Questions tagged [windows-virtual-desktop]

25 questions
1 answer

Autohotkey Windows 10 Virtual Desktops

I have an AHK script which saves window positions. At the moment I save Title, X, Y, Width, Height, Class, FullPath etc. I also want to save on which Virtual Desktop they are located on. I dont know how Windows 10 handles Virtual Desktops: Do they…
0 answers

Why does switching desktops with AutoHotKey make my taskbar icons highlight orange?

I am yet to find a method to switch desktops that doesn't result in the taskbar icons highlighting orange. e.g. the following script wreaks this havoc on my taskbar ^#Right:: send, ^#{Right} return ^#Left:: send, ^#{Left} return What methods are…
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Detect virtual desktop in Windows 10

In Java, is there a way to determine if my frame is on the current virtual desktop or on one that is not currently visible? The app has some popup frames (notifications), that display and I do not want them to display unless it is on the desktop…
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How to use VirtualDesktopManager interface?

I'm trying to find out if a window belongs to the current virtual desktop. I found the VirtualDesktopManager class form the winapi, but even though it is supposed to be in the "shobjidl.h" header according to here, when I compile the code it throws…
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WVD - az cli sample for creating host pool, workspace and application pool

for an azure WVD deployment, I’d like to automate via az cli the creation of the following elements: 1 Host pool using a w10 image from gallery, automate the join to a domain and configure settings for remote desktop. 1 Workspace 1 Application…
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Differences between Windows Virtual Desktop and VMware Horizon Cloud?

I don't understand the difference between them. When to use VMware Horizon Cloud. When to use Windows Virtual Desktop.
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Windows Virtual Desktop: Automatically start and deallocate dedicated VM

As far as I understand, Windows Virtual Desktop's host pools can be configured in a pooled (assign a user to a VM with free resources) or personal (dedicated VM per user) mode. I have some users with special needs (available applications,…
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Virtualize NamedPipes in Windows 10 Multi session

We have a process that uses named pipes for communication. Now we want to run the app on a windows multi-session system (VDI/RDS). From the documentation of named pipes, I do understand that the named pipes themselves are system-wide/global and…
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Virtual Desktops access in Windows 10

Far I know how to access the physical desktops in Qt using QDesktopwidgets and QScreen class. I can display my applications running in other physical desktops inside my form but so far I haven't been able to access the virtual desktops of Windows…
1 answer

Manage app groups for windows virtual desktop using graph

I am struggling to find any relevant documentation on how to add an Azure AD group to an application group via the graph API. Here is the documentation on how to do it via the azure portal UI, but it does not mention how to do it via the graph…
0 answers

How to enumerate all the virtual desktops in Windows

I have tried the interface IVirtualDesktopManager. But it doesn't have any method that will let me get names and ids of all available virtual desktops in Windows. Is this possible?
Gautam Jain
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Azure WVD deployment domainjoin failed

I am deploying some WVD host-pool session-host VMs. While doing that, only few of the machines are joining the domain successfully, the others are failing (timeout while waiting for JsonADDomainExtension) and thus the entire deployment fails. After…
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Getting current logged in user in Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD)

Having an Azure AD user logged in in a Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) windows-client and a .NET application launched from this WVD, is it possible to read, from the C# code, the authenticated user in WVD (or a Token)? Maybe an equivalent for…
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Azure Windows Virtual Desktop: Initializing taskbar after login(thru windows authentication) giving error

I have a WPF application which is running on citrix and rdp for long. While recently it is published on Azure Windows Virtual Desktop for one client. For them, After login it is giving error as below. Error details: The method or operation cannot be…
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How To Prevent Remote Sharing using SetDisplayAffinity in Virtual Desktop winform c#

i am trying to prevent screen sharing on Safe Exam Browser,It works fine in all interfaces except in browser window as it is opened on Virtual desktop, so i need to find out how to prevent screen sharing on virtual desktop in winform c#, i used…