Questions tagged [vscode-debugger]

The Visual Studio Code debugger allows the developer to find errors in a program by pausing and inspecting the code.

The Visual Studio Code Debugger allows the developer to find errors in a program by pausing and inspecting the code.


  1. Debugging User Guide
  2. Video tutorial
1100 questions
3 answers

Unbound breakpoint - VS Code | Chrome | Angular

My issue I have an Angular application that I am trying to debug in VS Code. Currently when I serve the application e.g. ng serve my breakpoints are bound and the breakpoints get hit: However, when I serve via a different configuration e.g. ng…
2 answers

How can I solve "Unable to open 'raise.c' " Error?(VSCODE , LINUX)

( OS and Version: Ubuntu 18.4 , VS Code Version: Vscode 1.4 ,C/C++ Extension Version:0.26) Hello, I have read all the articles about "raise.c" and none of them solved my problem, I just wrote a simple OpenCV code which captures webcam's frames. each…
Hamid Reza
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2 answers

Visual studio code debugger error : "Could not find the task 'gcc build active file'

Im trying to configure a C/C++ workspace in Visual Studio Code using Ubuntu Linux, and I don't know how to make the debugger work properly. I copied from the internet a 'tasks.json' file to be able to compile my code with pressing of F5 but I think…
Andy Vavilov
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4 answers

VS Code opens a new debug console every time I build/run

Every time I build or run a program in VSCode a new python debug console is loaded. Before I know it I have 20+ and need to start deleting them. After 32 open consoles I get the error "The terminal process terminated with exit code: 256". I changed…
2 answers

How to correctly set specific module to debug in VS code?

I was following the instruction by VS code's website but it seemed that nothing that I tried worked. I created a new configuration as required but whenever I put the path it refuses to work in VS code although the path VS code complains about in the…
Charlie Parker
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2 answers

Set breakpoint in imported python module in vs code

I am trying to set a breakpoint in an external Python module in VS code. I have tried editing the source file and inserting import pdb; pdb.set_trace() where I want the breakpoint. This enters the pdb command line debugger rather than the debugger…
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8 answers

"Cannot find debug adapter for type 'node'. "

I'm trying to debug node script in vs code. Below is my launch.json - { "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [ { "type": "node", "request": "launch", "name": "Debug sql…
Rajkumar Natarajan
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3 answers

Dart / Flutter - Debugger stops on caught exceptions

In a relatively simple block of code that checks an API endpoint (determining connection state), I rely on a try..catch as the mechanism to validate if the application can communicate with the server. The issue I'm having is that while debugging,…
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1 answer

How to disable `Debug` from showing in package.json

How to disable the outlined Debug tip from showing up in package.json above the scripts section:
2 answers

How to debug dotnet test in VS Code?

This article describes setting the VS Code settings to point the debugging target at the build output of the unit test project. I have therefore set mine like this: { "explorer.confirmDragAndDrop": false, "git.allowForcePush": true, …
Matt W
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2 answers

Enable remote debugging on Chrome by default on mac?

I am working on getting the VS Code debugger to attach to Chrome as part of my regular workflow. I keep Chrome running all the time, and the highly-regarded VS Code Live Server extension opens my project in a new tab, which I like. I would like to…
1 answer

Debugging Celery with VSCode

I am using VSCode for web-developing with framework Django. There is no questions for debugging Django, but when i try to use Celery - debugger dosn't stop at breakpoints. I use this configuration for run Celery and Celery Beat: { "name":…
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0 answers

VSCode debugger very slow when evaluating variables

I don't know why my VSCode is extremely slow when I debug a net core Webapi, it takes several seconds to evaluate a line when I press F10 and is very frustrating. The problem comes when evaluating local variables. If I hide VARIABLES tab in debug…
Yuri Morales
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1 answer

Omnisharp not properly handling default dot net core 3 app in vscode

Omnisharp is showing errors and vscode keeps popping up: "there are unresolved dependencies" When I create a standard .Net 3 mvc app. I can run dotnet restore and it works properly. dotnet new mvc I've installed the dot net core 3 SDK. dotnet…
2 answers

VSCode stops on invisible breakpoint on "async_hooks.js" while debugging a node.js script

so I built a script in node.js which supposed to take csv files, parse them and enter them to DB. Sometimes, when I debug my code, it stops on like an invisible breakpoint found in async_hooks.js file, on the first line of the "emitHookFactory"…
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