Questions tagged [element-ui]

Element UI is a Vue 2.0 based component library.

To learn more about this library check the docs

509 questions
3 answers

Testing a Vue component using element-ui component

I have a component that is using an element-ui component. Tree.vue
I want to test the interactivity with the component (for example, to be able to click on one of the el-tree html…
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Best way to dynamically change theme of my Vue.js SPA?

So I think the title is enough explaination: I would like to dynamically theme my whole application. Maybe this means to change color of all divs when I press a specific button, or change the whole webapp's colors when a specific user logs in. Just…
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Can a NavMenu be responsive in element-ui?

I'm trying to make a responsive SPA based on vue.js and element-ui components. It has a responsive layout out of the box and it works fine, but I can't figure out how to make NavMenu (el-menu) component to move up or to hide under a 'burger' on…
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Vue Element.ui tree, emit reload event

I create a SPA on Vue (something like a cloud disk), using the Element.ui tree component, to display the folder tree. The problem is that the tree itself does not load everything at once, but is loaded sequentially with the help of the lazy…
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How to make a table row clickable and expand the row - vue.js - element-ui

I am using table that has expandable row feature. The row expands when the expand icon is clicked, you can check the example HERE. But, what I am trying to make is, the entire row clickable and toggle expand and collapse the row just like it works…
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Simulate select with element-ui and vue-test-utils

I'm doing unit tests with Jest and Element-ui in Vue on a component which contains a select with 2 options. I am selecting an option from a dropdown and then checking that an action has been called. 1) With normal select and option HTML tags this…
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1 answer

Element-UI validation on dynamic items generated by v-for

I want to validate fields in a table using element-ui and asyc-validator but not getting any clue how can I do that! Did't find any proper documentation and discussion thread so posting my question here. vue template:
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5 answers

How to Set minimum and maximum date dynamically in Element-ui date picker

I am having 2 date pickers for startDate and endDate. In startDate Picker,I want to disabled all dates before endDate and vise versa. how to disable dates using elemnt-ui. >
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2 answers

Modal Dialog is obscured by opaque background

I am using Element's Notification component but when it is activated the dialog appears but seems to be "behind" the grey background that is also introduced. Clicking anywhere removes the grey background and allows the interaction with the dialog…
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1 answer

Element ui el-select options word wrap

I am using element ui's el-select tag. And my options inner text is too large. I want to wrap it. Here is a js fiddle. And here an existing example. But I dont want to ellipsis the overflowing words. I want to wrap overflowing words to second line.…
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0 answers

How to bring the relationships of a certain model to display them in a table with Inertia::render?

I'm trying to get the relationships for a model from the controller so be able to display the relationship not as a id but as that id's name or type or whatever it might be. In this case I'm trying to get information relating to a question, what…
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Background colors to rows of a element-ui table with pagination in vueJS 2 but failing to render

I have to add red background Colour for false, and green background for true based on the result column in a table, I am using elementUI + paginations of data-tables + vuejs. I am try to add in the column declarations by using style binding on…
2 answers

Element UI customize sass variables

I have a project with Vue.js and element-ui. I want to customize element-ui SASS variables to update the theme and I also want to use these variables in my Vue component style. I managed to do that in creating my own SASS file that import the one in…
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How to trigger blur event of "select" using element-ui and vuejs after selecting an option?

I am using element-ui and vuejs. I have a select element that looks like this
Mahesh Singh
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2 answers

Vue.js + Element UI: Get "" at change

I can't get the html field that fires the event in its event handler (in javascript is the I've a form with: an input element attached to a function on change event a function that manages the change event My code is like the…
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