Questions tagged [xcode6]

Xcode 6 is Apple's integrated development environment (IDE). This tag should only be used for questions about Xcode itself, and not for general Mac or iOS programming topics. Use [cocoa] for Mac programming questions, and [cocoa-touch] or [ios] for iOS programming questions.

Xcode is Apple's integrated development environment (IDE) for developing OS X and iOS apps. The version 6 was presented at the WWDC on June 2nd 2014. The new features of Xcode 6 include the new programming language Swift, the playground as an interactive way to play with the code and a more visual debugger.

The latest production version of the IDE is Xcode 6.4. Download Here

The important enhancements are described here and here.

This tag is for IDE only questions with the version 6. Questions related to the programming languages should go to the correct tag , , and . When they are only related to the os and .

6149 questions
8 answers

How to enable native resolution for apps on iPhone 6 and 6 Plus?

Xcode 6 GM now includes simulators for iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, and by default they run apps in a scaled mode. To enable the new screen size I tried adding Default-667h@2x.png which seems to do a part of the trick since the app now fails to run at all,…
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27 answers

Xcode 6 beta 2 issue exporting .ipa: "Your account already has a valid iOS distribution certificate"

I'm having trouble exporting an app for Ad Hoc Distribution on Xcode 6 beta 2: When exporting my project for ad hoc development on Xcode 6, I receive this alert. I've tried exporting it on Xcode 5 and had no problems at all saving the .ipa. Is…
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12 answers

FBSOpenApplicationErrorDomain code =4 error

When I'm trying to run iOS application in Xcode 6 in iPhone 6 simulator, I'm getting error Unable to run app in Simulator. And error code is: An error was encountered while running (Domain = FBSOpenApplicationErrorDomain, Code = 4) Can any…
Pradhyuman Chavda
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14 answers

Change tab bar item selected color in a storyboard

I want to change my tab bar items to be pink when selected instead of the default blue. How can i accomplish this using the storyboard editor in Xcode 6? Here are my current setting which are not working, the blue background works but the pink…
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6 answers

PCH File in Xcode 6

In my previous projects, I can find the .pch file under Supporting Files. But now in Xcode 6, I couldn't find any .pch file. Any steps should I do to produce this file?
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37 answers

No suitable records were found verify your bundle identifier is correct

I have created an app in App Store Connect and it has been in the "prepare for submission" state for more than 3 days. When I try to archive my app, and submit it to the app store it, displays this message: No suitable application records were…
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12 answers

Autoresizing issue of UICollectionViewCell contentView's frame in Storyboard prototype cell (Xcode 6, iOS 8 SDK) happens when running on iOS 7 only

I'm using Xcode 6 Beta 3, iOS 8 SDK. Build Target iOS 7.0 using Swift. Please refer to my problem step by step with screenshots below. I have a UICollectionView in Storyboard. 1 Prototype UICollectionViewCell which contains 1 label in the centre (no…
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13 answers

How do I import a Swift file from another Swift file?

I simply want to include my Swift class from another file, like its test PrimeNumberModel.swift import Foundation class PrimeNumberModel { } PrimeNumberModelTests.swift import XCTest import PrimeNumberModel // gives me "No such module…
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25 answers

Move a view up only when the keyboard covers an input field

I am trying to build an input screen for the iPhone. The screen has a number of input fields. Most of them on the top of the screen, but two fields are at the bottom. When the user tries to edit the text on the bottom of the screen, the keyboard…
John Allijn
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16 answers

NSDate Comparison using Swift

I am working on an app the requires checking the due date for homework. I want to know if a due date is within the next week, and if it is then perform an action. Most of the documentation I could find is in Objective-C and I can't figure out how…
Henry oscannlain-miller
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13 answers

Xcode Storyboard warning: Constraint referencing items turned off in current configuration. Turn off this constraint in the current configuration

This warning happens in Xcode 6.1. Anyone have ideas what does this warning mean and what will happen with it? Many thanks! Below is a screenshot with the warnings opened in source code" How to find which constraint causes the warning? Xcode does…
Zhihao Yang
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28 answers

Launch Image does not show up in my iOS App

I want to get a simple launch screen to show in my app, built using Xcode 6.0.1. I have added a launch screen in two ways: As an XIB (with the default name, LaunchScreen.xib) and as a launchimage set within xcassets. I have made sure that my "Launch…
Eddie Hartman
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18 answers

Importing Project-Swift.h into a Objective-C class...file not found

I have a project that was started in Objective-C, and I am trying to import some Swift code into the same class files that I have previously written Objective-C in. I have consulted the Apple docs on using Swift and Objective-C in the same project,…
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15 answers

How to create an Empty Application in Xcode without Storyboard

Xcode6 has removed the Empty Application template when creating a new project. How can we create an empty application (without Storyboard) in Xcode6 and above, like in earlier versions?
Akhil K C
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18 answers

Xcode 6 - How to pick signing certificate/provisioning profile for Ad-Hoc distribution?

To distribute the app to our testers we use Xcode, which we do using the following process: Archive application Distribute for Ad-Hoc Choose provisioning profile Save the .ipa to a folder But with Xcode 6, this workflow was changed a bit. I can…
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