Questions tagged [web-based]

tag should be used while asking for questions with problems relating to using web technologies, frameworks and web based apps.

82 questions
2 answers

DataGrid in using c#

My question might be little strange but I am new to web - based programming. In windows based application, if I need to let the user to edit and view the table then I am using the datagrid. In web - based, there is GridView but it is read only tool.…
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Using web-based API in python - retrieving response in Python

I need to use this API to get a rating of each website. I am unsure how to use Python to retrieve the number rating from that site. How would I do this without using…
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Web based text editor with ability to try code in browser

I'm working on a project and I'm in need of a web-based text editor, much like the one W3School uses on their site. My goals are to build a library of modules and buttons and stuff for my school for future and present students written be students. A…
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Is it feasible to develop a web-based QR code reader?

Just wondering how hard it is to do a QR code reader as part of a web-based application? Is it a lot easier to do with a native iPhone or Android app? edit: I want to use a webcam to decode a QR code.
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web based gui for administrate mysql by super user

i need a gui web-based for admin mysql tables on my server: i need to allow at my "super-user" to edit and see only some tables (and only one database). This super user can only insert, update... i'll tryed phpmyadmin, mywebsql and some others but…
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VisualStudio 2012 crashes on opening web-based project - Windows 7 - Windows error message

Everything had beed working great, but suddenly something happened and every time I try to open any web-based project (either MVC or just 'Open Web Site', any others are just fine), Visual Studio 2012 crashes with Windows environment…
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Getting multiple data and them adding them into multiple database entries

Hi have made a php script which the user can pick or add multiple entry into the database for example a user can add 10 items at once the 10 area's show but the main problem is that only the last one is added into the database and not all the data…
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how can I use a web-based ssh terminal emulator in a browser using java as backend and not using applets?

how can I use a web-based ssh terminal emulator in a browser using java as backend and not using applets? TIA Leo ps. looks like most solutions use python ( or node.js
0 answers

Create a macro to work on a Java Applet on a webpage

Basically, there is a Java Applet on a webpage, which displays a number and a random generate button. I am trying to create a macro to press this random button repeatedly until a number in the desired range is found. I have tried using iMacro, but…
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How to add youtube videos to iframe (web-based RTE) with javascript (or jQuery)

I would like to create a rich text editor with javascript (jQuery) and HTML that works like the one of "Blogger". I would like the user of the editor to have the ability to add formatted text (bold, different sizes of fonts etc), add images and add…
1 answer

javascript access web-based script on button click

How would I go about accessing a web-based script. I don't know if I'm wording that correctly. I just want to be able to click a button and run the function. That's not the issue. The issue is how do I go about putting it in a function. …
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updating data record by record or updating a whole Datatable in web-based application?

in web-based application, which method is prefered? I also need some examples about this issue. Thanks in advance.
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What should a real time web based text editor and Instant messenger be made with?

I'm looking in to making a real time collaborated Text editor and Instant messenger for a web site I am doing. what would be the best tools & language to do this in? I see Java script could be a good choice for the editor. could the IM also be done…
Taylor Ramirez
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1 answer

Update existing Sharepoint list with new data (adding new rows)

Before I start, I should say I have the answer for the above question, but I need something better and I will explain. I am writing an app in powerapps that references data in a sharepoint list. Something like: Name From To Project Fred 12 …
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C# - How to stop Selenium tests to not update database after the tests are Passed?

Every time I run my Selenium tests it creates a lot of dummy data in Database. I need a solution where I can stop selenium tests to not update database after the tests are Passed. For example: I have a Selenium test to create a user so every time I…