Questions tagged [wms]

A Web Map Service (WMS) is a standard protocol for serving georeferenced map images over the Internet that are generated by a map server using data from a GIS database.

WMS specifies a number of different request types, two of which are required by any WMS server:

  • GetCapabilities - returns parameters about the WMS and the available layers
  • GetMap - with parameters provided, returns a map image

Request types that WMS providers may optionally support include:

  • GetFeatureInfo
  • DescribeLayer
  • GetLegendGraphic

486 questions
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Setup own Openlayers Proxyhost

I have seen some example related to WMS Get Feature Info like : In this example they are using OpenLayers.ProxyHost = "proxy.cgi?url="; My question is : How we can setup our own…
1 answer

Parsing GML encoded WFS response XML file

I need some help getting weather details temperature etc. out of this GML encoded WMS response XML file. This what I get from weather service that provides open data with Catalog Service for Web (CSW), Web Map Service (WMS) and Web Feature Service…
Jim H.
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Open Layers 3 on https getting mixed display content for WMS requests

I have an Open Layers 3 implementation which has to run on a secure server (https) because it includes a user login functionality. However, many WMS data feeds are http and not https resulting in the browser blocking the content because of mixed…
Single Entity
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Selecting features by onclick in Google Maps Android API

I have developing a map app by using Google Maps Android API. I used Google Maps Android API Utility Library for adding a GeoJSON layer (in polygon geometry). String gj = loadJSONfromAssets(); GeoJsonLayer layer = new GeoJsonLayer(mMap, gj); And…
6 answers

Geoserver and WMS

I need some help. I am new to the concept of Geoserver and WMS and I am looking for very basic help. I have downloaded and installed Geoserver, set up layers etc (including sld), however, I have no idea how to get this information from here to my…
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OpenLayers WMS Layer Transparency

I was wondering how to make a wms layer transparent using openlayers. The current javascript for each non transparent layer is below: var lyr_GDPSETAAirtemperatureC = new ol.layer.Tile({ source: new ol.source.TileWMS(({ …
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WMS Layer provide by Map Sever rendering incorrectly in ol3

I have created a map using OpenLayers3 which contains two layers. First layer is Open Street Map Layer and the second one is WMS layer provided by the Map Server. Problem- When i'm rendering first layer it is rendering properly no issue. but when…
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OpenLayers 3 WMS Layer - Misplaced tiles in EPSG:2180 projection

I'm trying to display map of Poland using OpenLayers 3. I need it to be in projection EPSG:2180. Ewerything is ok until I switch the projection. This works fine:
Andrzej S.
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How to makeIdentify Task in ArcGIS API for android work with a standard WMS

I want to use Identify Task in ARCGIS API for android.I used this example and it works fine but when I try to change the URL to get data from another WMS it shows error here is my another wms I get error in folowing line for (int index = 0; index <…
Majid Hojati
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How to Capture a live stream from Windows Media Server 2008

I want to capture the live stream from windows media server to filesystem on my pc I have tried with my own media server with the following code. but when i have checked the out put file i have found this in it. FileStream fs = null; try { …
1 answer

How to work OSMDroid with Web Map Service (WMS) used by the private provider?

I'm trying to put the OSMDroid to work with WMS, but I do not find a way to put the WMS working. Objective: OSMDroid working with WMS (projection EPSG:4326) Tentative: I followed this example and include files: WMSMapTileProviderBasic,…
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WFS GetFeature query with time parameter does not filter in geoserver

I am trying to get some data filtered by date in GML format by using WFS GetFeature in geoserver, but the operation ignores the time parameter and just returns a huge GML file with all the data. This is the query I am…
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Export contourlines to serve them through WMS

I am trying to do automatic mapping. I want to have a uncertainty map , which uncertainties are displayed by isolines. I want to export these isolines and the values associated with them and then display them through web map service. Is it…
1 answer

Why is this WMS layer not showing up in openlayers?

I am trying to show a WMS layer from a published ArcGIS Map Service and all I am getting is pink tiles. Can anyone help correct me on what is wrong with my code? When I pan over to the US, all I am getting are "broken image pink tiles"... There is…
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OpenLayers: WMS layer is not displayed

I'm trying to view a WMS layer with OpenLayers, but nothing is displayed. No error messages are shown in the console. Moreover, when I try to access the request string with the browser (Firefox), the map displays just fine. Here is the…
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