Questions tagged [window-handles]

Windows OS is full of windows, even objects inside windows as we know them are also windows. Each window has a handle that is a pointer to the memory in which information about the window is stored.

220 questions
10 answers

Winforms issue - Error creating window handle

We are seeing this error in a Winform application. Can anyone help on why you would see this error, and more importantly how to fix it or avoid it from happening. System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: Error creating window handle. at…
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4 answers

Check if any alert exists using selenium with python

I'm trying to write a test with selenium in python language for a web page that manages users. In this page someone can add role for users and if a role exists while adding it, an alert raises. I don't know if the alert is a javascript alert or an…
Zeinab Abbasimazar
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7 answers

How do I get the handle of a console application's window

Can someone tell me how to get the handle of a Windows console application in C#? In a Windows Forms application, I would normally try this.Handle.
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3 answers

Mac OS X: Can one process render to another process's window?

Greetings! I'm currently porting a web browser plugin from Win32 to MacOSX. One of the features of the plugin is that when the plugin is loaded, it spawns a separate process that serves as the "engine" of the plugin and executes drawing operations…
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3 answers

C# Process.MainWindowHandle always returns IntPtr Zero

this is my code: using (Process game = Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo() { FileName="DatabaseCheck.exe", RedirectStandardOutput = true, CreateNoWindow = true, UseShellExecute = false })) { …
Kfir Eichenblat
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1 answer

WinForms main window handle

In my winforms application I am trying to get a main window handle, so I can set it as parent to my wpf modal window. I am not too experienced with winforms, so after a bit of googling I found two ways to get it.…
Nikita B
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3 answers

How to convert IntPtr to int

A window handle sometimes of type int and other times of type IntPtr int example: [DllImport("user32.dll")] static extern uint GetWindowThreadProcessId(int hWnd, int ProcessId); IntPtr example: [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet =…
E Mett
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4 answers

C# window positioning

Using Windows Forms I wanted to position window into specific coords. I thought it can be done in a simple way, but following code does not work at all: public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); this.Top = 0; this.Left = 0; } However,…
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4 answers

Why using IntPtr for handle?

When using PInvoke, I noticed that we need to use IntPtr to refer to Windows handles. I am wondering why not just use int for the handle? My understanding of a handle is that it is just an integer value.
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3 answers

Get all window handles for a process

Using Microsoft Spy++, I can see that the following windows that belong to a process: Process XYZ window handles, displayed in tree form just like Spy++ gives me: A B C D E F G H I J K I can get the process, and the…
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4 answers

C# get window handle after starting a process

Is there a way to get the window handle (IntPtr) for a window after its launched from a C# app with Process.Start()?
James Cadd
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5 answers

Are window handles (HWND) unique, or do they ever get reused?

I am thinking if there are handles of the same value ? To clarify my question, let's say I open Notepad, type in some text, save it and then close Notepad. If I repeat this a thousand times (or even more), will I ever have a chance to see the same…
Aussay Marshal
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4 answers

Get window handle from window class name

I'm trying to get a window handle on a child window in my process and the only information I have is the window class name. Are there any win32 functions I can use for that? I'm doing this from C#. A bit more detail: This is a Visual Studio plugin,…
Einar Egilsson
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1 answer

Getting X11 window handle from GtkWidget

The wxWindow::GetHandle() function returns HWND on Windows and GtkWidget on linux. I need to get X11 Window Handle, which isn't the widget itself. How can I get the handle from that widget? I need C++ code as it's the main language of wxWidgets.
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1 answer

How to get count of opened handles that belongs to a certain process?

You can use the program Process Explorer to see how many handles running applications have. Is there a way with Delphi code to get this number? I am interested in tracking the number for the application itself; not to find the number of handles…
M Schenkel
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