every where on internet but i could not find out the working and output of below functions. Specially what they do in YOLO algorithm. getLayerNames() getUnconnectedOutLayers() code is as follows: import cv2 import numpy as np…
1 answer

YOLO algorithm output layer activation function

I have built a simple YOLO localization model in Keras like, model_layers = [ keras.layers.Conv2D( 32 , input_shape=( input_dim , input_dim , 3 ) , kernel_size=( 3 , 3 ) , strides=1 , activation='relu' ), keras.layers.Conv2D( 32 ,…
Shubham Panchal
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2 answers

For the YOLO loss function, what is the calculation performed in order to obtain the value of the term 1objij?

I'm trying to understand how to calculate the value of circled terms, what are the inputs/outputs I have to compare? Let's take the first term for example, if I understand it correctly it goes something like this: Let's say my predicted values for…
1 answer

Yolo v3 model output clarification with keras

I'm using yolo v3 model with keras and this network is giving me as output container with shape like this: [(1, 13, 13, 255), (1, 26, 26, 255), (1, 52, 52, 255)] So I found this link Then I understand the value 255 in each of the 3 containers, I…
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How to track output produced by YOLOv3?

Good day, I have use YOLOv3 model to detect only human objects appear in the scene. Basically, YOLO model tries to detect human objects in each frame, although it seems like tracking since the bounding box is constantly moves. I am looking for a…
Harrison Chong
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1 answer

What is the purpose of ignore_thresh and truth_thresh in the YOLO layers in yolov3.cfg?

I am attempting to explain the purposes of different parameters in the yolov3.cfg file, however, I can't find any explanation for ignore_thresh and truth_thresh. My current (limited) understanding is that they are either related to non-max…
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Cannot load image "./darknet/dataset/z115.jpg" STB Reason: can't fopen

I am training Darknet YOLO-V3 on a Google cloud, VM instance to detect the custom object. The darknet directory contains the following: dataset directory: It includes all the annotated data. Annotated image file: It contains Obj…
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