Questions tagged [web-notifications]

The Web Notifications API provides a way for a web application to show a platform-level notification to a users — outside of a browser’s viewport and regardless of whether the web application that generated the notification is in the currently-active tab/window.

Web Notifications API for end-user notifications provides a way to alert users — outside the context of a web page — of an occurrence such as the delivery of an e-mail message.

139 questions
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Are multiple gcm_sender_ids mandatory for multiple site web push?

We are a company that operates about 500 large and small sites. (Self, outsourcing ...) We are trying to attach a notification to these sites. I know that when I sign in with my Google Developer Center account and get the gcm service, I get one…
0 answers

issue with closing web notification after saving it to the local storage

I'm showing notifications, issue is they show every time the page is loaded, so saving the tag to local storage, then if tag is in local storage don't show the notification, however it saves to the local storage, but doesn't stop showing the…
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Which most reliable technology for push notification for the web?

I want to implement real-time push notification in my web application for voice calls. I have analysed WebSockets, Long-polling, Firebase and Atmosphere. Both Firebase and Atmosphere are not reliable, for Atmosphere, sometimes push does not reach to…
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Notifications disabled on file system in Safari?

When in Safari and calling requestNotification the prompt never appears. Code: Notification.requestPermission(function (permission) { console.log(permission); // always denied if (permission === "granted") { // never hits this…
1.21 gigawatts
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Javascript Web Push: where can I get "auth" key?

I'm starting to use Web Push Notification; I don't know where I can find the auth key: var pushSubscription = { endpoint: '< Push Subscription URL >', keys: { p256dh: '< User Public Encryption Key >', auth: '< ???? User Auth Secret ????…
Ali Amini
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How to set BigPictureStyle on Web Push Notifications?

In my native app I send BigPictureStyle notifications and want to do the same on the web. I have built a Progressive Web App and am using service worker-based web push notifications, but can't find a way to show BigPictureStyle notifications to my…
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Real Time Notification for Angular 2 web app with web API back end

I am working on a web application (Angular 2 and web API) that expected to be notified the user when some task has been created by another user(An entry on the Tasks table in the Database). Notification can be something similar to Facebook…
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Chrome Desktop Notification doesn't display the message

I'm developing a website that supports desktop notifications. I'm utilizing GCM and Azure Notification Hub to send push messages to end users. I followed this codelab tutorial. When testing I have found that the push notifications do get displayed…
3 answers

How to display push notifications from my website?

I'm developing a simple website and I want my website to display push notifications to my users. It is something similar to how displays notifications in chrome and firefox. I'm also working on an Android app that also supports push…
2 answers

Is there a notification platform that supports both mobile apps with Xamarin and Web Browser with Javascript

I'm looking for a Notification platform which will enable me to send notifications to any platform like Web Browser, iOS and Android. Only distinction that I have is we are using Xamarin for mobile development. First I looked to It is…
1 answer

Mozilla undo "Always Block Notifications"

Using the web notifications api Mozilla will ask user for permission. If I choose 'Always Block Notifications' there seems no way to undo that setting(?). I've checked about:config, and dom.notifications.enabled is true. But calling…
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3 answers

Hide JS Notification Object By Tag Name

I'm using the notification API for my project to show browser notifications where each notification has a unique tag (ID), but I can't seem to find a way to close or hide the notification by the tag name, without calling the close function on the…
Brian Leishman
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Web notification from server

I want to push notification to client from server when I updated database. This is my controller: public function finish() { $this->autoRender = false; try { if($this->request->is('post')) { $db =…
Bàn Chân Trần
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3 answers

Web Notifications (HTML5) - How it works?

I'm trying to understand whether the HTML5 Web Notifications API can help me out, but I'm falling short in understanding how it works. I'd like user_a to be able to send user_b a message within my webapp. I'd like user_b to receive a notification of…
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How to refresh a script in in JFS?

Good Morning I am working with Web APIs Notifications in Google Chrome the problem is: I have a script in the head of my xhtml page that retrieves values ​​from a database through a managed bean and this process has to be done on a timer (interval)…
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