Questions tagged [stage3d]

Stage3D is an API in Adobe Flash which allows developers to create hardware accelerated graphics.

198 questions
1 answer

Draw Quadratic Curve on GPU

My task is to render quadratic Bezier curve (path) via Stage3d (Adobe Flash) technology, which have no any extensions for that drawing out-of-the box (while OpenGl have it, as I know). Yea, there is a Starling-Extension-Graphics, but it uses simple…
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How do you combine X, Y, and Z rotations in a model's local space (not global)?

I am starting out on Molehill and am having a lot of problems grasping Matrix3D. My first problem is how to manage a Matrix3D that describes a single model's orientation. I use Matrix3D.appendRotation() to do this. But depending on the order I…
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Video Camera and Stage3D on Mobile Adobe Flash AIR. Augmented-Reality on AIR

Quick Question How to show webcam rapidly on Adobe AIR application with Stage3D? Detailed question About My goal is to create prototype of AR (Augmentation Reality) mobile application. I have chosen Adobe Flash AIR for good 3D graphics support on…
1 answer

Away3D Stage3DProxy drawing order

I have a flash application where two 3d Views are sharing the same Stage3DProxy, because I need one to be overlaid/drawn over the other at all times. However, they seem to share the same 3d space/z-buffer(?). My update function currently looks like…
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2 answers

play video on StageVideo with starling

i work on as3 mobile project , iam using starling as Framework , how i can added a video on starling using stage video , not video player . stage video option is a lot better for performance . any one to advice me.
Sameer H. Ibra
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pixel size in FLEX Stage 3D

I'm trying to do some pixel art using FLEX Stage 3D (with minko engine). I want a pixel size on the viewport of 4 "real pixels". I think I'm not being very clear, so lets have an example. This is what I have now : And this is what I want to have…
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2 answers

Should the model view projection matrix be built in Actionscript 3 or on the GPU in the vertex shader?

All of the Stage3D examples I have seen build the model view projection matrix in AS3 on each render event. eg: modelMatrix.identity(); // Create model matrix…
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Can Stage3d be used to perform parallel calculations?

I used to program maps in AS3 like you, but then I took a Pixel Bender in the knee. Since then I have been using Pixel Bender to do parallel calculations on arrays. Can Stage3D be used for this? Example of using Pixel Bender for…
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What is the best way to use vertex buffers when rendering different objects with Stage3D

I have an array of simple 2D objects, mostly made up of two triangles. Although the objects are quite simple, each one is drawn using stencil operations so every object will require it's own drawTriangles() call. What is the best way to store and…
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Why doesnt my orthogonal projection matrix work?

I am trying to render some quads that are located in the plane (z=0) with an orthogonal projection. I did set up a projection matrix after reading Formula for a orthogonal projection matrix? but I think I did something wrong. My first attempt was…
Antoine Gersant
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1 answer

Stage3D in Flash Player 11 doesn't display

I'm trying to write a 3D game in ActionScript 3.0 using the Stage3D API. I've copied the playerglobal.swc in my frameworks/libs/player/11.0 directory, and modified the frameworks/flex-config.xml file by changing the target-player to 11.0.0 and the…
Aadit M Shah
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1 answer

AGAL seq opcode works on hardware, but doesn't on software emulation (float number comparison is different on both?)

From docs: seq set-if-equal destination = source1 == source2 ? 1 : 0, component-wise I haven't yet tested it thoroughly, but so far my fragment shader worked on both machines (desktop pcs), where context3D initialization succeeded as DirectX, but…
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How do I get larger-than-2048-pixel textures working in Stage3D?

About half way down this page... ...under the heading 'Flash Player 11.8 and AIR 3.8' it says there is support for 4096 x 4096 textures and support for rectangular textures. Given…
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1 answer

Shadow-casting shaders in Stage3D

I've been working a lot with AGAL vertex and fragment shaders. I've got individual objects lit correctly (including specular shading) but I'd like to have objects cast shadows on OTHER objects. I have looked online, but I think most people working…
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4 answers

Starling MovieClip frames don't fit into 2048. Multiple TextureAtlas for one MC?

I'm making a fighting game, so I have giant character sprites (300px X 350px) with lots of frames of animation (~150 per character), so the maximum 2048 x 2048 texture size won't fit all frames of animation for a character. So, I'll need multiple…
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