Questions tagged [dnn-module]

Dnn is a future-proof CMS that adapts to change. Please use this tag to ask questions about dnn module development. MVC and SPA module

103 questions
1 answer

How to generate .pbtxt file from a .pb file for dnn module in opencv?

I have a custom tensorflow model .pb file. I want to import that in OpenCV using the dnn module. dnn module function requires 2 parameters: .pb file and .pbtxt file? How can I generate .pbtxt file from the .pb file? cvNet =…
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Tiny yolo v4 dnn module opencv no detection

I'have trained yolo-tiny-v4 on colab and the detection works well on colab. Then I've tried to load the yolo-tiny-v4 in this way on visual studio integrated with Gazebo/ROS: No error appears, but the detection fails (no object detected, the output…
2 answers

Difference between ModuleID and ModuleUniqueID in DNN

I'm using the ModuleController class to copy modules to specific pages. I noticed that there are GetModule methods which take ModuleID as an argument and then there's GetModuleByUniqueID. What's the difference between ModuleID and ModuleUniqueID?…
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Why ONNX model reading is failing?

I'm working on model inference using opencv cuda dnn module. While reading my onnx file using cv::dnn:: readNetFromONNX, I'm getting below message. Opencv(4.4.0-dev) Error: Unspecified error (> (expected: 'shape.depth() == CV_32S') where…
1 answer

Couldn't display YOLO result via OpenCV dnn module

I'm trying to train YOLO object detection via darknet(AlexeyAB or pjreddie) and it was great for showing object via ./darknet detector test cfg/ cfg/yolo-obj.cfg yolo.weights data/test.jpg I used 160*30 images for training and testing. Also…
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ExponentialDecay is in a different graph with embedding weight

Building a model with exponential decay and started to train the model. However, received the error Tensor("ExponentialDecay:0", shape=(), dtype=float32) must be from the same graph as Tensor("dnn/.../embedding_weights/...", ...) Looks like the…
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DNN Error after creating a module

I was given a project for maintenance, it is built on DNN 9.1.1 and has some custom modules (I am completely new to DNN). I needed to create a new module, so I used the christoc project templates for VS2017. So even before I could develop anything,…
2 answers

Custom module with possibility to add modules into module to create an expander module in DNN 9.2

​I'm using DNN 9.2 and searching for a possibility to create an own module that will work like the Atlassian Confluence's Expander Macro where I could add additional content. In my case I want to add other modules, which will be visible if the…
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How to use predict_proba for DNNClassifier in tensorflow?

How to use predict_proba for DNNClassifier in tensorflow 1.5? I am using the code below. I believe, that the command to get the probability instead of the exact result class, may have changed as compared to previous tensorflow versions.…
Abhisek Roy
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How can I change path for packages folder for MsBuildTasks in module FormAndList (aka UserDefinedTable)?

I'm trying to make DNN module FormAndList (aka UserDefinedTable) to compile while I included it's project into solution, which is placed in different directory (3 folders up). And I edited MSBuild.Community.Tasks.Targets file so that it would find…
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HTML/CSS making column width 100%

I have this problem when I make columns using col-sm-12 and add a col-lg-3 and col-sm-9 inside the column of 12, when the col-lg-3 does not have content, col-sm-9 does not take 100% width of the container.
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DNN UrlRewrite ("DotNetNuke.HttpModules.UrlRewriteModule, DotNetNuke.HttpModules") does not run custom rewrite rule on web.config

On our DNN site hosted in an Azure app service, we have the following custom rule set on our web.config:
Malcolm Salvador
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OpenCV dnn exception SSD Mobilenetv2

Using transfer learning, I trained SSD MobileNetV2 (ssd_mobilenet_v2_coco.config) model in TensorFlow (tensorflow-gpu==1.15.0). After freezing the graph (.pb) using TensorFlow API Python script (, I created a text graph…
2 answers

Inserting value to DB

I am new to DNN and .NEt in general so I probably made many mistakes here. My goal is to have a DNN module where you can upload an image with title and description - I did that by properly modifying the template module, using the item…
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Memory Leak in DNN 9 MVC modules

We are getting a memory leak on an azure app service running a DNN front end website containing predominantly WebForm but also some MVC modules. I ran a memory dump through dotMemory and found that by far the largest retained size was taken up by…
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