Questions tagged [wms]

A Web Map Service (WMS) is a standard protocol for serving georeferenced map images over the Internet that are generated by a map server using data from a GIS database.

WMS specifies a number of different request types, two of which are required by any WMS server:

  • GetCapabilities - returns parameters about the WMS and the available layers
  • GetMap - with parameters provided, returns a map image

Request types that WMS providers may optionally support include:

  • GetFeatureInfo
  • DescribeLayer
  • GetLegendGraphic

486 questions
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SkAndroidCodec::NewFromStream returned null

I'm developing an Android App. I'm getting that on Android Monitor all the time while tileprovider tiling wms on map. D/skia: --- SkAndroidCodec::NewFromStream returned null D/skia: --- SkAndroidCodec::NewFromStream returned null D/skia: ---…
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Send an XML post request to a web server with CURL

I am trying to send a request to a web server using php and curl. I haven't done something like this before and although there are many nice examples online I have some difficulties understanding some of the curl commands. This is what I want to do:…
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React Native and WMS

I am developing a mobile application in React Native requiring the use of Web Map Services. I have not found any library or framework that allows use WMS and react native at same time. In React (Web) I found one. My question is: Do you know if…
1 answer

How to use WMS in R?

I like to implement a special WMS-layer with leaflet() in R. But I have no success with the WMS-layer I like to use. library("leaflet") library("sp") # this example from the tutorial works leaflet() %>% addTiles() %>% setView(-93.65, 42.028, zoom =…
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Android compute right bbox for WMS getFeatureInfo

I'm trying to make a request to my Geoserver to retrieve the features near the tap of a user on the map. The map takes all the space. Therefore I computed the BBOX in this way: region = mMap.getProjection().getVisibleRegion().latLngBounds; double…
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Using getTileURL in Android Application with GeoServer

We are just starting to work with Google Maps on Android and have a GeoServer set up to provide tiles which we would like to add as overlay on the map. So far, I have followed a few tutorials and references to get started. For getting…
3 answers

WMS/WFS server: am I crazy to write my own?

I'm a "do it yourself" kind of guy, but I want to make sure I'm not going to do myself in by trying to bite off more than I can chew. I am writing a browser-based mapping application that needs to have the option to run standalone (no internet…
M Katz
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set map center in leaflet with 3857 lat/lon

I'm trying to set map center with lat/lon of 3857 projection in leaflet. By using lat/lon of projection 4326 its working fine. var map ='map', { crs: L.CRS.EPSG3857 }).setView([51.40457186188496, -2.3741738081973844], 13); But it…
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Does QGIS have support for WMS-T (WMS with time)?

Does anyone know if there's support for WMS-T in QGIS? Through the app I can add WMS layers, but I can't work with WMS-T (there's no place to set the time parameter). I been going through the the Python plugins and although there are some that do…
2 answers

Replacement for Android Mapview to use a WMS service

I am looking for a replacement for the Android MapView, because I need to add a WMS service within a map view and it works very poorly using the native view. I have tried using Osmdroid API for this, but still without success. This requires…
5 answers

WMS View/Lib for Android/iOS

We need a graphical component (view) for rendering maps from any WMS services for Android andn iOS. My researches only show that there is basically only the Google Maps API available as Android/iOS library (MapView). Before programming a WMS view…
Alex Schenkel
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1 answer

Mapbox add WMS source

Currently I am working on the adding a WMS source on the map in native android platform. I am using mapbox to show map in the application. I am trying to add a WMS source layer from Geo-server But the WMS source layer getting added multiple times…
amol anerao
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How to get a single WMS tile to cover entire Google Map?

I basically want this OpenLayer functionality in Google Maps: new ol.layer.Image({ source: new ol.source.ImageWMS({ url: 'someUrl', params: { 'LAYERS': 'someLayer', 'SRS': 'EPSG:3857', 'VERSION': '1.1.1' }, ratio:…
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Generate screenshot of map

How can I generate a image of a div, the div contain a map of leaflet (base layers, overlays)?
Kenyo Joel
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get xml attribute named xlink:href using xsl

How can I get the value of an attribute called xlink:href of an xml node in xsl template? I have this xml node:
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