
I have this Phonegap application I'm working. Unfortunately, I having problems pertaining to a particular feature at the moment. I tried deploying on any iOS device, the error is present. Though by default, we programmers, should solve this problem right away. But I was wondering how I could see console.logs("..."); on Android.

I've search for related answers regarding this. Most of the answers mostly suggests I should use WebInspector using jshybugger. That won't be a problem unless I will be building the project on a level below API L19 (Kitkat) and maybe as low as API L10 (Gingerbread).

Using the AVD emulator was also a suggestion, yet I can't find a way to boot the emulator properly on my computer. And as we all know, Android Emulator is a hell of a snail compared to iOS Simulator.

Unlike for iOS I could just use the Safari Device Inspector to view the console logs and resources. I was hoping for a similar feature without using jshybugger and can be supported by at most Android API L10?

David B
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1 Answers1


console.log should appear on the adb, you can see it on eclipse or on android monitor (monitor comes with the android sdk)

Or you can use this online debugger, it creates a javascript script that you put in your index and then you can see your phone debugger there. You can do it locally too using weinre

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