Questions tagged [web-notifications]

The Web Notifications API provides a way for a web application to show a platform-level notification to a users — outside of a browser’s viewport and regardless of whether the web application that generated the notification is in the currently-active tab/window.

Web Notifications API for end-user notifications provides a way to alert users — outside the context of a web page — of an occurrence such as the delivery of an e-mail message.

139 questions
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Fcm Web Notifications issue in Firefox

I am trying to enable push notifications for a website using firebase. I am able to get it working perfectly in Google Chrome and Opera broswers. But I get the following error in mozilla firefox. Unable to get permission to notify. Object { code:…
0 answers

FCM has two active tokens for the same Javascript client

I'm using the Firebase Javascript SDK to add web push notifications to a React JS app. Through some sequence of events, we've wound up with two FCM tokens that appear to be from the same web client (same machine, browser and site domain). An FCM…
1 answer

close chrome notification on click

I'm trying to create web notifications via chrome and I'm receiving the notification and it's working fine the problem is when I'm clicking on the notification it is not disappearing please help me in closing notification when clicked/opened I…
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Chrome 59 Incognito session doesn't expose "Allow" for Notification content settings and defaults to "Blocked" when permission requested through API

Chrome Version 59.0.3071.109 (Official Build) (64-bit) (at least on OSX) behaves differently from 58 in that in an incognito session, a call to request permission through the browser Notification API does not show the user the permission request…
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Web Push notification in Rails 5

I am creating new application in rails 5. I want to use Web Push notifications. I haven't find any document that'll help me in web push notifications. Any help will be appreciable .Thanks in advance.
dArK kNiGhT
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Delay an HTML5 notification?

I've been looking at the state of HTML notifications and service workers, and was wondering - is it possible to show a notification on a delay? Basically, I would like to be able to say "remind me in 30 minutes" (or whatever), then push a…
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Display icon in notifiaction FirefoxOS

I want display an icon in Notofication Firefox OS for that I use this code : var img = './images/icon-30.png'; var notification = new Notification('Notification', { body: 'Body Notification', icon: img }); notification.addEventListener('click',…
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Prevent Firefox Web Notifications from automatically Closing

I've got Web Notifications working in Firefox in combination with Server Sent DOM events. Unfortunately the notifications disappear after about two to three seconds. I prefer Chrome's method of leaving the message visible (with a maximum of three…
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Can a web app give desktop notification

Well, A small idea of making an application ran through my mind. But this is the first time I would try to make an application. Till now I have worked on PHP, C++, Ruby with Rails frame work, but all at a beginner level. I am ready to take a bigger…
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Service Worker "notificationclick" not firing

The notification is showing fine, but when I click on it, or any of the actions, nothing happens. I see no logging, no error messages, but the notification does close (although it closes even when I comment out the event.notification.close()). I've…
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Web push notification not showing

I registered a service worker and am trying to test a web notification in the browser. Chrome (and Firefox) claim the service worker is successfully registered. On load of the React App, I've granted permission to receive notifications. In my…
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Is there a way to replace default browser logo in web notifications?

I'm working on simple POC project that use service workers and web notifications. I'm wondering if there is an option to replace browser logo (e.g Google Chrome logo) with the custom one. I've looked into Service Workers API documentation and I…
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Web Notifications custom implementation vs third-party services

I need to implement web notifications for some website and send notifications from php script executed in console. I found that is possible to implement web notifications without using third-party services, by using this lib…
Ivan M
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How to send push notifications to web application and browser?

I have a database in which I insert and send data using java.So I want to send push notifications using java to my web application and getting them in javascript. I also want to send push notification to my browser.Is there an easy way to do these…
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Web notification API not working locally

I'm trying to recreate the page shown in this tutorial. The code is as following: if (!('Notification' in window)) { document.getElementById('wn-unsupported').classList.remove('hidden'); …
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