Questions tagged [web-push]

The Web Push API lets users of your Web app receive push notifications at any time—even in the background; that is, even when your Web app is not currently running in the foreground on the user’s device (or even when the browser on the user’s device is not currently running). It use Service Workers to handle messages sent using common push services, and to allow your Web app to react to the push notifications it receives.

For more information about the Web Push API, see the actual Push API spec and the articles Using the Push API and Push Notifications on the Open Web. The MDN article Using Service Workers is also relevant.

The IETF standards that describe the Web Push protocol and its message encryption scheme are really useful to understand how to build an application server that sends push notifications to clients and how to encrypt push message payloads.

560 questions
3 answers

How to display push notifications from my website?

I'm developing a simple website and I want my website to display push notifications to my users. It is something similar to how displays notifications in chrome and firefox. I'm also working on an Android app that also supports push…
1 answer

Service Worker get data from server without being logged in

What I'm trying to do is make a web app that has a Service Worker installed to show push notifications to the user using Push Notifications API on Chrome and Firefox. But I don't know if this can be done when user session expires, because server…
David Ortega
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2 answers

How to use Chrome Push Notifications from Http site

How can I integrate chrome push notification (GCM) on my HTTP site. That would be great help if i could get any sample related to this? According to Google documents this is only for HTTPS sites, but is there any way to integrate push on HTTP…
2 answers

Limit and quota chrome push-notification limit google-cloud-messaging

Hello I am working to include push notifications for chrome, basically I followed steps although I then added different stuff. Everything works correctly but I…
1 answer

Chrome Push Notifications: can't subscribe from sub-path

I'm trying to subscribe to the pushManager, and I can only achieve it while on the root (/) path. If I navigate to any sub path (/mypath), I recieve Unable to subscribe to push. DOMException: Registration failed - no sender id provided. The problem…
Tomas Romero
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0 answers

Prevent redirection to root of site's origin after clicking push notification

When using service workers for push notification on chrome, we show a push notification to the user. Clicking the notification generally opens the browser to the root of the site's origin. Inside the callback of the following…
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1 answer

Web Push Notification - Got notification but no pop up

I followed Google's "Adding Push Notification to a Web App" tutorial. I was able to receive notifications and console did print the messages but there was no pop up alert. I…
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1 answer

How to create FCM registration token using Firebase Admin sdk

How to create FCM registration token on Go using Firebase Admin sdk I can create custom token but I need to create FCM registration token so that I can sent web push notification to my web app
Prinkal Kumar
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1 answer

Create a web push notification service like OneSignal

We need to develop something similar to OneSignal (only web, no native apps) for private use. Where can we start? Is there some open source project we can use?
Sofia Grillo
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1 answer

How to make your own push notification service for your website

I am working on a website, where I want to make a feature of notifications, when a user visits my website, they are asked for notifications permission and when they allow it, they will get notifications from my website, and whatever product I want…
Nadeem Ahmad
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1 answer

web push - force SW and GMC_ID update

I would like migrate web push users to my custom web push service. How can I force update SW (another filename; unregister old and register new) and gcm_sender_id (manifest.json)?
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1 answer

Php: Create web push notification

I want to create a web push notification in Php but I don't have the exact procedure for it. Following is the code I found, but it is not working.
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1 answer

How to use javascript click to trigger POST

When a user clicks... <%= content_tag(:button, "Send", class: "webpush-button") %> # Previous Attempt: <%= button_to 'send', class: "webpush-button" %>