Questions tagged [utplsql]

Use this tag for questions relating to writing PL/SQL unit tests using the utPLSQL framework.

utPLSQL is a PL/SQL implementation of the venerable JUnit unit testing framework. It was originally written by Steven Feuerstein. The current version 3 is actively developed and maintained by a team of passionate developers. Find it here

18 questions
2 answers

Installing utPLSQL in Oracle Cloud

I am developing an APEX application on Oracle Cloud. Since I'm creating some functions and procedures I want to use utPLSQL to test these functions or procedures. If I follow the instructions of the installation for utPLSQL it says u need to…
Indy Maat
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How to refer tests to source/test files in utPLSQL?

I could use a little hand with utPLSQL. I am trying to produce the test results so that Sonar would pick it up and scan them. so far, Sonar is picking up the report file, but the test executions are ignored because they are not referencing to the…
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dot notation in utplsql advanced data comparison

I've come across the below code snippet in utPLSQL website. procedure test_cur_skip_columns_eq is l_expected sys_refcursor; l_actual sys_refcursor; begin open l_expected for select 'text' ignore_me, d.* from user_tables d; open l_actual …
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utPLSQL - Passing argument(l_message) into a procedure. Not passing the value.

I have a procedure which insert values into a table. CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE proc_test_status_table( p_test_description IN VARCHAR2, p_test_status IN varchar2) AS l_sql…
Success Shrestha
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1 answer

utplsql checking column value comparision

I am new to UTPLSQL and i installed 3.04 version i checking column value ut.expect( o_ename ).to_equal('Ford'); o_ename will contain Ford. but when i executed test case test is failing saying that testename Actual: 'FORD' (varchar2) was…
2 answers

Is there a equivalent utassert.eqtable (Available in utplsql version 2.X) in utplsql version 3.3?

After going through the documentations of Utplsql 3.0.2 , I couldn't find any references the assertion api as available in the older versions. Please let me know whether is there a equivalent assertion like utassert.eqtable available in newer …
1 answer

Installation process of utPLSQL

I am trying to setup utPLSQL for writing a unit test for PLSQL project. I am running into error while installing. I am not getting how to install it. Could anyone give a step by step procedure to install utPLSQL ? Thanks
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How to cleanup the utplsql testpackages?

I wrote a few utPL/SQL Test on a PL/SQL Package, put them into a maven project and let them execute by jenkins. I wonder if there is a way to get rid of the test packages created in the database? It feels a bit weird that the test artefacts stay in…
Matthias Baumgart
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How to include utplsql report in sonar for code coverage

I am using UTPLSQL to generate code sonar coverage report xml. But after adding the report to sonar, it is not considering the coverage. This is the below script added but it is not getting picked. sonar.coverageReportPaths = sonar_coverage.xml It…
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1 answer

Attempting to install utPLSQL 3.1.10

I have downloaded from github, unzipped the archive, opened the user guide bundled with the zip, and have started following along with the manual installation process. I'm using Oracle 18c XE, SQL Developer 20.2, and utPLSQL 3.1.10. I'm…
1 answer

What is the right PL/SQL for updating rows without a need to reinsert it?

I new at using PL/SQL and I want the following: I have this table on Oracle SQLcl create table Child ( id varchar not null, name varchar not null, gender varchar not null, YearOfBirth number(4) not null, YearsOfAge number(4) null, CONSTRAINT Pk…
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Oracle apex application to show utplsql test results

How can we create a report for showing the test result output of utplsql testing. The output of utplsql appears on screen when we run'package_name'). How can we store it somewhere and display it in report format in apex application .
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Ut PL SQL to test stored procedure

I'm new to UT PLSQL. We have a existing application which contains of lots of stored procedures. Most of the procedures at the end insert or update values to tables. Is there any way in utplsql to test these table values?? I can see lot of examples…
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Why utplsql-cli command throws error with Hikari pool only after sqlplus commands?

when executing utplsql-cli command I've successfully connected to the db and all tests were executed. Unfortunately, when executing any sqlplus commands before, then utplsql-cli throws error: Successfully connected to database. UtPLSQL core:…
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1 answer

How to execute utplsql for collection data type

I want support to handle collection datatype in ut_expect in utplsql. I want to do the testing of below package using utplsql. I want to check the date array. create or replace PACKAGE pkg_BA_GetAccrualHist AS TYPE arr_start_date IS TABLE OF…