Questions tagged [wmode]

113 questions
1 answer

Make a button appears in front of video youtube embed api

So here is the deal i want that the button comes first so the client can skip video to see website... // create youtube player var player; function onYouTubePlayerAPIReady() { player = new YT.Player('player', { height: '100%', width:…
1 answer

Flash button not working in IE using wmode as transparent

I have a flash banner and css menu to use. I tried flash with wmode as transparent for flash banner which makes the css menu to come over the flash banner. but the button which is there in flash is not working in IE 7 and it's lower version. any…
1 answer

Youku iframe not obeying z-index

I have an iframe of containing an embedded Youku video, and it's not obeying the z-index set in IE and going on top of everything. With YouTube videos, I was able to fix this by setting a wmode parameter to transparent or opaque, but doing the same…
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wmode (transparent) for CGI rather than flash

I have a CGI in an object (from an ethernet webcam) which works fine for most browsers but not for IE (10). The problem is that my menu should be shown above that element but it isn't. I know of but that - as it seems - only applies to SWF sources…
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flash object wmode transparent in google chrome distorts text

I'm having a difficult time trying to make a trasparent flash clip work as it should in google chrome. Whenever I use wmode = "transparent" the text in the clip gets distorted and pixelated. While this does not happen in firefox nor IE. My code…
0 answers

YouTube iframe wmode issue with no suggestions

I am using the wmode="transparent" for the iframe to accommodate for the dropdown menus on my site. I also want to use the ?rel=0 for the No Suggested videos at the end of my videos. What do I need to add to my iframe code to make this work?
1 answer

wmode = opaque not working for object in IE 10 on Win 8

I am having this issue with embedding a video using If adding: the video player is not displayed in IE 10 on Windows 8. It is working well on Windows 8 with other browsers, the only problem is with IE. Also,…
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Publisher's responses to wmode=direct?

Not many portals supported wmode=direct or gpu a while ago. I suppose the things are now changing fast and many folks are making accelerated/Stage3D games. Since many portals are supporting wmode direct, it should not be difficult to look for a…
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2 answers

How can I disable facebook's new-message popup?

I know the standard way of handling the wmode problem is to register a callback that pauses the flash app and replaces the flash area with an image while the flash object is hidden. What I'm trying to avoid is the flash disappearing in mid-game…
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1 answer

Transparent element (like a div-container) over embedded video

I like to place an div-container over an embedded Video. Something like this: