Questions tagged [versioning]

Software versioning is the process of assigning either unique version names or unique version numbers to unique states of computer software. Within a given version number category (major, minor), these numbers are generally assigned in increasing order and correspond to new developments in the software.

Software versioning is the process of assigning either unique version names or unique version numbers to unique states of computer software. Within a given version number category (major, minor), these numbers are generally assigned in increasing order and correspond to new developments in the software.

The following are some popular versioning software used:

  1. Git
  2. Subversion (SVN)
  3. Microsoft TFS
2896 questions
5 answers

Best practices/guidance for maintaining assembly version numbers

I'm looking for pointers, suggestions, and even dictation on how to manage the three different assembly version numbers for a .NET assembly. The Product version is the simplest, as this seems would normally be dictated by business. Then, the file…
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4 answers

How do I switch to another subversion branch in Intellij?

What is the concept of switching branches in IntelliJ? I must be either blind or an idiot... I would assume there'd be a "switch to copy" option or something like that, but there is none... EDIT for clarification: my prev IDE had a simple "switch to…
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7 answers

API Versioning for Rails Routes

I'm trying to version my API like Stripe has. Below is given the latest API version is 2. /api/users returns a 301 to /api/v2/users /api/v1/users returns a 200 of users index at version 1 /api/v3/users returns a 301 to /api/v2/users /api/asdf/users…
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3 answers

Skip composer PHP requirement

We are using PHPCI and composer. The server which runs PHPCI is on PHP 5.3. For a project we added the Facebook PHP SDK, using composer. It requires PHP 5.4. Composer gets triggered by PHPCI and get executed. But because the CI server just got PHP…
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9 answers

Build and Version Numbering for Java Projects (ant, cvs, hudson)

What are current best-practices for systematic build numbering and version number management in Java projects? Specifically: How to manage build numbers systematically in a distributed development environment How to maintain version numbers in…
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5 answers

Compare version numbers without using split function

How do I compare version numbers? For instance: x = y =
Sankar M
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17 answers

How do you version your database schema?

How do you prepare your SQL deltas? do you manually save each schema-changing SQL to a delta folder, or do you have some kind of an automated diffing process? I am interested in conventions for versioning database schema along with the source code.…
Eran Galperin
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16 answers

Database Design for Revisions?

We have a requirement in project to store all the revisions(Change History) for the entities in the database. Currently we have 2 designed proposals for this: e.g. for "Employee" Entity Design 1: -- Holds Employee Entity "Employees (EmployeeId,…
Ramesh Soni
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9 answers

How to manage REST API versioning with spring?

I've been searching how to manage a REST API versions using Spring 3.2.x, but I haven't find anything that is easy to maintain. I'll explain first the problem I have, and then a solution... but I do wonder if I'm re-inventing the wheel here. I want…
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15 answers

How do I set the version information for an existing .exe, .dll?

As part of our build process I need to set the version information for all of our compiled binaries. Some of the binaries already have version information (added at compile time) and some do not. I want to be able to apply the following…
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4 answers

How do you manage the underlying codebase for a versioned API?

I've been reading up on versioning strategies for ReST APIs, and something none of them appear to address is how you manage the underlying codebase. Let's say we're making a bunch of breaking changes to an API - for example, changing our Customer…
Dylan Beattie
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12 answers

How can I auto increment the C# assembly version via our CI platform (Hudson)?

Myself and my group are horrendous at incrementing assembly version numbers and we frequently ship assemblies with versions. Obviously, this causes a lot of headaches. We're getting a lot better with our practices via our CI platform and…
Allen Rice
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11 answers

How to version REST URIs

What is the best way to version REST URIs? Currently we have a version # in the URI itself, ie. for version 4 of this representation. Does the version belong in the queryString? …
Mike Pone
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8 answers

Automatically update version number

I would like the version property of my application to be incremented for each build but I'm not sure on how to enable this functionality in Visual Studio (2005/2008). I have tried to specify the AssemblyVersion as 1.0.* but it doesn't get me…
Robert Höglund
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4 answers

ASP.NET MVC security patch to version breaks build

After installing the ASP.NET MVC 3 security update KB2990942 it appears the MVC version increased from to This causes Visual Studio to no longer find the reference.
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