Questions tagged [webdriver-w3c-spec]

WebDriver W3C Recommendation: WebDriver is a remote control interface that enables introspection and control of user agents. It provides a platform- and language-neutral wire protocol as a way for out-of-process programs to remotely instruct the behavior of web browsers.

WebDriver W3C Recommendation

WebDriver is a remote control interface that enables introspection and control of user agents. It provides a platform- and language-neutral wire protocol as a way for out-of-process programs to remotely instruct the behavior of web browsers.


Repository for any errors or issues reported since publication:

23 questions
13 answers

Selenium webdriver: Modifying navigator.webdriver flag to prevent selenium detection

I'm trying to automate a very basic task in a website using selenium and chrome but somehow the website detects when chrome is driven by selenium and blocks every request. I suspect that the website is relying on an exposed DOM variable like this…
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8 answers

How to turn off w3c in chromedriver to address the error unknown command: Cannot call non W3C standard command while in W3C

With version 75 of Chrome just released, our tests no longer run properly. They give the stacktrace pasted below. We are using ruby on rails v. with rspec, selenium-webdriver…
7 answers

Cannot call non W3C standard command while in W3C mode (Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnknownCommandError) with Selenium ChromeDriver in Cucumber Ruby

We have Cucumber Ruby automation framework where we run few tests on Chrome headless browser in a Docker on Jenkins. A few days ago we started receiving an error "This version of ChromeDriver only supports Chrome version 75" this time we were using…
1 answer

What is the difference between Protocol and Json Wire Protocol

Protocol: A standard to define a method of exchanging data over a network. If a browser wants to communicate with a server, it has to create an HTTP request and send that HTTP request to the server to convey its request of resources and options. The…
2 answers

Is it possible to programmatically determine whether W3C action commands are used?

The Selenium Javadoc for Actions.moveToElement indicate that the meanings of the xOffset and yOffset arguments are as follows. xOffset - Offset from the top-left corner. A negative value means coordinates left from the element. yOffset - Offset from…
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Difference between JsonWireProtocol mechanisms and the new standards in W3C Living Document when using Selenium

I'm wondering what are the differences between the mechanisms in JsonWireProtocol (Status: OBSOLETE) and W3C Living Document from 31 December 2019 (the new standard) when using Selenium for UI tests. I know that Selenium have used the following:…
1 answer

How to get currently active tab index on Chrome via Selenium?

I'm creating app which is half-automated (user is opening tabs (attention) and if he wants to dump one of them he just clicks hot-key). But when user opens to much tabs, I need to know to which one I should switch. How can i get currenttab index.…
2 answers

Selenium and non-headless browser keeps asking for Captcha

I was running into an issue in which one of our sites kept asking for captcha in headless mode in a browser in the cloud, so I switched it to non headless, so I could enter the captcha myself, and I thought the next times it would work, perhaps…
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Is there a way to use Selenium WebDriver without informing the document that it is controlled by WebDriver?

I'm automating an Web page who call a CAPTCHA to validate the login, but I noticed that this page only request this CAPTCHA when I'm using my automatized test code, when I do it manually it don't request. I asked to developer team to disable it on…
2 answers

How does Selenium click on elements that are 50% on screen and 50% not on screen?

There is a div-Element. 50% of its size are on the screen. The other 50% go over the screen height and are not visible. There is no scrolling possible. I tried to automate a test with Selenium and click on that div-element, but sometimes it works…
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2 answers

Getting error message in Edge 'JSON wire protocol command endpoint is not allowed' when server uses w3c

When we run the script using Microsoft Edge getting the below error : The following JSON wire protocol command endpoint is not allowed when server is running in W3C mode. GET /shutdown What I understand is that Edge now supports W3C mode by…
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How to speed up Java Selenium Script,with minimum wait time

I'm currently working on a java selenium Project, which is usually a small script where I have to check for each element for it's presence and based on that some actions are triggered but our main concern is time duration to finish the…
2 answers

What is benefit of using ChromeDriver over WebDriver if we are using only Chrome Browser in our Selenium Automation Script

I am using WebDriver and ChromeDriver variables in following manner: Line1 : WebDriver driver1 = new ChromeDriver(); Line2: ChromeDriver driver2 = new ChromeDriver(); My script is limited to run test cases only in Chrome Driver, so I will…
1 answer

INFO: Detected dialect: W3C using Selenium Java

I have a web automation project that runs over a website, performs registration of new user and chooses several items. all elements are detected by findElement(By ). Suddenly it stopped working completely and not able to find any of the elements. My…
1 answer

In Laravel Dusk Stripe Testing how do i fix "In W3C compliance mode frame must be either instance of WebDriverElement, integer or null"

My application was laravel framework 5.8 and i am currently upgrading it to 6.0. My Laravel Dusk browser tests include logging into Stripe, creating a user and a subscription before testing the application functionality. I am using Google Chrome…
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