Questions tagged [utplsql]

Use this tag for questions relating to writing PL/SQL unit tests using the utPLSQL framework.

utPLSQL is a PL/SQL implementation of the venerable JUnit unit testing framework. It was originally written by Steven Feuerstein. The current version 3 is actively developed and maintained by a team of passionate developers. Find it here

18 questions
1 answer

utPLSQL: Test using an existing table

There's a table named summary_table which compares two tables and checks if those two table's columns, constraints and data are same or not. One of the table being checked(table1) is the first version and another(table2) is the second. The summary…
Success Shrestha
  • 338
  • 3
  • 15
3 answers

utPLSQL: How can i compare two tables?

Lets say i have table 1 and table 2. Table 2 is the updated version of table one. It can have same or updated structure, columns and data. I want to compare those two tables.
Success Shrestha
  • 338
  • 3
  • 15
2 answers

utPLSQL - Add individual test results into a table

How can I add an individual test result into a table. I want it in this format: test_desc | status -------------------------------- this is test 1 | Pass -------------------------------- this is test 2 | Fail
Success Shrestha
  • 338
  • 3
  • 15