Questions tagged [mysqladmin]

Client for administering a MySQL server.

mysqladmin is a client for performing administrative operations on a database. You can use it to check the server's configuration and current status, to create and drop databases, and more.

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79 questions
25 answers

MySQL root password change

I have been trying to reset my MySQL root password. I have run mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables, updated the root password, and checked the user table to make sure it is there. Once restarting the mysql daemon I tried logging in with the new root…
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3 answers

Is there a way to pass the DB user password into the command line tool mysqladmin?

I currently use the following but it ALWAYS prompts me to manually type the password. Is there any way to pass it in on the command line when launching the executable? mysqladmin processlist -u root -p
Ethan Allen
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1 answer

Difference between mysql, mysqladmin, mysqld

Can someone give me a clear explanation of the differences between mysql (command line tool), mysqladmin (client tool for performing administrative tasks) and mysqld (mysql server).
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4 answers

ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for 'root' With All Privileges

I have strange error. I am logged in local Mysql as root via command line. After creating database: create database some_db; Then giving privileges to some user: grant all privileges on some_db.* to some_user@'localhost' identified by…
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2 answers

Why MySQL connection is blocked of many connection errors?

As you can see I have a problem on a database connection. It gives me this error: blocked because of many connection errors I searched some answers but I couldn't solve my problem. I don't know if I gave all the information that you need,…
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2 answers

mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed

Today (2015-05-02) I upgraded my Linux system via apt-get update and apt-get upgrade whereas mysql, mysqladmin and a lot more packages have been updated. The mysql-server-5.5 runs and I can login and do all the typical database operations but when I…
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2 answers

mysqli php random connect error

I am receiving the below error randomly from the php backend jobs and php web page logs. Have a app server which runs php backend jobs and php webservers. Both connect to the same database server. Using php mysqli object oriented library for…
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2 answers

SQL: Interrupting a query

I've worked on a project using a proprietary non-SQL DB where queries could be interrupted and in the codebase there were quite some spots where that functionnality was used and made perfect sense (for example to stop a long running query that gets…
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1 answer

mysqladmin ping error code

Mysqladmin ping returns 0 even with a password failure, a thing that mysqlclient doesn't. Is this a mistake from Mysqladmin Developpers? I don't understand why Mysqladmin is asking for a login/password because it returns 0 even if you don't specify…
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2 answers

MySQL root@localhost, root@ and root@::1 have different passwords - is it normal?

After setting password with this command: mysqladmin.exe --user=root password I see 3 rows in user table for "root" user: and root@localhost has password, while root@ and root@::1 do not…
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2 answers

difference between opened files and open files in mysql

In the below status i have opened files count to be '95349'. this value is increasing rapidly. mysql> show global status like 'open_%'; Open_files = 721 Open_streams = 0 Open_table_definitions = 706 Open_tables …
1 answer

Cannot set password for MySQL root user

I am trying to get MySQL running on my localhost. This never happened to me before, but upon installation sudo apt-get install mysql-server did not ask me for the initial password. After searching for answers to "reset" my password and battling…
Digital Ninja
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1 answer

mysql user last login / access date time

During in a audit task, I am going to delete few mysql users. Before delete I want to check, when the last time these user access the database server. I want to know if we have this information stored in information_schema or mysql databases. If not…
Faizan Younus
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4 answers

Whats the most efficient MySQL column types for this data?

I have several tables with some pretty standard data in each. Can somebody help me optimize them by telling me the best column types for this data. Whats beside them is what I have currently. Number (max length 7) --> MEDIUMINT(8) Unsigned Text (max…
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1 answer

How to solve 30 second response times because of mysql sleep?

I'm in a situation which really puzzles me, and nobody seems to know what the problem is. I've got a website written in php/Laravel, which connects to a mysql server. If I call an api endpoint several times very fast (by clicking on a website…
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