Questions tagged [remoteapp]

RemoteApp is a special mode of Remote Desktop Services, available in Windows Server 2008 R2 and later, where remote session configuration is integrated into the client operating system.

The UI for the RemoteApp is rendered in a window over the local desktop, and is managed like any other window for local applications. The end result of this is that remote applications behave largely like local applications.

108 questions
2 answers

Correct way of updating a RemoteAPP application with NGEN

We have a Windows2008R2 RemoteAPP .NET 4.5 application NGEN-ed on the RDS server, with approx. 300 concurrent users for the 3-host NLB cluster. The application is under active development and the RemoteAPP deployed assemblies need to be updated…
1 answer

Hosting RemoteAPP session within Winform

Keep coming back to this and cannot figure it out... I am creating an app for work that essentially compiles all of our tools into one easier to use GUI. One of the tools we use is something we use from a 3rd party and is hosted as a Remote App via…
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Rds RemoteApp logged off immediately after preparing desktop (under details) msi and rdp

We are working on a remote desktop server 2008 R2 Sp1 that has all the updates. Yesterday i wanted to install an office 2013 MAK professional plus next to the allready installed office 2010 standard. For that i had chosen for a custom install and…
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Is it possible to run programs locally from a terminal services remote app?

First, I guess I'd have to figure out if I'm running remotely and second I'd have to figure out whether my remote connection is a standalone remote app or an app running on a terminal server (that may be tricky). But, once I've figured out all those…
Peter Turner
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RemoteApp session opens in a separate window instead of inside a WPF UserControl

I am writing a WPF UserControl that hosts a RemoteApp session using the AxMSTSCLib library. I'm using the information from this SO question. The code I wrote is very close to the answer of that question. I placed the RemoteApp ActiveX…
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Linux application over RDP (FreeRDP, XRDP) / Apache Guacamole

I have started lately using Apache Guacamole. The problem I am facing is that I want to find a way to have Linux Remote Applications over RDP ( as windows RemoteApp does). Is there any way to have just a single Linux application using xrdp or…
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3 answers

Finding the Child Window inside a Microsoft RemoteApp Programmatically

Background I'm using SendKeys() to send keyboard commands to the active window, but I'm not having any luck finding the child window when the application is running through RemoteApp. It all works as expected when I run the application…
George Stocker
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1 answer

How to Licensing RemoteApp in Azure

We need to use our ERP as SAAS (Software As A Service). We tried the Azure trial for three months, and technically was a succes. But, when we use RemoteApp services, the system asked for licenses (after 90 days), but We don't know if it is…
8 answers

ClickOnce Online-Only Application as a TS RemoteApp

I've attempted just about everything to get our ClickOnce VB.NET app to run under Terminal Services as a RemoteApp. I have a batch file that runs the .application file for the app. This works fine via RDP desktop session on the terminal server. As…
Kevin Fairchild
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0 answers

RemoteApp Web Client : Command line parameters

I am using 2016 server to publish windows application. Clients will use a html 5 browser to access the applications. Everything working fine, but i would like to access one of the published directly (ie openign on a new tab on the browser) My…
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RDS: RemoteApp notifications icon is not visible

I'm using Windows Server 2016 for Remote Desktop Services (RDS) the applications I've published are working fine. I've created a logon script so that my windows application starts when a user establishes RDS session. My problem is when a user logs…
Imran Yaseen
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1 answer

Tray icon not showing for application when running as Remote App

I've created an application in C# that displays an icon in the tray, this works fine running on my local desktop. When I run the application as a "RemoteApp" the tray icon never appears. Is there something I've done wrong, or is this even possible?
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RemoteApp Drag-and-Drop

I successfully managed to implement file drag-and-drop onto my Winforms application. However, when running it as a RemoteApp, drag-and-drop is disabled. Is there a way around, using a "copy" of the dragged file in the clipboard (as copy-paste works)…
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Do VB6 apps run in Azure RemoteApp?

I suppose this is more of a question of whether the VB6 Runtime runs on Windows Server 2012 R2. I was thinking about Azure app migration scenarios, and Azure RemoteApp could be a great way to allow an enterprise to migrate to the cloud and Windows…
Chris Pietschmann
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1 answer

Remote project in aptana

After last update I can't find any way to manage remote project via ftp or sftp. Aptana has lost this feature or I can not find it? Does anyone know other ide with the same functionalities? I tried netbeans but it downloads the entire project…
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