Questions tagged [window-handles]

Windows OS is full of windows, even objects inside windows as we know them are also windows. Each window has a handle that is a pointer to the memory in which information about the window is stored.

220 questions
2 answers

Why am I unable to navigate into a new window with the Selenium Webdriver?

I am unable to navigate into a new window, as it is showing the same window for both parent and child. I use this code. What is the problem? String parent_Window = driver.getWindowHandle(); Set handles = driver.getWindowHandles(); …
1 answer

IsWindow returns false for existing window handle

In a VB6 application I am checking if a certain VB.NET WinForms window exists: Public Declare Function IsWindow Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long If Not IsWindow(102937) Then MessageBox("Window not found!") End If The messagebox is…
Maiken Roskilde
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3 answers

Closing new window in Selenium

I have written the following code to open a google map window get it's url then close it and perform the actions on my previous window: try { String winHandleBefore = driver.getWindowHandle(); …
Rishu Saxena
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1 answer

Unable to handle newly opened GrandChild window (Lookup) from a child window

In my project i tried to automate Creating a new employee , for that i need to click a link which will open a child window from main window and in that child window i need to click on a lookup button, to select a report manager for that employee .…
1 answer

How to get window title from it's process path

I have a path of a process, I would like to get it's window title in C++. Let's assume that this process has only one window. So for example my process path is : C:\Program Files\My Program\program.exe which is a running process's path, and I would…
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3 answers

c++ Injector runs but is not injecting DLL

I am using visual studios 2017 on windows 10 and I wrote a c++ program to open a handle to a process. The program runs and opens the process. I ran the program in the debugger and it looks like all the functions passed. However I know the DLL is not…
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1 answer

Is it possible to get handle of address bar in open file dialog using c# window handle?

I need to retrieve address if user is selecting a file for email attachment. is there any way to use window handle to get handle of address bar of open file dialog?
1 answer

GetFocus() returns null for MS Word

I am writing a Keyboard application that hooks the keyboard and remaps the keys. For this, I have created two projects, one .exe and .dll. In the .dll project, I detect the Handle of the Window in which the user is typing by GetFocus(). However, it…
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1 answer

manipulating window / process by its handle (even if there's no title or a window)

I want to check on this code and see if you can help me implement it if so , is there a way to query faster getting only process that starts with "a" and process starts with "b" (is it by using the filter parameter ) could it be done via other…
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1 answer

how find name window from .exe?

I have window Rules of Survival title: "Rules of Survival 1.120471.124472". HWND window = FindWindow(NULL, "Rules of Survival 1.120471.124472"); how to find title name in rulesofsurvival.exe pleas give me example P.S. sorry for my bad English
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