Questions tagged [vaadin10]

Vaadin is a web development platform that consists of components, a Java framework, and tooling. Vaadin 10 is the first release that is not based on GWT anymore but supports webcomponents.

Vaadin 10 (aka Vaadin Flow) is an open source web application framework for rich internet applications.

143 questions
5 answers

Vaadin 10 for new project

I'm Java developer and I'm going to start the new project. I have the very limited client-side development skills and this is why I really love the idea of Vaadin framework. I have evaluated Vaadin 10 Bakery App Starter application…
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1 answer

How to secure Vaadin flow application with Spring Security

I'm trying to integrate vaadin 10 with spring security (using the spring project base provided by vaadin), and I'm confused on how they interact exactly. If I go to a protected url (in this example, "/about") typing it directly in the browser, the…
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2 answers

Replacement for `AbsoluteLayout` from Vaadin 8 Framework in Vaadin 10 Flow?

The AbsoluteLayout in Vaadin 8 (Framework) enables pixel-position-oriented placement of widgets within a layout. While not my first layout of choice, the AbsoluteLayout is suited to porting code from other UI-building platforms that use…
Basil Bourque
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2 answers

Understanding Vaadin Flow / Vaadin 10

preamble: I'm an advanced Vaadin developer (I've used 6, 7, and now all my project are migrated to Vaadin 8). I'm starting to study Vaadin 10 / Flow, but I find myself in some hot waters. What I'm actually struggling with is the "project" itself.…
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3 answers

Running jmeter to load test vaadin 13 application being return session expired meta

I am trying to run jmeter to load test vaadin13 application following the article here How to perform an Load Test/Performance Test with Vaadin 10 (is it possible with Jmeter?) which is absolutely very helpful. However, i encounter being return…
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1 answer

How to use a css grid in Vaadin Flow as replacement for Framework 8's GridLayout?

I'm trying to migrate an existing Vaadin 8 application to Vaadin 12 and need to know how to recreate the functionality of Vaadin 8's GridLayout in Vaadin 12. According to Vaadin Docs a GridLayout can be replaced in Vaadin 12 by: "Use Div together…
Frank Kaiser
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4 answers

How to disable clear button in ComboBox in vaadin flow?

I need a ComboBox without this clear button. It confuses the users. I believe in Vaadin 8 it could be removed with setEmptySelectionAllowed(true);. How can it be removed in vaadin 10? setAllowCustomValue(false) does not help. Java 8 Vaadin…
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1 answer

Vaadin 14: Mark error message at TextField as warning

with Vaadin 14.1.23 TextFields I would like to differentiate visually between red error messages (e.g. "This value is too big.") and yellow warnings (e.g. "System will round your input to two decimals."). And optionally maybe blue info…
S. Doe
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2 answers

How to perform an Load Test/Performance Test with Vaadin 10 with JMeter

I work on a Vaadin 10 project and we want to perform a load test on our website. Before we used Vaadin 10, we could do that with Jmeter but with Vaadin 10 it seems that JMeter doesn't work. We tried using JMeter 5.1.1 and recorded the test case. The…
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4 answers

Vaadin 10+: How do I handle uncaught exceptions?

In Vaadin 8: UI.getCurrent().setErrorHandler(e -> handleError(e)); setErrorHandler does not exist in Vaadin 11, and I cannot find a corresponding method or documentation.
Reto Höhener
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1 answer

Vaadin 10/11 and embedded Jetty

I developed middle-size application on Vaadin 8.5.1. Jetty embedded 9.4.8 was used as Servlet container for Vaadin servlet. In Java code i initialize Jetty instance, create Vaadin servlet and attach it to Jetty. In Maven i use 'vaadin-maven-plugin'…
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1 answer

How to manage sessions in Vaadin 10?

I have a web page in Vaadin 10 that process files. How do I make different user have different sessions? When I try to open my page in different browsers to process files I get: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot access state in VaadinSession…
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2 answers

Enter press event for vaadin 10 TextField

Is there any specific way to add shortcut Listener for the Enter Key on a specific TextField element in Vaadin Flow. The documentation is silent about this.
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1 answer

Vaadin layout using CSS flex-box?

Is there a Layout in Vaadin 8 (Vaadin Framework) or Vaadin 10 (Vaadin Flow) that uses the newer CSS flex-box (a.k.a. flexbox) feature? This excellent tutorial makes it look like flex-box could be used to implement Vaadin’s GridLayout,…
Basil Bourque
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1 answer

Vaadin: Daisy chain of filters?

I have this particular problem now - I have a grid that I am trying to have the data filtered through multiple filters. For that, I am using textboxes that serve as input fields for my filtering criterion. My grid has three columns (First Name, Last…
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