Questions tagged [vscode-debugger]

The Visual Studio Code debugger allows the developer to find errors in a program by pausing and inspecting the code.

The Visual Studio Code Debugger allows the developer to find errors in a program by pausing and inspecting the code.


  1. Debugging User Guide
  2. Video tutorial
1100 questions
1 answer

Today all my Java projects are failed to load, the compiler sent me an error

Today I opened VSCode, all my Java projects are failed to load, the compiler sent me an error "Cannot resolve the modulepaths/classpaths automatically, please specify the value in the launch.json." In another Windows device, it never occured. In…
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VS Code terminal appearing on the side and not the bottom

My VS Code Terminal/Problems/Output/Debug is appearing on the side like this - However, I want it to appear at the bottom like this - How do I make it appear at the bottom?
1 answer

How to debug JS in PHP page with Visual Studio Code?

Which is the best way to debug JS on a web page .php (after the PHP is executed on the server) with Visual Studio Code? I found some solutions like Debugger for Chrome Extension but they work only with .html file. Sample of test.php: …
1 answer

How do I open the debug window in Visual Studio 2019

I've accidentally closed that debug window (with the table that shows all the values). How do I reopen it? (I have been seriously trying for about 20 minutes and couldn't find it)
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VS Code starts debugging in integrated terminal instead of debug console for java

Can somebody help me with this. I am getting output in terminal not in debug console. Here is my Launch json file. { // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes. // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes. // For…
2 answers

VS Code debugger not operational on macOS

All my friends have their debugger in VS Code working fine except for me, they all don't use a Mac. Any help is appreciated, thanks. When I am in debug mode in VS Code (Mac), my interactive terminal does not work. cppdbg terminal does not show up…
1 answer

VSCode when viewing array elements during debugging

I am debugging the following code in VSCode: int main() { char arr1[] = {'t', 'e', 's', 't', '\0'}; char arr2[] = "test"; int arr3[] = {1, 2, 3}; double arr4[] = {1.1, 2.2, 3.3}; } The elements of the first two arrays show as: 116…
George Tian
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1 answer

VSCode debugging

If I run and try to debug program in C in VSCode and get this comment: The program 'C:\vscode\project\build\my_executable.exe' has exited with code 0 (0x00000000). Does it mean that the program run without any problem? thanks
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1 answer

VSCode Debug - Prepend command when launching for django?

I've recently started using VSCode to debug with Django and it's worked out pretty well. I use a system for managing my environment variables however that requires the use of it's keyword first (keys python runserver) Debugging works fine…
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1 answer

VSCode debugging is not working by click F5

I am trying to create new WebAPI project by using dotnet CLI commend. I created and tried to run by clicking F5, it is loading and debugging symbol also came. After some time it is stopping it. I installed debugger for chrome also. It generates…
2 answers

VSCode debugging on running webpack-dev-server, skips breakpoints

I have debugger for chrome extension installed. I run my app using webpack-dev-server -d --config --inline I'm running a react app, all source codes are under /src folder. I have js, ts and tsx files. When I put a breakpoint on…
1 answer

Having trouble with getting the debugger to work on a C program in VSCode

I am getting this error: Internal debugger error: unable to find executable for '/home/ubuntu/workspace/ffmpeg_pcm_f32le_encoder/build/f32le_transcode_mem ' However this file exists: $…
Suhail Doshi
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1 answer

Why is my VS Code debugger bouncing around my C++ code?

I run my debugger, stop at a breakpoint, then try to step through my code. But the debugger will often skip lines and/or jump back to previous lines unexpectedly, and even go over the same line multiple times. Some of my coworkers have also…
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1 answer

PHP debugging on a Docker host using Vscode

How can I get Xdebug (or another debugger) working in VSCode for a Docker PHP container? I found this tutorial but it is for other ides not VS code. I haven't been able to find any other guides that come close to explaining how to do anything other…
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1 answer

Debugging Java in Visual Studio Code Compilation Error

I'm trying to debug a simple Java program using the Java Extension Pack in VS code. I am pretty new to Java programming and I read up on Writing Java in VS code to understand how to debug Java…
sangmin park
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