Questions tagged [rich-text-editor]

A rich-text editor allows to edit, enter and format content in a web browser with rich markup and styles close to its final appearance.

A rich-text editor (RTE) allows a user or author to edit, enter and format content in a web browser with rich markup and styles close to its final appearance.

An online rich-text editor allows users and contributors of a website to use a WYSIWYG tool with minimal learning curve as their interface is close to the interface of a word processor for example.
Other rich-text editors are WYSIWYM tools (What You See Is What You Mean).

935 questions
2 answers

Rails 3 and Rich text editor

I am building a Rails 3 app with blogging, commenting, and other functionality that require the users to input text. My question is whether it is a better idea to use a Javascript rich text editor or not. What would be the pros and cons. If it is a…
Steve Harman
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3 answers

Any WYSIWYG rich text editor that doesn't use HTML (contenteditable or designMode), a la (the new) Google Docs?

Besides the new Google Docs, all the other WYSIWYG web-based rich text editors (ckeditor, tinymce, old Google Docs) I've seen are based on contenteditable or designMode. I personally hate using these editors. It doesn't take much formatting or…
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2 answers

How to create a rich text editor

Hey all i want to know what is the concept behind creating the rich text editor. i mean how to create a rich text editor. I want to learn the implementation. PS: please donot suggest using YUI or any other built in library. I want to make one my…
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1 answer

javascript Rich Text Editors

There are several (very good) rich text web editors written in Javascript (eg FCKeditor, YUI Texteditor and many many others). However I couldn't find any tutorial on how to build such a component. Something that would explain both high-level…
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5 answers

Allowing custom tags in TinyMCE for integration with indexhibit

I'm trying to allow some custom tags to be entered into TinyMCE. The tag is However this is turned into I'm about to write a regex to deal with this as I have to get the job done, I'd…
Chris Barry
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5 answers

What is the Best JQuery WYSIWYM Textile Editor?

I need to use a Textile (preferably instead of Markdown), and am looking for a nice WYSIWYM (not WYSIWYG, because of this) JQuery editor. I've seen these: WMD - Markdown, Stack Overflow uses it MarkItUp - Textile support but I don't know if it's…
Lance Pollard
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4 answers

HTML5 rich-text inside textarea

I heard that the new HTML5 will add rich text capability to textareas (it will make them more flexible), so you can do stuff like code syntax highlighting editors without very nasty javascript (like creating iframes and stuff). Is this true? Are…
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3 answers

How to save structure of site/document created with a rich text editor to create read-only views and editable rich text editors again?

I need to save some content of an editor in some kind of backend, which currently is unspecified. At the moment I´m struggling the structure of the created document. In the editor the user should be able to write text and place videos or images…
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1 answer

How to implement undo/redo in UIWebView

I am developing an app which has rich text editor feature. On top of ZSSRichTextEditor I have written my editor code. Here my editor is UIWebView which will be injected by javascript code to support/edit the rich text content. ZSSRichTextEditor has…
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3 answers

Inserting Text At Cursor Location With Quill.js

I am trying to add a custom piece of functionality ("module") to quill.js and cannot seem to do it. Here is what I need: If want to add a button that inserts a template replacement variable... say something like {{company}} at the location of the…
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3 answers

How to disable Gutenberg / block editor for certain post types?

WordPress added Gutenberg / block editor in its 5th version and it's enabled by default for Post and Page post types. It might be enabled by default for all custom post types in close future so as a WordPress developer I want to know how to disable…
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3 answers

How to align text in Draft.js

I'm wondering how to align text in Draft.js just like on the picture below. I have searched this several days, but I haven't found the solution.
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1 answer

ASP.NET MVC Rich Text Editor

Goal The goal of this wiki entry is to create a comprehensive list of available rich text editors for err... traditional websites. By traditional we mean anything that isn't with server controls and viewstate. Open source and commercial…
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2 answers

Is there a replacement for document.execCommand? (or is it safe to use document.execCommand?)

I am building an amateur rich text editor with vanilla JavaScript and document.execCommand() is essential to enabling the core features of an text editor. For example bold, italic and unordered list commands: Array.from(toolbarBtn).forEach(btn =>…
Linas M.
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1 answer

Open Source .NET Rich Text Editor UserControl with GUI all implemented

I am writing a data entry program where the last field is going to be a RichTextBox for the user to enter remarks, formatted for print. Is there a free or opensource .NET WinForms Rich Text Editor with all the GUI already implemented? Most searches…
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