Questions tagged [web-content]

85 questions
6 answers

Storing web content in a JAR file

Is it possible to store web content (such as JSPs, HTML, images, CSS etc) in a JAR file? I've been looking at various options at modularising our web applications and this is one possibility. We are currently using JSF and Facelets for our view…
3 answers

How to get a web page's source code from Java

I just want to retrieve any web page's source code from Java. I found lots of solutions so far, but I couldn't find any code that works for all the links below:…
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Content controls have to be top-level controls in a content page or a nested master page that references a master page

I want to use nested master page so i create the following master page : <%@ Master Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="test.master.cs" Inherits="DocumentFlowUI.test" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPage2.master" %>
Anyname Donotcare
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1 answer

Content Classification from URL

Given n number of raw URLs, I'd like to be able to classify them by: news, blog, photo and video. An example would be if a link directs a user to a photo, would it be enough to say that the raw link contains file extension for images to be able to…
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Passing web data into Beautiful Soup - Empty list

I've rechecked my code and looked at comparable operations on opening a URL to pass web data into Beautiful Soup, for some reason my code just doesn't return anything although it's in correct form: >>> from bs4 import BeautifulSoup >>> from urllib3…
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2 answers

Where to put text files in an Eclipse Dynamic Web Project using Tomcat?

I am working on a dynamic web project in Eclipse with Tomcat 7. All of my html, css and javascript files are inside the WebContent folder in the eclipse workspace. All the java files are inside the src folder. All works well for simple programs. But…
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How to get Jetty load resources from a JAR file?

I'm running JSF application on Jetty 8. I have one jar file with web resources (/META-INF/resources/test.xhtml) for some reason context from that resource is not added to WebAppContext. When I'm using maven jetty plugin then server adds web context…
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1 answer

Upload image and Save inside Web Content Folder in JSP and Save Image Path in Database

My goal is to upload an image and save inside images folder to Web Content Folder. {Please see the image below} and save the image path into database {Please see the image below} I encountered some problem at this link I tried to do but I did not…
Purple Owl
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1 answer

Get a Web-content article with a specific Structure in Liferay

I have started developing portlets with Liferay and I would like to show one (or more) Web-content article(s) with a specified structure. For example, suppose I've a structure "A" so how can I get the last web-content article which is created using…
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1 answer

Zabbix web scenarios - how to include the content of the web response in notifications?

I have notifications coming back from web scenarios that say "PROBLEM' and "OK". I would like to include the content of the web response when a problem happens. I'm not worrying about header values, just the content of the web page. Is this a…
heathen world
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1 answer

How to use parent CSS from Shadow DOM

I have css from parent application that I want to use inside a web-component made by shadow dom. I don't want to copy css from parent aplication to web-component, but right now, the web-component can't see the parent application css, how can I do…
Cledson Araújo
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Expanding the cell based on the web-content same like Skype iOS application

I have a requirement where I need to create the UI same like Skype iOS application for display the web-content. For that I used the UICollectionViewCell to accomplish the task but couldn't get the idea how I can expand the size of cell based on the…
1 answer

I want to access the WebContent-Title from the velocity Template

Something like this $Title.getData() or $title.getData() don't work.
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2 answers

Is it possible for me to instantiate the Journal Article object and set each property without constuctor?

When I do this it doesn't compile when I run build.xml and deploy, I want to do this as it looks much nicer than a huge method call with JournalArticleLocalServiceUtil.addArticle. JournalArticle journalArticle = new…
1 answer

Liferay Web Content

How can you select specific dynamic elements to be displayed from the abstract display? For example if I have the following in my template Sample Text $ Display Text $ How…
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