Questions tagged [network-shares]

Network shares are places to save files & folders in the network.

Network shares are places to save files & folders in the network. A well known protocol is the SMB/CFS stack. Commonly used for hybrid network environments. In Linux networks you use commonly NFS (Network File System) shares.

74 questions
1 answer

Access network share from within VBScript eg FileSystemObject

Is there a good way to access network shares from within a VBS script, with alternative credentials (not the credentials with which the VBS script is running)? The intention is to perform two tasks: programmatically navigate a remote share file…
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Windows - Does accessing data through "localhost" incur network stack overhead

I have a large number of audio files I am running through a processing algorithm to attempt to extract certain bits of data from it (ie: average volume of the entire clip). I have a number of build scripts that previously pulled the input data from…
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Azure Files preview - access shared folder in IIS and FileZilla

I'm interested in load balancing 2+ Windows VMs in Azure. My primary requirement, though, is that an 'uploads' folder would need to be consistent between each VM. Files in this folder are FTPed by our admin users, and they would then need to select…
Steve Owen
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4 answers

File.Exists returning false from a network share

I've been working on a ASP.NET project that is going to save uploaded files to a network share. I figured I could just use a virtual directory and be fine, but I have been struggling with permissions for Directory.CreateDirectory. I was able to…
Ryan Smith
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1 answer

How do you programmatically Turn Password Protected Sharing on/off in Windows 7?

Let me apologize ahead of time. I saw this question on here already, but it has not been answered completely. (How do I turn Password Protected Sharing on or off programmatically?). I couldn't figure out how to have a question addressed again,…
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Get number of twitter shares by url

I have a question about twitter counting. Everything is so blury about this. Simply: I have website with dynamic pages, button for tweet, people go to page, press tweet, it shows on they twitter, count on my page increase. but I need also on my…
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Does Process.Start store a local copy of a remotely executed file?

I need to execute a program directly from a remote computer, due to their system of network licensing they have with the program.. You install and register it once on a server and all clients access it through the network share by opening the…
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2 answers

Why is PHP failing to copy a file to a shared folder in a LAN?

I need to copy a file from one computer to another computer which is connected to lan network. I have IP address of that two machines. I have used code like this to achieve it , $file = 'file.text';// inside htdocs folder $newfile =…
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4 answers

Win32: API calls to list available network shares on a server?

Assume I have access to a SMB server at IP, how can I determine the list of available shares? Windows Explorer can do it when I enter a UNC path \\\ - but command prompt "dir \\\" fails! I've tried the usual…
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0 answers

DSC File Resource Permission/Access Denied

I am about to have a nervous breakdown as I've been researching and trying solution after solution for a long time now, so I hope someone here can help me.. For continuous deployment I use Powershell (5.1) Desired State Configuration (DSC) to…
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1 answer

Why can't I map drive to users that was created by PowerShell script

I tried to automatically map drive to users using a PowerShell script. The script create the user with the command: New-ADUser -Name $userName -GivenName $userName -Surname $userName -DisplayName $userName -Path "OU=Eng,DC=lovely,DC=Local"…
1 answer

System Error 53 when mounting a network drive

Hi everyone first time posting, looking for a review of a batch file that I can't get to work correctly: @echo Mounting ServerName as local drive net use M: \\ServerName\"R Share" @echo Clearing IE Cache taskkill /im iexplore.exe /f M:\"R…
1 answer

Batch file to change all network shares on computer

I need to change all shares of //foo to //bar in a batch file. Say i have R: //foo/foo and Z: //foo/bar I need to have a batch script that makes them R: //bar/foo and Z: //bar/bar Anyone have any idea how to do this? I'm thinking of looping through…
0 answers

How to properly access network location while executing bash script in cygwin's cron

I've created a bash script to take a backup of a folder to a remote location via cygwin cron however I'm experiencing an issue. The script at the end will execute a command like this one /usr/bin/tar -zcvf…
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2 answers

get Path with server ip instead of letter

I'am coding an application in java which reads all paths of directories and files. This is working already. To migrate those files I do need the absolute path, which is the Server IP instead of letter (on a Windows system). I've tried following…
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