Questions tagged [vaadin8]

Vaadin8 is the 8th version of Vaadin, an open source Web application framework for rich Internet applications.

Vaadin8 is the 8th version of Vaadin, an open source Web application framework for rich Internet applications.

580 questions
2 answers

How to add grid filters in Vaadin 8?

Vaadin 8 just came out. the adding of filters in Grid was never in their documentation, i only found one working solution here in stackoverflow. HeaderCell cell = filterRow.getCell(pid); // Have an input field to use for…
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1 answer

How to color a grid row conditionally in Vaadin 8?

I want to change the color of a Vaadin grid row based on a value of a cell. I tried it as follows and did not work. SCSS @import "mytheme.scss"; @import "addons.scss"; // This file prefixes all rules with the theme name to avoid causing conflicts…
Hiran Perera
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5 answers

Vaadin 10 for new project

I'm Java developer and I'm going to start the new project. I have the very limited client-side development skills and this is why I really love the idea of Vaadin framework. I have evaluated Vaadin 10 Bakery App Starter application…
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3 answers

How to add Validators in Vaadin 8?

In Vaadin 7 there was an addValidator function, but in Vaadin 8 it does not exist. Vaadin 7 Example: TextField user = new TextField("User:"); user.setRequired(true); user.setInputPrompt("Your username"); user.addValidator(new…
Diego D
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1 answer

Unable to unwrap data, invalid status CLOSED

Spring-Boot, Vaadin 8 application with vaadin push @Push(transport = Transport.WEBSOCKET_XHR) No problem if the application gets user operation without any pause. Few seconds without any user request/operation get following error on the console.…
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2 answers

Vaadin 8 Grid scrollbars behave erratically when CSS is used for column widths

I have a Grid in my Vaadin 8 application and sometimes the Grid's scrollbars appear when they aren't needed or disappear when they shouldn't. They can even get stuck in a loop. My Grid has five columns, and I only use built-in Renderers that come…
Anna Koskinen
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2 answers

Vaadin 8 set session timeout

How to set timeout of a session in Vaadin 8? I am not using web.xml, which has been the place to set it in prior versions of the framework.
Stimpson Cat
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3 answers

How to set the size of an Image component in Vaadin and keep the aspect ratio

I have an Image component which I'd like to define the size of 500px by 500px. The problem I have is that my image isn't a square but I'd like to keep the aspect ratio when pushing in the StreamResource to my Image component. How can I do this other…
Stephane Grenier
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2 answers

Converting CallbackDataProvider offset and limit to Pageable page and size

I have an existing REST service that accepts PAGE and SIZE parameters /fetchrecords?page=0&size=10 which in turn, creates a Spring Pageable to be used with Spring Repository. Pageable pageRequest = new PageRequest(page, size, Sort.Direction.DESC,…
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3 answers

Does Vaadin 8 `Binder::bindInstanceFields` only work with String data types?

Using the Vaadin 8 @PropertyId annotation with the Binder::bindInstanceFields is certainly shorter and sweeter than writing a line of code for each field-property binding. Person person; // `name` is String, `yearOfBirth` is Integer. … @PropertyId…
Basil Bourque
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1 answer

Cypress and Vaadin app will fire a error popup that prevent test to works

I need to test a Vaadin app, and sometimes, a popup is displayed about a communication problem. This seems to be a Cypress error report, be it is displayed with the Vaadin template, so it is a bit confusing to find witch part is creating the popup…
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2 answers

Vaadin 8 : reload grid with data from server every 1min

I am trying to have a auto refresh feature for the grid which basically, updates the grid with latest data from the server every 'n' seconds. I was able to implement the PollListner whenever the user enables Auto-Refresh. UI ui=…
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1 answer

Vaadin using SpringSecurity authentication

Currently learning Vaadin8+SpringBoot for Vaadin made me wanna forget about HTML for a while. Anyways, all is good for some CRUD operations until I mixed in SpringSecurity in the project. Well, I've been searching for days now and no solution could…
David B
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2 answers

How to add a generated column to Vaadin 8 Grid?

Looks like GeneratedPropertyContainer does not exist in Vaadin 8. How can we add a generated column to Vaadin 8 Grid? I appreciate if you can provide an example.
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2 answers

Reloading Vaadin UIs without restarting the application

I am developing a Vaadin 8 UI. At the moment, each time I modify the UI, I have to restart my application. Is there a better way? I have tried attaching the Java debugger and using IntelliJ's Reload Changed Classes feature, but the hotswap fails. I…
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