Questions tagged [vscode-debugger]

The Visual Studio Code debugger allows the developer to find errors in a program by pausing and inspecting the code.

The Visual Studio Code Debugger allows the developer to find errors in a program by pausing and inspecting the code.


  1. Debugging User Guide
  2. Video tutorial
1100 questions
0 answers

How to run Junit Test (Java) from VSCode

I have an Eclipse Maven project that uses selenium and Junit to run some tests. It currently works fine when I run it as Junit Test. I want to try out the ide from visual studio code but I can't get it to work. I am getting the following…
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2 answers

Can't set Breakpoints debugging Node Typescript in VS Code

I see other questions with the same issue but I've tried all the other solutions and nothing is working on my end. I have a typescript Node app that I'm trying to debug in VSCode. My launch.json is "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [ { …
1 answer

Debug ExpressJS server side code using Visual Studio Code

i have made a simple CRUD app using express: 4.13.4 gulp: 3.9.1 mongodb :v3.0.6 reactjs : 15.0.2. node : 4.0.0 For server side code i hear it is possible to debug via Visual Studio Code (v1.1.1.). From git bash i start the app via gulp…
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1 answer

Finding memory leaks in a C++ application with VS Code

Is there a way to show memory leaks report in a C++ application using Visual Studio Code? Perhaps a certain library? An extension? Using MinGW compiler? I'm using Visual Studio Code (1.41.1) on Windows 10 with C++ extension (0.26.3). I've configured…
1 answer

Change flask running port in VScode debugger

I do have a flask application running on port 8000 because i have logstash running on port 5000., host='', port=8000) i can run my app successfully. but when i use VScode debugger it throws OSError: [Errno 98] Address…
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4 answers

Why doesn't VSCode activate conda before starting the debugger?

When I start the debugger in VSCode, the conda environment only gets activated after the debugging process has stopped with a "Missing required dependencies" import error. Immediately restarting the debugger works fine then. This problem occurs…
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2 answers

Export REACT_EDITOR for VSCode

How do you complete the following PRO TIP from the Android emulator node using the Windows cmd line for VSCode? "When you see Red Box with stack trace, you can click any stack frame to jump to the source file. The packager will launch your …
2 answers

Change code while debugging python program in Visual Studio Code

Is it possible to change the code while debugging in VSCode and that the change will take effect immediately without rerun the code? I'm using Microsoft Python extension.
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3 answers

VSCode - close big red stack trace error box (python)

Using VSCode to write/test python, problem happens when in debug mode. Several updates ago, VSCode began showing the current stack trace error report in a big red box that inserts into the active code window. I was fine with it being down in the…
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1 answer

What does green debugger pointer mean in VS Code?

As compared to a normal yellow position pointer during a debug session, what does the green arrow mean?
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vscode debugger with typescript: what determines how an object is rendered?

I'm using vscode to write some typescript, and I have set a breakpoint. When I open the Debug pane and ask it to evaluate an object, what is it doing to produce the string representation? The reason I am asking is because I am using this solution to…
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VS Code + Debugger for Chrome: open tab in existing Chrome instance, instead of new window?

I am using the Debugger for Chrome VS Code extension. I am working on a React project using yarn start, which opens at localhost:3000. I have an already running instance of Chrome where I am logged in using my Google account. However when I hit…
Casey L
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How can I get pytest to not catch exceptions

When I run pytest in the vscode debugger with "Uncaught Exceptions" checked, and there are test errors, no uncaught exceptions occur, because pytest catches them do its results reporting. How can I tell pytest to just let the exceptions happen? So…
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1 answer

VS Code remote debug to NodeJs in cluster

I am trying to remotely debug NodeJs application, which uses clusters. When I run my app locally, and I am attaching to it, VS Code see child processes and breakpoints works: VS Code Config: { "name": "Attach", "type": "node", "request":…
1 answer

how to disable message "You may only use the Microsoft .NET Core Debugger..."?

I'm running Visual Studio Code 1.42.1 on Ubuntu 19.10, using the default C# extension version 1.21.11. Whenever I launch a C# program using "Start Debugging", or even via "Run Without Debugging", I see this message in the output…
Adam Dingle
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