Questions tagged [videoquality]

25 questions
3 answers

How to change Video PlayBack Quality with AVPlayer?

How can I change Video Quality like YouTube? Currently, I am playing with original quality and I am giving options like 360p, 480p, 720p for changing quality. How can I change it?
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Why videos selected via UIImagePickerController high and medium settings can result in same quality attributes on the results?

Why are are videos selected with UIImagePickerController high and medium video quality settings resulting in exactly the same video attributes, at least on devices like the iPhone4 and iPad3? Details: We are using UIImagePickerController to let our…
Chris Markle
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How to quantify and compare video quality

I have a set of uncompressed videos in YUV format. I have obtained several derived copies in various formats and resolutions from these yuv files using FFmpeg transcoding. (YUVs ----> X Derived Copies) What I have also done is, transcode the yuv's…
Atish Kathpal
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4 answers

ipad UIImagePickerController videoQuality

I am trying to set the video quality for the UIImagePickerController but I see something really werid now. The effect on the video quality only happen after I reset my application. I try to change the video quality based on some user setting, by…
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Android Exoplayer - Different URLs for different video quality and change manually

I am using exoplayer in my application. I am using it to play video from a url. What i am trying to do is that i have three different urls for high,medium and low quality of same the video, and i would like to let the user to be able to change the…
Akhil Soman
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How can i change AVPlayer Video Quality while playing

I used this library for playing video from URL, and I am able to play video. Now I want to change the currently playing video quality like (low, medium, high). Library uses AVPlayer and how can i change quality with AVPlayer? I listen about…
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Analyzing Video quality using Wireshark

I have an HTTP live stream with a bitrate of 6Mbps in a network and I am streaming the media from the origin server and getting the output at the Mac client after it passes through the real network having the different switches, routers, DSLAM and…
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getting YouTube quality events using WebView

I'm trying to get events regarding YouTube video quality changes and rate adaptation and I have realized that there is no way to do that by YouTube Android API and switched to WebView and iFrame. At least there are functions of getting quality and…
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PSNR on live stream

I need to measure quality of a live stream, and I was thinking of measuring PSNR. So I was wondering how can I run this test since it is a live stream, I do not have a refence stream or video. Should I look for a reference video of the same…
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AVPlayer - Auto quality change - Multiple URLs

I have multiple URL for different video quality (240p, 360p, 720p, 1080p) and i'm using AVPlayer to stream. What i wanna achieve is Selecting initial URL to start video depending on internet connection speed (I don't have concern with wifi, 2G or…
Shahbaz Saleem
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AVAssetWriterInput Settings Quality vs. Filesize

Here's a rather specific question that's left me stumped. I'm writing a video recording software that captures video data from a webcam to an MP4. My software is going to replace a script that's already in place that triggers QuickTime Player to do…
2 answers

Right way to use vmaf with ffmpeg

I am trying to calculate the VMAF score of a processed video wrt the original file. Command I have used: ffmpeg -y -loglevel info -stats -i original.mp4 -i processed.mp4 -lavfi…
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Maintain HTML video quality

So i have written this code and I need help in maintaining the quality of the video when I make it take up the entire screen. The video I add is a link from a site (originally i wanted to add a video from my local storage but wasn't showing so I…
0 answers

What video glitch effect is this?

I am working on some video glitches, and I met some color/render related issue as below, you can see the color are incorrect , and same RGB value tend to gather to form a blob , any idea what term was used to refer this kind of glitch? and how to…
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Youtube video default video quality change independent of computer log in

Is there anyway to change the Youtube videos' quality setting independent of in which computer you login with your google account? So basically regardless of where ( with any computer, laptop, mobile,etc) I am logging in into my account, I want all…
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