Questions tagged [xcasset]

An image asset catalog is an asset management file type and editor in Xcode 5.

Xcode 5 asset catalogs manage images and icons in multiple resolutions. An asset catalog is a new asset management file type and editor in Xcode 5.

You use asset catalogs to store and manage images for different platforms, devices, and scale factors. The catalog presents the image variants required, and provides you with the ability to define slice and stretch points for images that are resized at runtime.

For more information on Xcode Asset Catalogs, refer here.

234 questions
28 answers

Launch Image does not show up in my iOS App

I want to get a simple launch screen to show in my app, built using Xcode 6.0.1. I have added a launch screen in two ways: As an XIB (with the default name, LaunchScreen.xib) and as a launchimage set within xcassets. I have made sure that my "Launch…
Eddie Hartman
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10 answers

Accidentally removed xcassets file from Xcode project

I wanted to remove a single folder from the image collection, however, I somehow managed to throw the entire xcassets file into the trash. The normal 'Put back' method is not available, and simply dragging the deleted folder to Xcode yields an…
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5 answers

Xcode 6 - xcassets for universal image support

Currently working on a universal SpriteKit project. I'll be supporting the following devices: iPhone 4/s, iPhone 5/c/s, iPhone 6, iPhone 6+ iPad non-ret, iPad retina I am confused on the iPhone part. I already have 4 versions for my background…
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Use of xcassets

Is .xcassets resource only for app icons and launch images or for our own image assets also? I do know that we can add our images to the .xcassets file, but is it good practice to do so?
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ERROR ITMS-9000 "Invalid Image Path" when submitting with xcode 6

When validating or submitting my app with xcode 6, I get the error: ERROR ITMS-9000: "Invalid Image Path - No image found at the path referenced under key 'CFBundleIcons': 'AppIcon120x120'" I've checked my plist file, and there is no entry for…
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3 answers

Is there a way to change the background color of the xcassets view in Xcode 5 or Xcode 6?

Is there a way to change the background color of the xcassets view in Xcode 5 or Xcode 6? I have white images that are lost on the white background. When viewing an image without using xcassets, the image is set against a grey background. However…
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9 answers

Xcode 10 app icon not showing

Recently updated to Xcode 10 beta and my App that previously has correct icon displayed when built and ran from Xcode 9.4 to device now shows the default blank icon when running in Xcode 10. When opening AppIcon asset it shows icon correctly in all…
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6 answers

How can I tell Asset Catalog (.xcassets) to use the Same Image for Multiple Image Wells?

We have several Xcode app projects, and we're upgrading all of them to use the latest Xcode 5 features, including Asset Catalogs (.xcassets). All of our default (launch) images already include spacing for the status bar, and we want to use these…
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3 answers

iTunesArtwork png files needed in xCode 5?

In xCode 5 we have the ability to use the xcassets file to catalogue our app images. It appears that there is not a place for iTunesArtwork and iTunesArtwork2x files. Does this mean that these files are no longer needed in xCode 5? If they are…
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1 answer

SpriteKit Texture Atlas vs Image xcassets

I am making a game and I noticed that during some scenes, my FPS kept dropping around the 55-60FPS area (using texture atlas). This drove me nuts so I decided to put all my assets to the Images.xcassets folder and voila, steady 60FPS. I thought this…
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1 answer

use xcassets without imageNamed to prevent memory problems?

according to the apple documentation it is recommended to use xcassets for iOS7 applications and reference those images over imageNamed. But as far as I'm aware, there were always problems with imageNamed and memory. So I made a short test…
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5 answers

iOS: Launch Image for all devices, include iPad Pro

I followed the guidelines on making the static launch screen images. Yet, then I added the images to the xcassets as LaunchImage However, they did not fill in the asset as expected. There are warnings warn about I need to have screen sizes such as…
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2 answers

Get Data from XCAsset catalog

I understand that to get images from the asset catalog i can use UIImage(named: "fileName") to do it. however, what if i am getting DATA from the XCAsset catalog? I can't figure this out. I have tried, let url =…
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3 answers

UIImage using contentsOfFile

I am using self.imageView.image = UIImage(named: "foo.png") to select and load images in an UIIMageView. I have the images in my app under the images.xcassets. The problem is that this particular init caches the image for reuse as per the official…
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5 answers

Check if string name matches an asset in images.xcassets

Everything I google turns up answers about ALAsset's. I have an images.xcassets folder and a bunch of assets in there. I want to know if an asset exists in there based on a string. E.g. if(images.xcassets.contains("assetName") == true) Do you know…
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